My First ever GF Went to a party, got herself shitfaced drunk, and a guy kissed her

this never happened to me before, what should I do, how should I feel,

so she went to a party yesterday, got really really drunk.

and when we went out today, and at the end of the day she told me that her girlfriend told her that a guy went up to her and kissed her while she was drunk, I didn't know how to feel or what to say.

she said that she felt horrible and told me that it meant nothing and that she felt really really bad about it.

so I walked her home and said "I'm going home", (i did kiss her goodbye tho)

she texted me saying "you don't even know how this is fucking up my head, I don't want you to feel bad and I'm so sorry, I'm okay with you hating me for that. but I want you to know that I'm really sorry and if I could I would take it back"

I have never been in this situation, I literally have no idea what to do, I'm crying right now

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natural part of life
At least she didn't get fucked, but you have to learn how to eat pussy, lil bro

This is why you don't let your gf go to parties alone.

"and a guykissed her" you mean she kissed him and allowed it. you my friend just got cuck-holded. next she will be banging BBC's in your bedroom.

This. She’s indirectly trying to play the victim for her bad decisions. Most likely this is going to happen again FYI

Here’s the truth user. Her girlfriend told her she’s made out with a guy drunk. She felt actually bad made a lie saying “he kissed me” classic bimbo move. I can tell how young you guys are it’s not worth it. She’ll keep acting like this for a while

bro i dont know what to do
she feels really fucking Bad for it

Shes trying to make it feel like she had no part of it by saying my friend told her she was kissed. Shes just stretching the truth so you won't dump her.

Move on, nigga
It will be a good lesson on self-control for the slut

How do you know how she feels ? Did she tell you she feels bad ? What women say and what women do (well, people in general I guess) are two completely different things buddy.

Here is the point: What she did was wrong. Now, she either did it on her own will, which means she is a shit person and you deserve better, or she should have been aware that something like that could happen if she drinks too much, and as such she should have restrained herself, but she didn't care enough to do that.

Anything above that line of thought is pure mental masturbation, and you are looking for excuses for her actions, which isn't good for you in the long-run.

Hope that helps OP

She kissed his penis in the bathroom user

Feeling bad and apologizing s one thing. Doing something to make amends is another. If she's not putting in the effort, she's not worth sweating over.

Or.. she's young, was drunk and isn't at the point of being seriously committed.
So age-dependant, I'd guess like most teenagers it was all just a laugh until the next day when she realised you might find out.
And.. her gf told her this? Her gf not jealous and bs'ing you both? Just throwing that in there

Absolutely this. This is common tactic number 2 or 3. I call it "pre-emptive blame-shift" you'll get used to it. Start packing whoever's bags

leave her dont want to get fucked over twice and even with worse ending,had same shit with my ex

I’d leave her. This actually happened to me when I was probably around your age. Had a gf when I was 18 who made out with someone I thought was a friend at the time while she was drunk. Same story you’re getting. I dumped her and told the guy to go fuck himself. You’ll meet someone else if you pick yourself up, focus on self improvement and become someone a (good) girl wouldn’t cheat on. At least that’s what I did. Haven’t been cheated on since and I’m 29 now

Exactly this OP. When we do something wrong but we have to admit it, we tend to distance ourselves as much as possible from the act itself. It's why "her gf told her" and she doesn't remember, and it's why "he kissed me" and not "we kissed".

Dumbass, she ain’t your girlfriend no more.

Do you understand me, nigga?

im going to forgive her

dont listen to the angry autists, let it go but if it happens again dump her

>im going to forgive her

You fucking cuck.

Bad move you have to stand your ground or just grow up and get cucked for the rest of your days

this isn't OP, just someone baiting


im sorry but its me

i dont know my dudes..

she cheated on me .. right?

should i do anything to the guy who Kissed her?

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>she cheated
Yes. Her getting drunk doesn't absolve her from whatever happens next. She shouldn't have gotten drunk
>shoid I do anything to the guy
No. I mean, if he legitimately raped her, yeah, beat the shit out of him. But her kissing a guy just means he got lucky and found an easy slut

No, the guy most likely didn't even know she had a boyfriend, he's completely innocent in all of this.

