About two weeks ago my girlfriend found out I cheated on her. Since then I haven't been in contact with her or any of her friends. I know what I've done was pretty shitty of me. I started to accept that, but there's a part of me that doesn't want to move ahead. I tried talking to her several times but ended up getting blocked. I still love her, of course. But my thoughts are messy and I have little experience with approaching a situation like this. Whether I should move on or not is beyond me.
I'm fucked anons
Fuck man.
Just give it some time. Get some work done
Leave her alone, lol. You surrendered any sort of obligation she had to you when you cheated on her. Stop whining about it and move on.
Just accept it, that the relationship is broken and move on. Come on man, you cheated on her, that relationship doesn't make much sense anymore if you actually ready to fuck with someone else.
This should actually show you that your emotional bonding isn't that big anymore, you know that if you deeply think about it.
You're right, I've thought about that perspective. Letting go is the only thing I'm in control of. Personally I thought there was a better way out of this rabbit hole I dug for myself. Of course rational thinking wasn't on my mind.
All you have to do is go back and uncheat on her
Prior to me cheating our relationship was on the rocks. But it wasn't anything I didn't think we could fix. Maybe I still feel that way, despite my screw ups. I know its gonna hurt for a while lol, but that's to be expected.
Kek thanks, I'll let you know if it works.
It's the choice you made. You were in control, you took the reigns and did what you wanted to do. She is likely deeply hurt and what you did can not be salvaged. No matter the excuses or reasons.
I feel like there's still hope, maybe if I prove how much I've changed then I'll be viewed differently. Of course I highly doubt that will do any good for me. Letting time pass feels like a drag, even though my impatience leads to bad decisions. I'm trying to think my way out of an impossible solution.
No, you fucked up. Leave her alone.
You don’t love her, you’re just weak willed and feel sorry for yourself.
Ask yourself how’d you feel being chucked. News flash, she’s going to get with someone else and you asked for your pain if you actually feel any.
Be happy she doesn’t have to keep being cheated on by you, you won’t change. Cheaters always downplay and try to rationize,but they don’t stop unless they have no other choices. Don’t waste too much time trying to talk to her, you’ve done enough damage.
Cucked* fucking auto correct
Yes I do feel sorry for myself and I am weak willed. That's why I did what I did. I won't continue going down the same path if this is the pain its caused me. I don't see any further benefit. I regret the things I've done, and I'm not about to complain about the circumstances I've put myself in. The most I'm trying to do now is fix who I am. At the end of the day I really don't know what will happen. But if I can learn something from it I'm okay with it. The situation might not be ideal, but if I can prove my self worth to her then I'm sure the pieces can fall into place. At least, I hope.
>maybe if I prove how much I've changed then I'll be viewed differently.
Cheaters don't change.
No, there is no hope here. You broke her trust. Even if you somehow worm your way back into a relationship with her, she's never going to forget what you did and it's going to erode any semblance of a stable relationship.
You made your bed and now you lay in it. You don't seem like the brightest bulb on the block, just cut your losses while you're free and move the fuck on. You deserve every bit of pain you get, you spineless sack.
We all have a right to our own opinion. If you genuinely feel that way then I'm sorry.
Sorry you are struggling to realize what you have done and cannot come to terms with the fact that your gf will never come back to you. No, cheaters don't change. Once someone makes the choice to do it (it is absolutely a choice) there is no going back. Was it worth it? No, it usually isn't.
>You don't seem like the brightest bulb on the block
Precisely why I asked for advice.
Again, think what you'd like. I know myself well enough to know I can't continue down this path. Maybe getting a stern talking by Jow Forums is what I need. In which case thanks for motivating me to become better and avoid future circumstances.
>Whether I should move on or not is beyond me.
>my girlfriend found out I cheated on her
>I haven't been in contact with her or any of her friends
>I tried talking to her several times but ended up getting blocked
>I know what I've done was pretty shitty of me. I started to accept that
Hold on, started?
I'm going to start with "you should move on and learn from this", I'm not going to start telling you morals or something like that.
If you wanted to cheat on your gf you should at least learn how to fucking hide it and deny it even if she has concrete proof. If you choose to cheat make sure there's no way of your partner finding out, if you are bothered by it still DON'T FUCKING TELL HER, you only tell someone you cheated because you are hurt by it and want to move the pain onto them or because you're a shithead who did it solely to hurt them in the first place.
How did she find out OP?
I cheated because I felt ignored in the relationship. She would go and hang out with friends instead of spending time with me. Sometimes it would take her 13 hours to text me back. I didn't completely trust her either. I know full and well those are not excuses. It's an explanation to my actions. I know the better method would've been to talk about my problems to her. But those insecurities I had lead to the actions I regret. Again, I didn't want her to get hurt, as fucking stupid as it sounds I just wanted to escape from the relationship for a little while. She found out from a friend that I cheated on her. I chose to accept it instead of denying the truth. I didn't want anymore trouble to follow. Me being naïve got me to where I am now. I hope this makes some sense.
Kek you sound like a woman who wanst to justify cheating by blaming her boyfriend. Eat shit, I hope you'll never get a meaningful relationship ever again.
Like i said, I wasn't making excuses. I don't think I deserve less pain or forgivness. But thank you for your input.
based and i agree
I never said i was proud of my actions. Nor was i attempting to justify them. Again I don't feel the need to explain this a second time.
>I cheated on her
That was your first mistake. Next time, if you wanna fuck some strange, make sure you’re not already with someone, and if you are, break up with them so you can be free to fuck strange. It really is that fucking simple. Or hell, just stay single your whole life so you can fuck whoever you want until you die. It really is just that simple.
> I still love her of course
Not enough to have kept your dick in your pants dumbass. Try figuring out what love is and don’t fuck up next time
I know it would've been that simple, but at the end of the day I didn't want to be that person. I really loved her, but there were so many existing problems she chose to ignore. I'm not pinning the blame on her but I was hoping something would change. It wasn't my proudest moment and I don't want to do it again. Anyways thank you.
I should probably clarify I didn't have sex with anyone else, not that kind of cheating. Just flirting with other people. Of course that's still not justified, but I thought I should clear that misunderstanding up.