How do I tell whether or not I'm prison gay

How do I tell whether or not I'm prison gay

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Have you been rejected by tons of women? Do you genuinely find men attractive, or do you just want SOMEBODY to touch you?

No I haven't... But I also haven't asked any out or even slept with any. And the latter questions are a bit complicated, sometimes I feel as if I do and sometimes I don't

You could be asexual.

Would you fuck this?
Yes or NO

Attached: large.png (500x500, 272K)

No because I feel some attraction occasionally. Albiet to little boys, but attraction none the less
Too feminine

get out of prison and see if youre still gay

Har har har

>little boys
Yeesh. I think pedophilia is a sexual orientation all of its own, you've got way bigger problems than just being gay

Yeah well I can use being gay as an outlet for those desires

>Too feminine
You gay bro

Attached: amNgWROAo_480w_v1.jpg (480x791, 26K)

Well if I am, then I want to fuck a real man and not a discount woman

Have sex with a man and see if you like it

Would you fuck this?

Attached: a3RpZD6Xo_480w_v1.jpg (480x960, 71K)

Like through Grindr? I'm not all that attractive

Is that you?
If so then, No, I don't fuck tripfags
If it's not then still No

From what I’ve heard about grindr, you don’t have to be male model tier to get guys who are interested in you. Just gonna warn you, you’ll never know for sure if you’re truly gay/bi unless you do stuff with another man, but if you’re just prison gay the experience will haunt you for the rest of your life.

no seriously. get pussy and see if the gay thoughts are still there

No is not me, why would you not fuck her?

Attached: ampdWwDWm_480w_v1.jpg (480x960, 39K)

oh wait little boys? kill yourself pedo

Alright... I think I'll do that
I wish it were that easy for me I wrote that before I actually gave it thought. I actually would

Does she go to WSU?

No, not a mutt