She shouldn't have been drinking in the first place user, what the fuck.

>a guy kissed her

PROTIP: this means she gave him a blowjob.

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Move on you retard I know how it is, my first love turned out to be a dumb slut as well

what should i do now
your right..
fuck Dude this whole Situation just feels Like a fucking movie

like, i can Imagine it so well,
and also its the Thing that happend as it Turns Out:

she was lying in a Couch because of being so fucking drunk
and was sitting just next to her
He then went for a kiss
and she went with it ...
and everyone there Said "oh Look"
These werent making Out or some Shit but still...

in a few hours we're going to Talk
my plan is to tell her

>"i trusted you" to make her feel bad
>"this is 100% on you, and on you to fix it"
>dont Go drinking without me
and of she disagrees with that, im going to drop her

i need a way to tell her that i could get someone much better than her
but i dont know how to say that,
maybe "you know there are a lot of Girls Out there" but i think thats too directly

can anyone Help

also, im going to Post an Update if this thread is still Alive in .. about 5h


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lol you're gonna get cheated on again and then have double the pain + the regret of not listening. You can't change a slut.

Don't even break up with her. Just ghost her and be done with it.
Never be in a relationship with someone who parties without you. Pretty much asking to get cheated on.

I swear I've seen this thread at least a couple of times already...

Didn’t bother reading entire thread. My exwife pulled shit like this and I chose to forgive her. It just got worse in terrible ways.
Respect yourself and bounce. It hurts, but you’ll be all the better for it.
I am now in a very loving relationship with a loving woman. Going on 2 years now. There is a light at the end of this my man. This girl doesn’t deserve ya.

Good luck. Pick yourself up and go for a jog

>Kissed a dude

Be honest though is your relationship worth salvaging or no?

your either gonna move on from this or end relationship get off the pot and shit dude. If you let this shit linger it will be torture for you, if you don't make a decision you will just stay in torment.


>is it worth salvaging
>first ever gf
>disloyal slut
No, it's not.

Also this, 100%.

>she texted me saying "you don't even know how this is fucking up my head, I don't want you to feel bad and I'm so sorry, I'm okay with you hating me for that. but I want you to know that I'm really sorry and if I could I would take it back"

why should she say sorry if she got kissed? no, she consented, then felt bad, then tries to dress it up as totally not her fault

just ghost her, girls who willingly get shitfaced drunk while in a relationship are dubious at best

thats sad, just means that this is a Thing that happends a lot
thanks for the replies, im just going to Stick to my plan and Report Pack in a few hours (maybe 3)

read this

hold the fuck up

fucking stop, I know you're feeling like shit but fucking stop

>"i trusted you" to make her feel bad
She doesn't give a single SHIT about you, her first line is 'you don't even know how this is fucking up my head,', she opens up straight away with how it's about HER and setting herself up as the victim and trying to make you feel bad about her
>"this is 100% on you, and on you to fix it"

No user

It's on you. The only way to fix it is to ghost her. You cannot give her implied and vague ultimatums like this. She will just resent you and then find some way to mental gymnast her way into thinking you're the one who was at fault. Maybe you didn't give her enough attention or love or x y z

>dont Go drinking without me
If you couldn't trust her now how do you trust her for the rest of your relationship? Women can use their vaginas for power in a relationship (sex, kissing etc) Men use their time and commitment in a relationship. What she has just done is give her vagina away despite taking your time and commitment.

The only fucking thing you need to do right now, if you're not willing to ghost her, is to just move on in your mind, don't give a shit about her, ignore her, only have angry sex with her and use her like a whore because that's what she is, while finding another girl.

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Congratulations OP. You've just discovered that most women are whores. I've fucked a couple of girls who were in a relationship before and have seen it happen countless of times. This is normal, unfortunately.

and you're not going to hurt her.

