I went out with a guy a couple of times and he's really nice. And I don't mean he's a Nice Guy...

I went out with a guy a couple of times and he's really nice. And I don't mean he's a Nice Guy, he actually seems to be a genuinely really nice person, and it's turning me off a bit. For example in all the restaurants and cafés we went to he was really polite to the staff , he spoke to them as if they were his longtime friends and not servants. One time when he was accompanying me to my door he literally helped a little old man climb up some stairs. It feels like I'm living in a fucking movie.

I know it's terrible but this behavior is making me pretty uncomfortable, is there any way I can ask him to be a bit more aloof without coming off as a complete bitch?

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Nope, you are already in bitch territory, just continue to cheat on him until he learns his lesson that you are a whore not worth his time.

Nice larp

this is why I will never understand wamen

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Can you try to dig a bit deeper?
What do you associate with people like that that turns you off? Do you think those people are weak? Doormats? Martyrs?
How would the perfect ballance between assertive and polite/selfless look like to you?
What would you have wished he had done instead in the situations you mentioned?

This is why humanity is going to be reset. Roasties like this can't into human compassion.

I just didn't like that he was so willing to be pleasant. Like the old man, he saw the old man coming up the stairs and immediately went to help him out instead of asking beforehand if he actually wanted help. There was another time where he threw a cup into a trash can and missed, and he went to pick it up and put it into the trash besides the fact that there was a garbageman right there who was a bit closer than he was, he could have just asked him to pick it up.

It feels like he's humbling himself unnecessarily.

>tfw guys fall for this bait threads
I'm at loss of words

nice bait. kys. sage

By definition wait staff arent domestic assistants or government workers.

If it turns you off, go out with someone else.

Regardless of bait levels your post has (over 9000), I believe this post has potential to be true.

Dump him, date someone you are attracted to, and let this poor naive sap find someone who actually likes that about him.
As far as I'm concerned, he doesn't need a woman like you burning him and making him an asshole too, he should be with someone who encourages that in him. We'd all be better off.

Imagine the smell

Yeah, I was in the same boat. The guy was everything people could want in a good person; generous, kind, self-controlled, charming, funny, etc. He even looked good. But after a month or so, I felt like either it had to be fake, or maybe I didn't deserve him. I ended up leaving him and have regretted it ever since, having been stuck with casual hookups ever since.

This sounds like he was being EXTRA nice to impress you. I doubt that that‘s what he is like all the time.
He clearly went over the top. Especially with the old man. It‘s actually rather patronizing to help someone without them asking for it. I can understand why it threw you off.
However, cut him some slack. He was probably nervous af and tried to do everything right. Maybe give him another chance with another date and if you‘re VERY brave, tell him how your last date made you feel and that you suspect that he had put up a bit of an act. Tell him that you‘d much prefer him being genuine and that you don‘t expect him to be like some unrealistic caricature in a romcom.

please explain this fucking mentality. whats wrong with your partner having genuine compassion for you?

I don't know, man. It's really just like feeling that something is too good to be true. I started feeling like it was a lie, a great big conspiracy, and then I stopped trusting him. I didn't want sex anymore and I just turned cold. Like I said, I made a huge mistake but it's way too late to change it now

Don‘t beat yourself up.
It actually does sound like he had put on an act and once you get that feeling, your trust is out the window. It makes you feel like that person must be a really horrible being for having to fake his personality. It‘s ok to get turned off and be sceptic about people not being genuine.

But he was genuine. I never once saw him break character, and have been in touch with mutual friends since; he's the same great guy I left. I've moved on, but I know I missed the boat. I'm stuck having to settle for someone who's half the man he was. You live, you learn, I guess

This is fucking bait and everyone who fell for it is a moron and needs to leave the site now.

you are fucked in the head


I feel sorry.

For the first guy and the guy you settled with though, not you.

Jesus Christ, dump the guy you settled for and let him find someone that doesn't consider him to be settling-for material.

Holy shit, you girls are right about one thing, if this is how you see other people they are too damn good for you.

Old bait is old and bait.

It's not bait just because you say so

It's bait because it's bait.

>Oh I met a guy who is genuinely kind and hate him
>Instead of dumping him and making up a reason in my head, I'll go complain about it on the Nice Guy official forum
>I'm sure it will foster productive conversation

No one has this thought process.

I'm sure someone does. Anything is possible, and just because it's against your sensibilities doesn't mean it's impossible. Sorry champ

>finds a genuinely kind hearted person
>lol can I b meener xd
You don’t deserve someone like this, let him go so he can find a girl who will appreciate those qualities

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