How do I get it through my girlfriend's head that her cat does not love her? Cats don't work that way. Yes...

How do I get it through my girlfriend's head that her cat does not love her? Cats don't work that way. Yes, Lily is excited whenever my girlfriend comes home.... because that means it's feeding time. Yes, she enjoys sleeping on my girlfriend's lap....... because it's warm. Yes, she enjoys being petted.... because it feels good. Cats couldn't care less about who does the petting. It is strictly a physical pleasure, not an emotional one.

She gets upset whenever I tell her these things, but I consider myself a highly logical person and deplore the irrational. How do I get through to her and convince her that the love is one-sided, and more importantly that that's okay?

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>I deplore
That's not very rational. Where's your proof that cat's can't love, anyhow? Because "science" hasn't said they can? Kek. It's ok to believe things that science hasn't proved yet, amigo.

Some people just don‘t understand what love means and how animals work.
Why is it so important for you for your gf to understand that her cat just reacts and that she doesn‘t „love“ her? Does it make you feel like it devalues YOUR love for her because she thinks her cat feels the same way?

She's going to break up with you in favor of her cat if she has any common sense.

Let people love things, you hideous-on-the-inside goblin.

How autistic does one have to be to think this way. I'm surprised you have a gf at all or are you talking about your real doll?

As much as I hate the furry little shits, cats do attach to their owners emotionally. You're not being rational, you're just ignorant. Get over yourself.

>cats do attach to their owners emotionally.

Based on?

I'll give you this.

Google it yourself past this since you're such a "highly logical person," you 20-something shit.

Who gives a fuck, stop being a spaz

Ok then, prove with biological explanations that cats can't get emotionally attached.

>I deplore the irrational
>how do I convince a woman her pet doesn't love her

That makes you the deplorable homie, it's irrational to apply logic to emotion

>How do I get it through my girlfriend's head that her cat does not love her?
I've actually tried this before, but I've come to realize that most girls want to be lied to. I know, as a man, that seems incomprehensible to you, but most women have this slave mentality where they want you to just tell them everything is ok, even when it's not. I happen to hate these women with a fiery passion, but that is the behavior causing her to deny that her cat hates her.

Lies are beautiful, the truth is not.

Also, if you die, your cats will eat your dead body less than 24 hours after death. You DOG, however, will wait upwards of 2 weeks until it's completely starving near-death before it eats you. dogs actually love you. cats don't.

You try petting the cat, I bet it'll scratch your ass

You're a dumbass. Cats react differently to particular people. Her cat is a mammal and is bonded with her in the capacity that a cat can. Cats interact with humans in the same way that they interact with their mothers. That is a kind of love.
If she had a lizard or a snake then yes, reptiles are solitary and don't interact in the same way mammals do.
You simply don't like cats and are uncomfortable with your girlfriend holding a different view than you. Grow up.
If cats can't love explain this.

I don't know about love, but cats can absolutely bond with their owners. I don't like people who anthropomorphize their animals too much either, but it seems like you've swung the pendulum too far on the other side.

You are fucking retarded, OP.

Cats are not reptiles. They definitely bond. Fucking idiot.

You think you are so fucking smart but you are just a fucking idiot. Yes, everything is chemicals in the brains. You don't love your gf, you just love having a gf.

Stop being an edgy retard that doesn't get biology

I'm sure cats bond. Dogs too. They often die right after their beloved 'owners'.

Hey, fuck you too.
Reptiles can love as well.

So now OP has been BTFO because he found out he's not actually rational, but quite the contrary.

Why are you acting on emotion and ignorance then? Are you jealous of a cat?

Holy fuck you sound annoying to be around be around

Actually no. They can't. They don't bond. They literally don't care.

Look it up. Ask why your reptile doest act like a cat or a dog, or a monkey, or any mammal.

Are you jealous or something? Women have the instinct to take care of little living things. To deny her reality of being the cat’s friend is a bit dense of you. i get the point of seeing animals as less than human, but pet owners don’t like seeing it that way.

Turtles like pats and rubs and behave like dogs.

Animals feel love you retarded fuck, same hormones as humans.

I can only imagine what your political opinions are.

Nice hit and run

Attached: op.png (900x1200, 2.2M)

Was just thinking the same. 9/10 OP well played

Dude, chill. Let her believe it. How is it hurting you in any way?

No they don't idiot. Go study.

Yes, you can feel a connection to them. That's on you. Yes, turtles and lizards can enjoy human contact (petting). And yes, they may go to you through food.

That doesn't mean they are bonding with you. Go study actual biology.

Simply said, reptile brains are even more primal and they simply don't have a yearning to be loved or anything. It's not the same thing. They don't have any loyalty or treat you any different from literally any other human.

OP is a retarded that thinks cats or dogs are like lizards or something.

>I'm logical but can neither definitively prove my statement, nor can I pull away and recognize that she may be more attached to the pet than I am

Nooo.. you're just autistic. Like, to the letter, here. Even down to the 'I'm a heartless robot who refuses to empathize.'

Oh wait you are that retarded tripfag "girl"

STFU, you are useless, all your advice or posts here are crap. Why haven't you been banned yet? Stupid whore.

I'm sorry but your turtles aren't the same as actual mammals that can bond with you. You are just naive and retarded. Go away.

I've talked to biologists at my museum and volunteered. Fuck off.

And yet you know nothing and learned nothing. Stupid attention whore.

Can you live one day without craving for the attention of strangers you fucking bitch?

Bye, have fun alone

ITT people with no understanding of the topics argueing about them
But I guess that’s Jow Forums for you.

How does volunteering and talking to someone who pins bugs to boards all day matter?

You're cute

I want to fuck her SO MUCH.

What's your damage? Just let the woman love her cat.

I've confirmed my information with an actual scientist on the same subject>"Go study actual biology."
was saying I'm ill educated on.

You must be a riot at parties.

wow your mad dude. it’s sad to watch. you wouldn’t say that to someone in real life would you?

Have you had any emotional attachment ever? Have you even owned a cat? Get your head out of your ass man what are you 5? Cat have feelings, they’re just independent as fuck. You should ask yourself why you really want her to be around the cat because I’d say you’re just jealous

OPs a retard

Yeah, you're a dumb cunt. First off, neither cats nor dogs are eating your corpse in the first 24 hours. Second off, Cats have a metabolism that can drastically slow down when without food meaning they can go far longer than dogs before getting desperate for food.

>I consider myself a highly logical person and deplore the irrational

Theres no rational gain to agitating your girlfriend over something so insignificant as a bond she believes she has over an animal. You're not pushing because you "deplore the irrational," you're pushing because dissent feels like rejection.

Keep being jealous of a fucking cat.

Explain to her how she doesn't actually love you, just just likes your warmth and food, and make sure to tell her how much of an asshole you are

i relate so much to the frustration u feel when someone is being irrational. i cant imagine having a partner that doesnt accept the truth so that makes me think you two argue a lot?

Gas yourself

stop being a faggot and get some friends

Not planning on making chow mein for date night with an "exotic" meat ingredient are you, Chang?

>go study
Nice argument. There's no way to effectively define something experiential like love in the first place, so you're starting with a false premise.

t. an actual biologist