I recently found one of my students in Jow Forums

I recently found one of my students in Jow Forums
He is 14 and the kind of guy you would expect a school shooting from
I don't mind what students are doing in their privacy, but nothing good will come from lurking Jow Forums (also at his age I doubt he can understand the difference of shitposting and a political argument)

Should i ask his mother for a talk?
Or tell him that he doesn't really understand what they are talking in there?

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>Or tell him that he doesn't really understand what they are talking in there?
Yeah, and I think you should probably report to his parents that you know he's using an +18 website. They could be degenerates too, but there's an equal change they could be conservative cancer too.

I guarantee if you talk to him directly or his parents he's going ton (at the very least mentally) assume you're part of a Jewish conspiracy against him. I don't know what the right decision in this case is but it's not the direct option unless you plan on talking about your own Jow Forums shitposting.

I was afraid of that situation to be honest, as a teacher i shouldn't hang out here

How did you find out? During your own browsing of Jow Forums or did you catch him on his phone during school time or something? Jow Forums is essentially a far right terrorist recruitment site, advocates hate speech and to top it all off allows nudity and other nsfw images so if he was browsing it in school time that should be a serious disciplinary issue which you should discuss with your colleagues before contacting the parents. Otherwise if you found him on the site itself then all you can do is become extremely vigilant of his behaviour during school time call it out if you notice anything overtly Jow Forums. If questions arise regarding your own understanding of Jow Forums, just say that you went and researched it after becoming suspicious of something he said/did/etc.

yeah talk to mother

i asked the guys to investigate anything they like with their laptops or phone (use Wikipedia for example) and write a small essay about it.
casually walking through the tables I noticed he was posting along the lines of 'n*ggers are running society' with some random pepe .
Technically i didn't see anything NSFW but Jow Forums ain't a place to investigate politics. (and it wasn't related to his essay)
(also as a teacher , when the connect to the internet i get a log of the websites students visited)
> just say that you went and researched it

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I was retarded when I was 14 too, he'll grow out of it. If you want to help him, try teaching him real values and what nationalism really means (if you know it).

I am not from this country , neither do i want to discuss politics

Then let him be a retarded teen. Try helping him be more social and make more friends so that he doesn't feel the need to go on Jow Forums. Group him with Chads on projects or something

From my experience, pol is 100% shitposting. But nevertheless it is not an appropriate site for a 14yo to visit, tell his parents

based 14yrs old

>Thoughtpolice discussing wrongthink.

I was around 13-14 when I discovered Jow Forums too. It was much more obscure back then but by no means a 'sekrit club'.
Make sure that kid never touches this website again.
I can say with utmost certainty that finding this website and it's beliefs and it's glorification of anti-social tendecies in such an impressionable age ruined my perception of the real world.

Nice shitpost lmao

Could you please just go kill yourself. I see you in every other thread offering your basic bitch wisdom to people. You are an anal cyst on this board and you offer nothing of value.

>conservative cancer
Are you going to dissolve in a rainbow colored puddle of aids if you bothered assuming some form of non-partisanship in your advice.

OP I say you be a mensch and sit the kid down to have a personal chat about Jow Forums with him. Not go to his parents over a little fun he's having on the internet. I started using Jow Forums when I was 15 (23 now) and it's not that big a deal, in fact you can make a lot of connections here and if you're genuinely looking for wisdom it can be found. Using Jow Forums is like having your ear to the ground for probing the zeitgiest. Don't take that away from the kid. Instead maybe have a one on one talk with him about the nature of the website and to just becareful about not taking the memes into real life.

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No user, just talk with him. Jow Forums is a very interesting place, it can either turn you into a hateful loser or drastically improve your life and turn you into an actual good person.
I've been browsing this website since the age of 12, Jow Forums from 14, and other than sadness and when i see the news my life is going amazing.

Make sure to help the kid a bit and give him a dogwhistle so he knows he understands you. When I was a little kid I was very depressed and my literature teacher pretty much saved me from going down the suicide path.

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Also OP talking to his mom will only make him resent you and get mad at his mom. It's not like it will stop him from browsing Jow Forums anyway. Help him instead.

Jow Forums isn't as bad as people believe. Its mostly just idiots trying to be top edgelord and people talking about the shit nobody is allowed to critique in public.

I'd say it's one of the best debate boards on Jow Forums, it forces people to actually know about what they are talking about and self-filter out the garbage

Also you can't expect teens not to get into questionable shit at that age, its what they do. Many people 1st end up on Jow Forums after realizing the hypocrisy and bullshit modern leftist ideology has been shoving down peoples throats for years doesn't work & is a giant lie

It's not that bad, just subtly let him know you know but tell him to not forget about shit like his studies, sport and any clubs he's a part of.

Jow Forums is a unique and great place if you're willing to filter out the shitposts and hide your power level. It's magnitudes better than clickbait news articles and where international news is concerned, it's actually one of the best aggregation sites for rapid, unfiltered news. I knew more about the Christchurch shooting than any colleague or any local news station in only a few hours and in the weeks after, still knew more about it than most news stations were letting on. Same goes for previous terrorist attacks, the little spat between India and Pakistan, etc.

But yeah, remind the fellow it's all well to browse cheeky sites but tell him to

>keep it on the down low
>approach things he reads there with a critical mind
>and no matter how interesting or engrossing it may be, it'll be focusing on his studies/sports/clubs that set him up for a good life later on

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>wahhhh wahhhhh I need to tattle on some random kid to his parents about what internet forums he visits in his own type

You fucking disgusting kike.