Why are there girls here willing to date psychopathic, deranged, depressive men...

Why are there girls here willing to date psychopathic, deranged, depressive men, but there are no girls in the world willing to go on a date with me even though I dont have these negative qualities?

For instance there are at least two threads up on this board right now, one with a girl complaining about her insane husband with anger management issues who has been abusing her because he was angry over a video game. And the other thread is a girl who wants to break up with her bipolar boyfriend but can't bring herself to do it.

How is it that these men are able to get partners? If they can get a gf why can't I? I'm nowhere near as mentally ill as those men must be

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Do you even approach girls user?

I talk to girls yeah but i never express romantic interest, i just befriend them or talk platonically at a party etc

I find it impossible. I mean i lose all willpower when i see a girl interact with another guy for instance. If im at a party and i like a girl i've met there, and then i see her speaking to another guy, I just give up. There's no way i could possibly compete

>but never express romantic interest

And there we have it you fucking cuck.

It's not really about how good a person you are, it's more about how attractive/charismatic/emotionally exciting. If it were about having a moral personality then serial killers wouldn't get showered with love letters.

You shouldn't take this in a "reeee roasties" kind of way, there are plenty of men who go for crazy unstable women because they're hot as well.

Just because you're not crazy, doesn't mean You're automatically attractive.

Your first mistake is thinking that you're entitled to date girls.

Do you work on your appearance?
Do you work on your personality?
Do you work on bring a better person?

Also Having a mental illness isnt a negative quality, its an illness.

Women look for Confidence and security, and in some cases, financial status.

You just need to happy with who you are, and not let women change who you are, to be around them.

Let them inspire you, motivate you, brighten your day, work together with the future.

BUT, be an independant entity so you can be someone they can appreciate.

Do that, take action, and your problems will be solve.

Oh, and don't complain. You'll never progress if you make excuses for yourself.

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>Do you work on your appearance?
Yep. I'm fashionable, groom myself, am in shape.

>Do you work on your personality?
As best as I can.

>Do you work on bring a better person?
I'm always trying to improve myself

>Also Having a mental illness isnt a negative quality, its an illness.
Of course. But there are men out here who have illnesses that are objectively negative and abrasive towards their partners. I'm just a pussy with romantic anxiety and mild depression. I don't know what i'm doing wrong in life to make me a kissless dateless handholdless virgin.

>I'm just a pussy With romantic anxiety and mild depression.

This feels like bait. But fuck it, just in case any real anons need this shit.

This right there is your problem, that you are a pussy with romantic anxiety. Depression plays a factor too. But the fact that you're catogrizing yourself as such implies that while you describe yourself as handsome and attractive, you don't have any backbone to do anything beyond your comfort zone. Have you tried going to talk to girls with romantic intent? In the thread you said no, so I'm assuming you've never tried asking a girl you like on a date, and that you've never tried asking random girls at bars or clubs for a drink having the motive be for sex or a date.

My point is, "you wont ever hit anything if you don't swing the bat"

If you have done something like this before, and have gotten rejected, tell us how it went, maybe you were being too self centered, or maybe you were being too autistic.

Depression is also a negative quality, you talk about how mental illness can be objectivley negative towards partners, depression is the same, you have little energy because of it and girls can see that. Some girls will find it cute but these are the type of girls you say you don't understand.

Honestly the thing that most people don't get is that you don't automatically get love for doing nothing, even chads at their first time would've had to taken that first step, and since they did it early on, they started only working on their attraction level and nothing else, which is why its second nature to them, but why most of them are assholes or not smart.

Again from what I'm reading, it sounds like a bait troll thread. So fuck you.

Who cares

Shoutout to my MGTOW boys out there.

It's not a bait troll thread. I'm just generally that pathetic that my romantic life is bad enough, it seems like bait. And now im an Jow Forums meme too, woe is me

I've never asked a girl on a date in my adult life. I deliberately go out of my way to show as little interest in girls as possible. If i like a girl, i don't even smile at her, and i keep interactions with her as terse and brief as possible. This is to protect my ego and shield myself from the excruciating pain of potentially getting rejected or viewed as pathetic by a girl


>never asked a girl on a date
>show as little interest as possible
>keep interactions brief

And you’re seriously wondering why you have no dates? If you understand that these men are awful then you should get the point that if they can get a girlfriend and keep one then it’s certainly doable by you if you’re really the type of nice and pleasant guy you say you are.

However you’re not ready to start dating imo because you ALSO have issues that you haven’t dealt with:

>to protect my ego
>shield myself from the excruciating pain of getting rejected or viewed as pathetic by a girl

Are you holding girls on some kind of pedestal here? You need to learn to develop your sense of self esteem better, not be so afraid of rejection or bruising you ego. Rejection is something everyone experiences and avoiding it increases your anxiety around it. Your self worth should not be coming from how a girl responds to your propositions.

>If you understand that these men are awful then you should get the point that if they can get a girlfriend and keep one then it’s certainly doable by you

No, instead i think "if all these bad guys can get GFs and i cant, then i must be even worse than them. i must be truly awful in some way i havent noticed yet"

>Your self worth should not be coming from how a girl responds to your propositions.

It's not really to do with my self worth. It's to do with the fact that being a KDHV who has never asked out a girl, i live in a sense of mystery. There's a chance that maybe i'm fine and that girls really would be willing to date me if i asked. But if i get rejected, that all comes tumbling down. Getting rejected will confirm my worst fears that maybe i'm really awful and have no chance at getting a date with a woman

I dont even expect to have a gf any time soon. I just would like the chance to have some dates with girls. I cant even get a first date, i must be really really bad...

