I'm looking for a gf that will manipulate me into isolating myself and having my life completely depend and revolve...

I'm looking for a gf that will manipulate me into isolating myself and having my life completely depend and revolve around her.

Where's a good place to find a girl(girl) that could be this for me?

Attached: artsy girl.jpg (500x480, 53K)

Psych ward

You can have my ex

Beggers can't be choosers you fucking loser

Once you find her and stay with her you’ll regret it immensely. I’d avoid this type of girls as much as possible.

Trap houses and seedy clubs are a great place to start
You sound like a faggot though. That type of women you’re talking about is into fucking men up and turning men into broken husks. It’s about the manipulation.
Its not about making a faggot into a bigger faggot

But they make you depend on her because she loves you right?

How would I go about tricking her into thinking I'm a man?

You could trick her if you have the social skills to appear cool and desirable to other women, but not too cool and desirable(or her self esteem will get in the way). . You have to be ‘bros’ with the other guys. You have to awaken the urge in her to be with a good guy, long enough for her psycho to kick in.
Frankly if you did have the skills to do this, you wouldn’t be here asking for help on your fucked up fantasy.

She loves you for the wrong reasons. You’d probably end up killing yourself or going batshit insane.

Any woman can do that for you.

Already want to kill myself and I might be insane.
I have some normie bros that could help me pull this off. I can appear semi chad with them though autism prevents me from standing out too much. Problem is I left all my normie bros on the opposite end of the country.

Same desu

>Wanting to be cucked
Time to reevaluate your life op

I dont want to be cucked. At least in the fantasy she doesnt cheat on me.

loser get your life together

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My friends gf does this pure trash chick, obviously went to our high school. I know this is a sarcastic post but don’t date chicks from your home town. Bad move

No because their parents split up and they want to control you as revenge

You don't really want this specifically, you just want to be wanted. But you have low-self esteem so you either can't trust or can't believe that anyone would want you for who you are. So the only form of "love" you can imagine for yourself is love as an object of manipulation.
>inb4 projecting
Yes and no

99% will resent you for wanting them to control your life. They want you to control their life, actually.

Ironically could work.

You must be happy and have a social life for them to want to do what you ask in your post.
If you already are isolated and willing to do everything for a girl you'll only find girls that want you to socialize and not pay much attention to them.

Accurate desu

>If you already are isolated and willing to do everything for a girl you'll only find girls that want you to socialize and not pay much attention to them.
Ok then where do I find these?

This girl looks exactly like a girl I used to have creative writing with. Just dye the hair a weird bluish color and you've basically got it down to the jacket and sweater.

>Ok then where do I find these?
Anywhere where there are females.

Where are there females? Also how would I identify girls that would "want me to socialize and not pay much attention to them"?

>I have some normie bros that could help me pull this off.
And you're gonna lose all of it.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

>I'm looking for a gf that will manipulate me into isolating myself and having my life completely depend and revolve around her.
This is every woman ever
You should have no problem

All these girls like pic related have been blacked.

The only white girls I have ever been with have been introverted art hoes who wanted me to fuck them like an ape.

Nice bait.

This might be the biggest lie I have seen on Jow Forums.
Remember: the more "leftist" a girl says she is, the whiter the guys she dates are. POCs do much better with "conservative" girls - a trip to your nearest hillbilly town would be a lot more likely to get you laid.

My ex-girlfriends as an ethnic Britmutt (Norn Irish/English) with LITERAL ALBINISM:
-girl who posts aboriginal rights activism on Facebook despite being ethnically Italian
-girl who is studying political science at a typical leftist university
-girl who volunteers with "at-risk youth"

The opposite also happens, where the conservative, "muh heritage" blacks and Asian girls crush on me

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>Problem is I left all my normie bros on the opposite end of the country.

It's time for you to Alpha-Chad it up and create a new man clan

>Where are there females?
I'm sorry user, if you can't answer that question you're a lost cause.