Girlfriend hides my meds

Just to start this off, I want it to be clear I love my girlfriend. I don't think she means any harm, I'm just asking for advice.

As a bit of background, recently I got in an argument with my gf (we're both in college, I'm 20 she's 19). I met her in October, she's the first person I've truly ever loved spending time with; I felt like I could tell her anything. Eventually I just ended up telling her (while we were cuddling) how I often hear and see stuff that isn't truly there. I explained to her it's not dangerous in any way, it's just very confusing sometimes. She convinced me to see a professional.

I was prescribed antipsychotics, now I can sleep much more easily, I can focus on school work and I'm just less distracted in general by the hallucinations I use to see and hear everyday. Still, sometimes when we argue about things that honestly can best resolved pretty easily she hides my meds. On Saturday we had a but of an argument, definitely something that we could find a solution to easily. I returned to my dorm and my roommate mentioned she came over to grab the charger I have in my desk drawer. I immediately knew something was up since 1. she an iPhone so my charging cable wouldn't work at all and 2. the desk is where my meds are. I checked and sure enough, they're gone.

I dont want to come across as a controlling asshole but I don't want to give into her this time, I want the meds back on my terms. How would I do so without upsetting her? Life is pretty difficult with my meds, it's hard to focus and overall the hallucinations give me this general feeling of paranoia. I really love her, I do but I feel I need them back relatively soon.

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Wait I don't understand, she takes your medication away from you? Your post doesn't say why she does that. Does she think the pills are bad for you, or is it just her fucked-up way of punishing you for arguing her? Is there a specific thing you argue about, or she just does that anytime there's a little disagreement about anything?

She only takes them away cause she knows my mental state becomes significantly worse when I'm not on meds, sorry that wasn't clear in the post. The argument was over this; she knows I was molested as little kid, she remarked that as being cute. I just kinda mentioned how that a bit weird to call that "cute". She became SUPER upset at me

Yo what the hell are you doing being with this cunt? You're not being controlling you're being controlled my guy. Get your med back and get away from that bitch dude I'm serious. Do not pass go do not collect $200
> I just kinda mentioned how that a bit weird to call that "cute". She became SUPER upset at me
She is not well man get away from her

That situation is really fucked up. She's robbing you of a stronger connection to reality, and apparently with some degree of casuality to it, too. I would consider that grounds for breaking up.

I guess I'm with her because we get along Soo well most of the time and were similar; we both seem like normal people but in reality we're a bit weird, but we're accepting of each other's "flaws". For instance once we were cuddling and she told me how once she was fucking a guy and thought of killing him, it turned her on. That didn't make me feel weird at all, I know she's the type of person I can pretty much tell anything and she's not going to be suprised.

I've been with Soo many girls since I started college and I always feel Soo disconnected, I want to get out of the room right away after we fuck. With her it's different, I want to spend time with her.

This guy's said all that needs to be said. Pack it up boys.

Get away from her dude. She's literally damaging you just for her to get back at you and you don't deserve that. Hopefully you find someone that actually takes you seriously because no one deserves this.

>Talks about murder like its a fetish
>You dont immediately pick up shit and run

Dont worry my friend you will recieve your darwinism award soon enough :^)

Your girlfriend is a psycho-bitch. You guys happen to have a really great chemical compatibility so you feel a strong sense of connection to her but based on what you've said you really shouldn't. This is like taking meth - it feels really fucking good but at the same time it's also fucking you up and is going to fuck you up REAL bad by the end.

You're still kinda in this honeymoon stage where you wanna excuse things and pretend like everything is OK, but even you must have realized by now that things are NOT ok. She's stealing your meds to punish you and she thought your child abuse was just some cute thing like in her bishounen anime/manga.

Like she must have some kind of personality disorder all her own.

Seriously senpai, run and don't look back

having a girlfriend at 20 was your first mistake
living with your girlfriend was your second one
your third mistake is for being a pussy for tolerating her stealing your stuff
grow a pair and dump that bitch.
Do you two share a lease together if you own the apartment kick her out, if she does you leave, if you both do wait until the lease is up then dump her.

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>My girlfriend punishes me by taking away my meds that help me function in everyday life
>Oh, and she thinks it's "cute" that I was molested as a kid, and she got mad at me for saying that's a weird thing to say
>Oh, and she's turned on by the thought of killing a guy that she's fucking
You want to get murdered, don't you?

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Alright my dude, you are going to have to get the fuck out of there for your own safety, what you have here is represented above the red line in pic related, this shit is only going to get worse and by the sounds of it this is a psychotic bitch that you ain't gonna be able to fix and shouldn't either, she's stealing your meds that makes daily life bearable simply for the sake of punishing you for not agreeing with her fucked up positions or just questioning them. This shit is only going to get worse. That bottle of pills ain't gonna disappear, the pills inside will be replaced by something harmful, physical abuse will happen and eventually you'll be murdered in your sleep or during sex, either way the end result with be really death die to psycho bitch. GTFO now.

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>Can this even be fucking real
She deserves to be hit by a car and die.

Don't walk, run. Retrieve your meds first, of course. Then run.

If she's doing that to fuck with you're mental state, call the cops and get her fucked over for stealing prescriptions. if she is intentionally fucking with your mental state, she doesn't love you.

>She only takes them away cause she knows my mental state becomes significantly worse when I'm not on meds, sorry that wasn't clear in the post. The argument was over this; she knows I was molested as little kid, she remarked that as being cute. I just kinda mentioned how that a bit weird to call that "cute". She became SUPER upset at me


You cannot you CANNOT trust a girl who will cross the line by taking psychiatric meds away from someone. That is very much legitimate abuse. You are currently in an abusive relationship. Call the cops if need be >Someone stealing medication you rely upon just to hurt you is abusing you. Very badly. If I had your contact details I would be reporting this to the police on your behalf. This is domestic abuse and you need to take action now.

>inb4 n-no it isn't abuse

yes it fucking is, get out

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Fuk man she is pshyco as fuk run fast and don't come back

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this op wtf, also she think it’s cute a child was abused and got ptsd from it?!

Breakup idiot

I am Christian Scientist and my denomination doesn't take meds at all, but dude, that's fucked up. Listen to the other anons and leave.

The thing I'm really scared of is she's then one that gets the meds for me, her family pays for them. I wouldn't be able to afford them on my own, I'm not really sure of any insurance plan for college students for such medication. Honestly I've been super busy so I haven't even looked into it. Speaking of laws etc, I'd be afraid to press charges on her, her family is very well off and they'd be able to acquire excellent lawyers.

Bro talk to her family about it and see if you can play the abuse+mental illness card for sympathy points, The family usually isn’t as insane as one member