Its bait user, his post proved it.

anons, don’t bother with this guy. he’s constantly making threads about this problem but refuses to take any advice or seek therapy. he’s a lost cause.

How can it be bait? I'm just really pathetic and a pussy with women

>Why are there girls here willing to date psychopathic, deranged, depressive men, but there are no girls in the world willing to go on a date with me even though I dont have these negative qualities?
They are attractive (which is basically genetics and not only looks) and you're not attractive.


>No, instead i think "if all these bad guys can get GFs and i cant, then i must be even worse than them. i must be truly awful in some way i havent noticed yet"

This obviously can’t be true when you can’t even get a date, it’s not like women are going on a few dates and picking something up that’s wrong with your personality. You’re not failing the exam you’re avoiding taking it and failing because of that.

>It's not really to do with my self worth.

>But if i get rejected, that all comes tumbling down. Getting rejected will confirm my worst fears that maybe i'm really awful and have no chance at getting a date with a woman

This is literally you evaluating yourself through other women, which is absolutely a self esteem issue. You’re viewing asking someone out on a date as a litmus test of yourself when it’s really telling you about the other person’s interests. You literally said that if a woman turns down your offer of a date that must mean you’re an awful person. That’s entirely about you putting your own worth in the hands of others.

>I cant even get a first date, i must be really really bad...

Again you have to address and work on these issues before you even try romance OP. Girls aren’t a replacement for a therapist.

>If im at a party and i like a girl i've met there, and then i see her speaking to another guy, I just give up. There's no way i could possibly compete
Jesus Christ you're pathetic. This alone should explain why women don't like you, you're spineless. If the mere thought of a woman talking to another male but you makes you give up, what woman would want to be in a relationship with you?

Work on your mental issues first

Because you have no positive qualities. These people are still a net gain or a net neutral while you are a net loss

You where dangerously close to describe your self as a nice guy there op

Dude, what the fuck am i supposed to do? Im a kissless dateless handholdless virgin at 22. How am I supposed to have confidence with women? Literally how???

Girls want emotional excitement. They may not admit that they do, but that's what turns them on and makes them attracted to a guy. When a guy grabs their hips one moment and then yells in their face the next it turns them on, even if they feel like the guy is being a dick. But when a guy talks to them and stutters out how pretty he thinks she is, it does absolutely nothing in this day and age. She gets all the safe attention she wants from social media. Only way you can get ahead is by making her feel emotions, both negative and positive.

They are fun and exciting and fuck like a jack hammar.

What do you have to offer? Dinner at the sizzler and some bitching about how good guys finish last?

Get the fuck iut of here and be actually interesting and women will take notice. You boring as fuck niggs.

Dude. Go read the thread I was talking about.

There's a thread a few pages down where this girl is literally telling a story about her insane husband, where he plays Overwatch until the early hours of the morning and screams like an autist, throwing his keyboard and mouse around and breaking shit, and abusing her in the process.

You're telling me that that is what's exciting for women? Emotionally unstable nerds with anger management issues whose only hobby is shitty video games? I give up if that's the case.

Perhaps you’re right about that.

But I am right about this: he has her as his fucktoy/housemaid because he asked her out.

Life is short and you have nothing to lose. Start asking girls out. Look at them in thr eyes, say you think they are beautiful and tell them yhat you want to get to know them.

This isn't a problem with women by itself, but dating as a whole. People tend to thrive on drama and that's what people with negative qualities bring with them. For some, dysfunction is more exciting than a healthy, stable relationship. No one wants to be in a boring relationship, but hooking up with someone that you know is batshit insane ahead of time is not the way to do it.

An issue like that is something that doesn't appear overnight. I'm not victim shaming in the slightest, and when you wear rose tinted glasses then red flags just look like flags, but something like that isn't hidden in plain sight.

>Emotionally unstable nerds with anger management issues
You’re a complete idiot if you think she fell in love with him because of that. She may not have even known about that side of him.

This. The person often starts out really charming and nice. Because the partner was wooed by them they fall in love and the red flags seem like just normal relationship issues but it slowly (I mean over months) escalates.

The victim in the situation sees the partner as troubled and as your partner they’re supposed to help you right? So they stay and try to help the person work through things. The abuser might not even realize their behavior is so abusive.

Treat them like people, you fuckwit. Stop looking at every woman as someone you could date or marry and treat them as just a person with their own lives and dreams and the mystique will clear up, and when you do that, eventually you'll find a woman you care about because she's important to you just for who she is and how she enriches your life.

Forgot to add, I'm in the same boat as you, but I'm almost 26. Only difference is I've never had an interest in dating, but I've just found someone who could be the love of my life and she likes me back. It all came down to confidence, chemistry, and kindness

If you are supposed to treat them like normal people instead of someone you might want to date, how do you ask them out

First of all that first one is not real. Second of all mental illnesses are hot to some women.

I've spent my whole life "treating women as normal people". I treat them too normally in fact. I never flirt with them, never express interest, never do anything that would indicate I'm sexually attracted to them. It hasn't worked for me, clearly.

I want to know the answer to this

Girls just absolutely despise guys who are nice and have their life in order. In their eyes, you're "boring" for being responsible, so they are always after drama and emotions which is what women-beaters, junkies, and criminals provide. Women are quite primitive creatures.

You can still ask them out, what I'm saying is, asking them out shouldn't be your first or top priority. Your priority should be finding out if the person they are is someone you want in your life There's a difference between:
>This girl is attractive; I should ask her out
>This girl is important to me and I have romantic feelings for her; I should ask her out.

>a thread
One person doesn't prove or disprove a rule, you drooling nincompoop. Do you honestly think he acted like that before they got married?

Fucking retard.