>"i trusted you" to make her feel bad
This makes you sound like a little bitch who she had wrapped around her finger. She's not gonna feel guilt over this, in fact it shifts power over to her because hey you were some sook her trusted her, let her cheat on you, then like a dumb fuck

>"this is 100% on you, and on you to fix it"
>dont Go drinking without me

still stays to give her even more of your time and commitment despite there being absolutely no guarantee or actual spelt out way for her to amend things

If you want to hurt her, you ignore her completely unless you want to fuck her, and when you fuck her, you don't be passionate about it, you treat her worse than a whore then kick her out or leave when you're done. Take back what you lost of 'commitment' in 'vagina' while using her to find another girl or the anger to work on yourself.

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thanks for the reply, it really means a lot to me, really

Thing is we never had Sex yet and she is a virgen
so plan b is

basically make Up
fuck her
drop her the second she fucks Up Something "big"

god the healthiest option is to just ghost her but

you don't make up with her/you simply tolerate her

you just fuck her when you need a vagina while you are finding a new vagina

you drop her once you find a new vagina or work on yourself/go lift for a few weeks and feel better

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how young are you

I mean do this by all means but it sounds like you two are absolute zoomers, you can just monkey swing, basically treat her with indifference and lack of care while you pursue new girls/work on your own life/lift

remember user, intentionally hurting girls never works out, the only thing that works is ignoring them

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i broke up with my bf after he did this to me. i felt so fucking free and happy after, i just couldn't trust him again

im 18
i really really really would Like to know what she would have done If i Kissed a girl

i'll be going now, we're going to meet in 1h

lol, update us

but more importantly, zoomer, get in contact with your friends. As you get older, you'll realize the best thing to do when you get cheated on or broken up with is to catch up with your guy buddies and drink and have some fun. And when they have the same problems, you do the same for them. There is nothing else in the entire universe which will not heal you better.

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alright bois
we talked

we're good, i guess
i have told her that i have Trusted her etc
and that she fucked Up my Trust
when i asked her what she wants to do about it she said "i dont know"

she said that she now knows her Limits and that it wont Happen again

but one Thing that really bothered me was her saying "it could Happen to anyone"
i think thats really fucked Up
i mean its true
but ... she cant Just say that

thats Like hiding behind useless Points

when i said, "you dont give me the Feeling that your sorry for that"
(i knew she was, she was probably crying the whole night, but in Front of me she was a little devensive)
she said "what do you want me to do cry? hug you?"
when i said "its your responsibility to figure Out what you should do"
she basically doesnt want to do anything that i might reject her for, Like Not giving her a hug.
wich i found to be an interesting Point

i told her that everyone of my friends is telling me that i should Break Up
AND i also Said that i agree with them
sie sarcasticly Said "thats nice to her"

other than that i dont remember much
we talked for almost 2h

Most of the time was silence

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she also Made the Point that i should have come to her
because she just wanted a Guy
i didnt come, she told me to come Pick her Up
and my Friends told me Not to Pick Up a drunken gf
because she could have invited me etc

lol she's blameshifting unto you

>drinking implies consent
Bullshit. You're capable of any manner of stupidity when you're drunk, and you might not even be fully conscious about it. She shouldn't have gotten so drunk, but that doesn't mean she deliberately cheated. I guaran-fucking-tee you wouldn't be saying this if the roles were reversed and OP got wasted enough to kiss another girl.

What's the big deal? This is normal behaviour for girls nowadays. My gf gets groped by other guys every day and she sometimes asks hot guys out herself.

There's really not much you can do but rebuild trust and watch her. Make it clear that the next time she lets herself go like that, she's out on her ass. The first time can be excused since she didn't know what she was capable of while drunk, but not anymore.

>friends told you not to pick up your GF
Your 'friends' are worse than useless and are possibly responsible for this situation. If your GF wants out of any situation, get her the hell out. Hell, even if she wanted to stay, get her out if she's too drunk to even stand.

