
Attached: do-women-like-fat-men-700x340.jpg (700x340, 54K)

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Women prefer fat men because they're less self conscious. I don't think people realize how much not giving a fuck is required to become that fat. Women are attracted to that sort of confidence.

cope harder fatty

>Women prefer fat men because they're less self conscious
LOL, hahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahhahahhah

No, they don't you virgin, women prefer guys that are fit.

>all this tryhard skelly cope

Yeah no this is wrong. Women like disciplined guys and hot guys, both of which involve not being fat.

fatty fatty 2 by 4, can you fit threw McDonalds door?

>tfw smart, handsome, and jacked

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hahahah based

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These are the same people who tell you only personality matters and anything is possible as long as you're happy and believe in yourself

Jow Forumsfags are the most insecure people in the world. They go to the gym and eat healthy because their life is shit and they think doing those things will make people want to hang out with them. Meanwhile fatties do whatever they want like true alphas. They have no inhibitions socially just like they have no inhibitions about what they eat. All the fatasses I've met have been complete chads while the ripped dudes are always insecure. They're the ones who look at their reflection in car windows and fix their hair every 10 seconds and make pussies dry up instantly.

Success with Women

[(A x P)C+M] x W

A= Initial Appearance P= Personality
C= Challenge
M= Mystery
W= Women
hahaha ok this is bait, but still, I will bite for fun

I am going to the gym and I can tell you that I don't work for someone else to see me better, I want to be the best version of my self, and guess what?

Fat people are the worst version of them self, they usually also have shit personality, is truly over in 21 century if you are fat and stupid.

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>[(A x P)C+M] x W
Retarded tripfag being a retarded tripfag as usual I see. Good job on picking up on the site culture though, now you sound like a tryhard redditor instead of a tumblrite.

If you want to know what women are attracted to, look at the celebrities they lust after.


I didn't know this thread turned into a fatty cope thread. cope harder mate lmao. my sides

Actually my BMI is 21.5, so it's not a cope, I'm just smart enough to see things you don't.

>I'm just smart enough to see things you don't.
300 IQ, I give up you got me, you truly are supreme intelligent human that argues over on Jow Forums

Actually my IQ is only 146, but thanks

But you're here arguing too

>hahaha ok this is bait, but still, I will bite for fun
I am just here for fun :D, you fatties made me laugh really hard
lol my real IQ is 159, so i think you should take my advice to heart

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but I'm having fun too.

>but I'm having fun too.
ok, why are you telling me that? lol

I thought you deserved to know that other people feel joy too. We're all in this together on this board :)

and what made me so worthy of your consideration?
> to know that other people feel joy too
Yeah I am 21 years old I know that
>We're all in this together on this board :)
I have no idea what are you trying to say, there is nothing wrong with me if you are trying to imply that

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Well, i thought you deserved it because, as I said, we're in this board together. I'm just saying we can all be happy sometimes, you know. Together.

What was the original point of this thread.

>Well, I thought you deserved it because, as I said, we're in this board together
I don't care about you or anyone else, I am just here to help, I think you are a little bit too emotional.
>I'm just saying we can all be happy sometimes
You make no sense, are you trying we should argue all the time?
>you know
lol, I don't

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*trying to say we shouldn't argue

user, please, just calm down and listen to me. We're all friends here, remember? All I'm saying is that sometimes we're all happy, not just you.

>user, please, just calm down and listen to me
I am calm as always, I think you are the one that is not calm
>We're all friends here, remember?
No, I don't, please refresh my memory.
>All I'm saying is that sometimes we're all happy, not just you.
Ok, and why should I care about that?

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I am calm user, we're all calm. It's not you against the world. I'm here to help and you're here to help. So please, help yourself to understand. That way you would also help me.

>I am calm user, we're all calm
Are you on drugs, hahaha?
>It's not you against the world
Were did you get that idea?
>I'm here to help and you're here to help
>So please, help yourself to understand. That way you would also help me.
I read books every day I understand more than anyone here, I don't need a random stranger from Jow Forums to tell me to understand that people can be happy, I mean this basic knowledge that a kid learns at the age of 3
>That way you would also help me.
What the hell are you trying to say now!?

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Damn it you fool, calm down. I'm not attacking you, no one is attacking you. Just lower your guard for ones, this isn't a competition. I'm with you.

>this faggot trying to give others advice on what attracts women

>Damn it you fool, calm down
Like I said before you should calm down before you tell anyone else, besides I am listening to hentai, you should try it, it makes you very calm.
>I'm not attacking you, no one is attacking you
Why are you saying stuff that is even obvious to even a women
>Just lower your guard for ones,
Only a fool would do such a thing
>this isn't a competition
maybe not to you but it is to me, I am always right like I am proving right now
>I'm with you.
I don't even know you

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well, was I ever wrong? No, of course.
My posts are a path of wisdom to your eyes

I have a hard time telling how ironic you're being right now, or at least how aware of it you are yourself. You're only proving anything to yourself, currently. But you already know that, just like you probably know that my words, or anyone's for that matter, is wasted upon you.

>I have a hard time telling how ironic you're being right now, or at least how aware of it you are yourself.
Well that's because you lack the proper logic and emotions to come to a confident conclusion.
>You're only proving anything to yourself, currently. But you already know that, just like you probably know that my words, or anyone's for that matter, is wasted upon you.
Calm down, I am here to help you, I am your wisdom that you seek

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Then help me man, don't be an asshole

>Then help me man
I am helping you right now
>on't be an asshole
calm down, your first step should be that

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you're not nice ):

Lesson 2: a momentary pain is preferable to constant suffering. That's way I am never nice, you have to be a MAN, not a pussy and claim we all should be nice
Lesson 3: Don't be afraid of your testosterone, you are MAN so act as one like nature made you

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So a gymfag with a high iq who watches hentai ,knows more then everyone, condescending and hates Fatty's. And has a nametag Who hurt you emo desu edgelord?

>high iq
thank you
>watches hentai
i don't watch i listen to it
>knows more then everyone
yes, why are you so envious of me?
>condescending and hates Fatty's
as anyone should, only stronger than I deserve respect from me
>And has a nametag
You are getting annoyed over a name? Poor soul.
>Who hurt you emo desu edgelord?
The question why are you so hurt that you tried to insult the wisdom teacher that is here to help you,

Because of your envy and ignorance, I will punish you, no lesson for you.

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*The question is why are you so hurt that you tried to insult the wisdom teacher, that is here to help you,

I'm convinced this is true to a degree.
A few of my high school classmates married fatties, and one of my close friends dated a fatty (although I think it was also his height that she was into)

As guys get older, they care less about their physique. As long as he's not a sperg, dresses well, and isn't afraid to shoot his shot, women will look their east

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Fuck off

Friendly reminder to ignore all tripfags and they'll go away

Programming is pretty hard actually ?