No girl has ever flirted with me or asked me on a date. Should I give up on ever having a gf?

No girl has ever flirted with me or asked me on a date. Should I give up on ever having a gf?

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Yes because you are probably gay.

No. Ask girls out on dates.

If you're the guy who writes here every day, you had a girl groping you in bed and you didn't make a move. Go see a therapist to get over your phobia, get xanax or some shit.

How'd you get that idea user?

nah keep trying

If it never happened to you it probably means that you're unattractive/ugly/undesirable. You should concentrate on being succesfull and getting rich and girls will be able to look over your shortcomings.

I hear a lot of pain and despair in what you‘ve wrote.
What would you need to feel better?
Someone showing you that they want you?

>Someone showing you that they want you?
Yeah. Thats never happened to me.

girls will only flirt/approach with the top 20% of guys. you just have to approach them, eventually youll wear one down or catch her at the right time

Have you ever asked a girl out?

My bf is not rich and not that attractive. You just need to talk with girl.

>women not being attracted to a guy makes that guy gay

That‘s pretty sad, user.
I bet it made you come up with a million reasons why that‘s the case and, let me guess, you‘re at fault for all of them?

>girl dropped her spaghetti with me
>poker face

>milf rubs her body over me
>p-poker face

>girl flirts with me
>be retard and fuck it up

>girl asks me out
>it's at work so I feel uncomfortable and will probably turn her down

I can't complain but you have to understand there are so many other things to worry about, a girl actively pursuing you means little if you don't have the foundation to back up attempts to follow through with responding to their interest.

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woops, forgot to add another incident of a girl just absolutely dropping her spaghetti around me after coming to talk to me, going away, then coming back to stare at me for a while

of course my response was to

>poker face

Not that guy, but yeah. I know where I'm an undesirable person, but the desire to be desired doesn't overcome the effort required to become desirable. Oh well. I just have to hope there is someone out there, although I've come to terms with the likelihood that'll I'll die alone or only with my siblings by my side.

almost no guys receive regular compliments, its nothing special

the thread is about what to do when youre not a chad, not what to do when youre a retarded chad

Sounds frustrating and exhausting to feel like you‘re falling so short that you can never muster up the energy to „fix yourself“.
Have you ever thought about the possibility that maybe the rejections weren‘t inherently due to you not living up to the expectations?

>almost no guys receive regular compliments, its nothing special
Just because something happens often doesn't make it less painful/sad.
I‘m also not so sure that girls receive GENUINE (as in „not just to up the chance to get my dick wet“) on a regular basis either.

It used to be draining, but I've put it away for now. I don't get sad over it. The rejections are either me failing to be desirable (understandable) or them having different preferences (also understandable, although it seems not being preferred is related to not being desirable). Regardless, it's no buggy. Some people are meant to be alone, and that's ok

from my understanding, girls receive a lot more genuine compliments from family members and friends

if it was really that sad, people would do something about it, as it is so common. no one really cares

thats not ok

OP here. Yeah all of those things happened to me too. But no girl actually truly flirted with me or expressed interest in a clear and overt way, and no girl ever asked me on a date. I must be really undesirable.


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Only a few years ago, being around cute girls brought me horrible pain. Knowing nothing would ever happen made me an expert at ignoring them or being as brief as possible before avoiding them. I've only gotten this far to half a decade of trying to improve my life. A side effect was getting out more, getting fit, grinding social skills, which eventually let me be a 'retarded chad. Most men who sort their life out will surpass me.

Well, until you force me to believe otherwise, I'm living my life thinking it's ok.

>Some people are meant to be alone, and that's ok
I‘m not sure i agree. But your mindset about it sounds pretty sane. I hope it‘s genuine.

Why do you think that is? Because men tend to bottle up their feelings more, thus appearing as not being in need of some encouragement?

men are less valuable to society than women (reproductive differences) and so society takes better care of women

I‘m not convinced that that‘s the root of it.
Society would be equally fucked if women or men disappeared.

less valuable != worthless

societies can (and historically have) lost huge portions of their men, typically to war but also to generally riskier professions (sailing, mining, etc.), whilst the number of women remains. societies which have lost large portions of women relative to men have a very bad time

you can afford to lose a lot more men than you can women, men are less valuable to society than women

>Hanging out with friends
>This girl I've met maybe 3 times is there
>Don't really know her so don't talk to her much
>Would always talk to me with a smile
>We exchanged and held eye contact multiple times
>Several times I'd be talking to someone else and she would think I was talking to her
Why the special treatment? What's going on?

>not that attractive.
So he's tall and skinny with a big nose?

Don't forget white

Take the bag off your head it might help.

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