>she also Made the Point that i should have come to her
blameshifting, all girls make others out to be the bad guy and herself to be the victim
>and my Friends told me Not to Pick Up a drunken gf
your friends are idiotic cucks
>i have told her that i have Trusted her etc and that she fucked Up my Trust
retard, she already knows but now you pretty much told her she has the power in the relationship
>when i asked her what she wants to do about it she said "i dont know"
fucking retard, you don't ever ask her what SHE wants to do about it, you tell her what she's doing else you're fucking off
>but one Thing that really bothered me was her saying "it could Happen to anyone"
>but ... she cant Just say that
she's saying it because she has no respect for you, no fear of you growing a pair of balls and leaving her
>when i said, "you dont give me the Feeling that your sorry for that"
fucking bitch, you don't care if she's sorry or not, you just care that you're taking her vagina until you find a better one, her feelings are worthless
>when i said "its your responsibility to figure Out what you should do"
jfc, no it's YOUR responsibility to ignore, fuck or ghost her, she must understand she can do nothing but do what you want
>AND i also Said that i agree with them
>sie sarcasticly Said "thats nice to her"
more blameshifting, she's making you out to be a bad guy plus that was a bitch attempt by you to make a threat when she knows you got no balls

don't listen to this, people are held responsible for car accidents while drunk, she is responsible for kissing people while drunk, hell she is responsible for getting intoxicated to the point she is making bad decisions, that's why society punishes DUIs even when the driver doesn't cause an accident

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Lol thats why I believe in this modern say women should be cut off before getting shit faced drunk because then they automatically become children who are socially acceptable to not assume any responsibility. Muh victimization.
Or maybe just date a girl who doesn’t drink or smokes weed.
Gl faggot. Better slap that bitch

I guarantee I would. Anyone who constants to get drunk consents to what happens after, unless they didn't know alcohol makes you drunk

Not constants

we talked again
we sat down and we talked about
what she said, and why its bullshit

in the end i said "i trusted you and you fucked it up and, you Made me sad"

so she asked me if that means that i want to break Up,
i said, yeah.
and got Up.
tears started to come Out
she said If i was going now
i said yeah, i'll Go to McDonald's
after a while,
i took her crying face and lifted it up
and Said "do you deserve a second Chance?"
she said "you have to decide that"
i said "do you want one"
she said yes

we went to McDonald's after thag

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I'm ignoring everything else you said; feel what you feel, do what you want to do, i don't care. Just this line:

>"you don't even know how this is fucking up my head, I don't want you to feel bad and I'm so sorry, I'm okay with you hating me for that. but I want you to know that I'm really sorry and if I could I would take it back"
Is sheer manipulation. I'm speaking from my experience with girls, this line reads like a bad play, it's a complete lie. I hope it's as obvious to you as it is me. And if not, then you need to learn your lessons in life the hard way and you deserve whatever is coming to you.

Alright OP, I'll tell you a side that is not told by cucks who keep crying that all girls are evil because they got dumped or cheated on or somethinng. Last year I was mildly drunk, at a party with my girlfriend (I am a guy). I got kissed by a random girl after a short conversation, and I was so shocked by what happened that I couldn't do anything, just kissed on the lips for 5 seconds. I almost slapped her. I didn't want it, I wasn't drunk. I immediately told my girlfriend and we got over it. So my point is, she could be telling the truth. Listen to your heart. You can be a baby about it and throwing tantrums about "I trusted you" and crying and saying I'm gonna break up with you, or you can be a man and talk maturely. Be understanding and watch her closely. Be calm. This was just one tiny event, one kiss. Don't buy a house if just the lightbulb is broken. You have to work on things in relationships. If she does it again, she's out, that's it.

That's pretty good advice.


i think i handelt the Situation pretty good
now i know that she isnt a heartless whore who actually cries about me breaking Up with her


>that last part.
Post is tl;dr but it reminds me of some advice another user posted on here about female guilt manipulation:

Female bs precautions:
- Victim mentality, turn it on you. (Im sick to my stomach thinking you dont trust me)
- When caught in a lie either offer sex or deny
- Using terms of endearment to compensate for betrayal

Gl user

Why is your girlfriend going to parties alone? How old are you? That’s a clear sign someone isn’t ready for a relationship. You don’t go to parties and get drunk with a bunch of people (especially if the opposite sex is around) as a person in a relationship. Very immature

is that Like a Thing that eveyone knows?
im 18 and she is too.
but really, is that a Thing that literally everyone knows about?

