How do I get over my fear of romantic rejection?

How do I get over my fear of romantic rejection?

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force yourself to experience it repeatedly through cold approaches

What if the fear is so strong that I can't approach girls?

Have sex with escorts until you find one who you're comfortable opening up with.

It's cheaper and more effective than a therapist.

Don't have the money for that. And it's not something i'm really interested in doing anyway, I could never get over it if my first time ended up being with an escort

What is worse, user?

Fear of rejection
Hiding your feelings, always wondering what could've been, having an immense amount of regret

There's always going to be fear of asking someone out. The first time is the worst. But it just gets easier. The only way to solve this problem is to confront it head on and PRACTICE. Otherwise, you will always be like this.

take baby steps and confront the beliefs that are stopping you. can't approach a girl? then can you at least talk to a woman? how about say hi to a woman? talk to a guy? say hello to a guy? go outside?

the second part, confronting the beliefs is a lot more complex, but basically why do you want to avoid rejection? what happens if a girl rejects you? what happens after that happens?

Yeah I accept that. Its just my brain physically wont allow me to ask out a girl because of how strong my fear of rejection is. I actually cannot do it no matter how much willpower i direct towards that task

I can talk to women, flirt with them a bit, make them laugh, make them like me. The one thing i can't do is make an overt show of interest, such as asking them out, or going in for a kiss. My brain just will not allow me to do it, because there is always a possibility of rejection

I want to avoid rejection because it might bruise my ego very badly, and it might make me give up and feel like i'll be alone forever

You need to know it's not a reflection on you if you rejected, it's just their preference. You have preferences too.

Yes but a girl rejecting you is literally her saying "you do not meet my standards". That, to me, is really bruising. It doesn't matter, even if I have no investment in the girl, even if I never see her again, it still seems like it'd really fucking hurt

It's like, if I ever ask out a girl, it'll be a big deal for me. It'll be me putting myself on the line and risking something. And a girl rejecting me would be like them saying "oh, sorry, but no thanks". And that just hurts. The idea of not being good enough for a girl really sounds humiliating and embarrassing

The Masculine Male

Lawliet walks toward a bubbly Nice Guy with a needle of Man-ness.

Nice Guy: "No! The prick will hurt me!"

Fine, die a painful long death of Regret, Loneliness, and Frustration. Any other takers?

Another Nice Guy volunteered.

See? This fella knows that a momentary pain is prefarable to consistant suffering.

Lawliet puts the shot into the Nice Guy and injects him with testosterone.

Now, gentlemen, watch the effects.

The Nice Guy no longer fears what he desires. He sees the woman he wants. He approaches her.

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I'm not a "nice guy" and would never describe myself as one. I don't act nice towards girls at least not in the way you're implying

Realize you will never get over this fear, it is what it means to be human and what makes romance worth having, the fear that we may not be loved in return, "sorrows of youn werter" my friend, its not worth nothing other wise

So if i cant get over the fear, how am i supposed to take a chance and ask out a girl?

>I want to avoid rejection because it might bruise my ego very badly, and it might make me give up and feel like i'll be alone forever

Yeah it might do all of those things. Rejection hurts for everyone. Say you go up to someone and flirt with them, then ask them out but they blow you off. What happens and what you've said here comes true, in terms of the feelings that I quoted you on? You get rejected and then you feel those things, then what happens? Is that result a reason to avoid asking someone out in the first place? Why?

You can always ask a girl to hang out as a first step.

>Is that result a reason to avoid asking someone out in the first place? Why?
When I think carefully and logically about it, no it isn't. And I would rather face rejection if it meant I had a chance at getting dates and relationships, rather than being alone forever and dying a KHV.

But, even acknowledging all that, my brain won't let me risk my ego and face the possibility of rejection.

>You can always ask a girl to hang out as a first step.
I've never done that before. I hang out with girls obviously. But never one-on-one, and I've certainly never asked a girl to do that.

There is no rejection; you are merely finding out if she has good taste. After all, she is looking for a guy that fits her interests and tastes. If she doesn’t like you for whatever reason, let her! And thank her for doing so!”

“Thank her?”

“Which would you prefer, a woman who collapses her own interests for the sakes of yours merely to have a boyfriend or a woman who likes you because of you!?”

“Because of our tastes, our compatibility, runs parallel!”

“Indeed! Now think back to your Nice Guy days, those suffering days of endless agreement and non-confrontation. What service did you do to help find compatibility?”

“Alas, no!” The young man’s face turned white as he realized the utter disgust he was in his old ways. “I am so ashamed!”

“You’re not the only one,” said the Lawliet. “Look into the Jow Forums! Look at how Man has fallen!”

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By throwing yourself into the battlefield, so to speak.
You ask out women and see where it goes. If you get rejected, you'll realize it sucks for only a minute. Then you can move on to the next, easily

I've seen this stupid tripfag everywhere and I already dislike her.

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He’s a man trying to larp as a girl. Am I supposed to believe you’re an alien because you posted that pic?

>my brain won't let me risk my ego and face the possibility of rejection.

ok so I mean this is another whole aspect to this because honestly it shouldn't be such a bruise to your ego. when you ask a girl out you're asking about her interest in you. you're the same person who walked in and out of that interaction no matter what she says. it has nothing to do with your value or worth as a person if she says yes or no, it's only reflective of her desire to go on a date with you. that's it.

does hearing no hurt? yeah of course, rejection always hurts. but it hurts more when you have beliefs like this that will throw salt into the small paper cut and cause you to get it infected by opening it and making it larger than it is.

what specifically do you mean by your brain won't let you do it? what step along the way of saying "do you want to go out sometime" are you not able to do?

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Either way, it's best to ignore tripfags

Get rejected a couple of times, you'll realize its not as bad as your anxieties led you to believe and you won't be afraid of it anymore.