Agreed, and yet most people will say "muh personal freedom".
its not something that everyone knows, people have no commitment whatsoever, so they think this is normal.

>gf got drunk and a guy took advantage and kissed her
As long as she didn't kiss him back or fuck him there's not really an issue provided that she learned from it. If she goes out to parties and it happens again then you should get rid.
You're not a cuck, as far as feeling emasculated goes you shouldn't really be bothered PROVIDED SHE ISN'T DOING IT AGAIN.

yeah well
Imagine a Girl, really fucking drunk
Guy Kissing her, she goes along for a few seconds
i would really Like to know what happend after the kiss... doesnt really Matter i suppose

Look at the pic from my post
and everyone who didnt should read what happend at the end of the day

>Most of the time was silence
>she also Made the Point that i should have come to her

Mate, ditch her, for real. I had gfs like this in high school and learned about this early (maybe you are young too also). This are not trustworthy women.

>i took her crying face and lifted it up
>and Said "do you deserve a second Chance?"
>she said "you have to decide that"
>i said "do you want one"
>she said yes

Fuck you, you weak piece of shit. This is why women walk over men nowadays. With using the words "second change" you basically admit you yourself that it was cheating. There are no second changes!

>throwing tantrums about "I trusted you" and crying and saying I'm gonna break up with you, or you can be a man and talk maturely

Or be a man and steadfastly and calmly break up with her for violating your trust. She put herself in that situation as an adult. Furthermore, you dont know exactly what happened. Blame-shifting is a common occurrence with cheaters.

>Don't buy a house if just the lightbulb is broken.

You mean sell a house? Anyway the foundation is rotten.

OP, there isn't a man alive that hasn't dealt with what you are going through right now. All of us will see the tears, hear the same excuses and empty promises. Most will do as you have and put off what should be done now since your ego is bruised.

Here is a fact of life.
Women are capricious.
That means if you are in a relationship with them and not glued to their side day and night and other males are available she may cheat. She may not even know why or intend to but the wind will change direction or she'll hear her song or she'll be sad or happy or anxious or calm or lonely or in a room full and on a whim let a guy crawl on.

Point is, there is always the possibility they will cheat and all you can do is when you know they did is move on.

Fucking moron throwing yourself away for a fuckbag

Alcohol is not an excuse for cheating or any other kind of bad behavior. Unless she says she was sexually assaulted and immediately pushed the guy away, she cheated on you. Simple as that.

I've been absolutely piss-loaded drunk quite a few times in my life and it simply isn't an excuse. Alcohol doesn't make you incapable of making good decision, it simply lowers your inhibitions to do bad things. Some people say if you truly want to know someone's personality, look at how that person acts when they're drunk. I agree 100%

If your girlfriend cheats on you while she's drunk, it means she always wanted to cheat on you but she needs alcohol to lower her inhibitions to the point where she'll actually do it. If a girl wants you and only you, instead of drunkingly cheating on you with another guy, she'll text/call you to pick her up and fuck her in the car.

is there Proof for that?
anything scientific?

other than that...
i lost Love, Respect and Trust
and im probably never going to Stop thinking about that

should i just use her for my Dopamin?

im interested how everything will end

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Just leave her right now, cut your losses and don't waste any time. She kissed a guy, now she's manipulating you, because the "feeling bad" part is all a lie. If she can't control her impulses she isn't trustworthy. And if she isn't trustworthy she isn't relationship material. And since she's already manipulating you - as a man who has been in that situation - you need to leave. Break up. Cry, get shitfaced with a couple of buddies or do whatever it takes to get over it and find a better girl who won't betray or manipulate you.

There is no proof of that, obviously. It's not a scientific study. So if you want to disagree with me, by all means do so.

But if you have experience with being drunk, you'll probably agree though. Alcohol doesn't make you evil. It just makes you... care less. This is why people often cheat when they're drunk. In your sober state, you're likely able to resist your urge to cheat on your partner. But when you're at a party, loosened up by alcohol and in a social state of mind, your mind is way more likely to think ''fuck it'' and just go ahead and cheat on your partner for a few minutes of pleasure if the opportunity arrives. But still, this only happens when cheating on your partner is something that you already kind of wanted to do. If you have no desire to cheat whatsoever, alcohol won't change this.

This is probably what happened to your girlfriend. She was drunk, feeling good and feeling lit by the party. She was casually flirting with some guy and he made the move and went in for the kiss. Rather than pushing him away, she followed through with it. Regardless of how you interpreted this, it means that at that particular moment, she didn't care about hurting your feelings. She just wanted to feel the dopamine rush of making out with this dude. I'm a college student who goes out to parties/clubs/bars once or twice per week. I see this shit happening all the time.

If she didn't want to kiss him, she wouldn't have done it. She would've not with a story of "I was so drunk I accidently kissed a guy" but with a "Some weirdo tried to kiss me, so I bitch-slapped him". You ever been drunk user? You always have that last bit of self control for critical actions. Yes you're braver so you do the shit you always wanted to do, but you'll never do what you don't want to.

I myself have been slapped by a drunk cunt with a bf, that had been all over me all night. I kissed her and she kissed back but then she saw a friend of hers so she slapped me. I left but she sent me a sorry text on my way home. Bumped into her a month later, still had a bf, and she sucked my dick in my car.

Guys, when your gf is out and about as if she is single in her mind she is.

no i have never been drunk, ever.

but i really dont think you can say that
she was Not Feeling great an just laying on the couch the whole time

did you read what i wrote
Here this is what really happend

>she was lying in a Couch because of being so fucking drunk
>and was sitting just next to her
>He then went for a kiss
>and she went with it ...
>and everyone there Said "oh Look"
>These werent makin

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This has been happening since the dawn of time. You're not special. In a month this won't matter. Break up with her. You won't though.

Just be prepared to move on if she decides to go out drinking again despite this desu

>this is what really happened
according to her. you have taken the word as gospel truth, you shouldn't

Instead of her you should find someone at the party, not one of her friends that will cover for her, but a neutral person, so you can hear everything including the lead up to her laying on the couch with this guy beside her.

Does she know him or knew he would be there and is that why she went. Were they inseparable throughout the evening or did this guy take advantage of a drunk girl?

no not according to her
according to the Girl who threw the Party.

yeah this Guy goes to her school but she doesnt really "know" him
yeah we'll See if she Drink that much ever again when she is in a Relationship with me

Don't date girls who drink, also do t date girls with tattoos, debt or non virgins. I'm not saying those non drinking virgins with no debt or tattoos are decent people, just that the others are literally and figurative cancer

>At least she didn't get fucked

this is what betas believe

>according to the Girl who threw the Party
you need to speak to a neutral person. not someone that invited her and would cover. not saying she is but its possible. there were others at the party and you can get the truth.

Well for not knowing him she does now, they shared a reciprocal kiss and bet they are on speaking terms now daily.

I've read some of OP's posts and one thing is clear: OP is a weak soiboy and it's not weird at all that ur GF spreads her lips for any dude that's even remotely chad, since OP is such a beta fag that can't contain his GF.

And guys wonder why so many girls cheat on their partners, with all these pussyboys ur not making it hard for them and based chads WILL fuck ur gf if she throws herself to him


Unfortunately it's very common for inexperienced guys to allow their girl to walk all over them. It's happened to me, it's happened to many of us.

OP will come back around sooner or later when his girlfriend cheats on him again. Maybe that's when he'll get some sense knocked into him.

OP, This is the only advice to heed in this thread. Words mean shit, actions speak volumes. Give her a chance to show, not tell, how sorry she is. If it happens again in any capacity then leave.

hello woman

a girl that respects you or herself isn't going to parties by herself getting shitfaced. im not saying she shouldn't be allowed to, but I'm saying you don't have to be part of a relationship where a low self esteem girl drags u through the mud