What now?

In this year so far I've tried getting a girlfriend with 6 different people, I'd get close to them, I'd get interested in their hobbies, spend time, do everything I could, waited for that one little sign of interest.. Dedicated time fantasizing..

Nothing happened, not with one out of 6, no signs of interest from any at all. I'm just that undesirable. I've tried everything I could but there were no results, I'd never get even that small little tiny hint of interest which would make me ask them out.

I've tried everything, gym didn't help, going out more didn't help, talking to more people didn't help, joining clubs didn't help because I always felt left out and isolated, going to parties didn't help...

I'm starting to think this isn't for me and I'm only 18. I've done so much self improvement over the last year or so but nothing comes out of it. I literally only want someone to connect with emotionally, is that too much to ask for? I'm putting in a lot of effort...

Attached: 79mi3gE_d.jpg (640x927, 33K)

Maybe you're not very good-looking. Women at your age aren't interested in guys like you. You should focus on getting rich and successful, or you could wait for your 30s, you'll get some opportunities then.

yeah just wait to be the beta she'll settle down with after years of whoring around lol

I'm fine looking I'd say even get complimented sometimes by female friends, I'd say my biggest drawback Is the fact that I'm pretty short.

I don't want to have to wait to 30 when the only ones interested in me would be so because of my money.
Do I just not have the option to experience normal average love?

I'm not doing that. When I realize there's no chance I change focus while still keeping some contact with the other girl

>girls willingly spend time with you
>let you get close to them
>not a sign of interest

Jesus fucking Christ OP just ask someone out.

By spending time I didn't mean going out with them. Just talking casually, being close, texting, maybe sitting next to her in school...
Not everyone you talk to is interested

>Not everyone you talk to is interested

And? Did they actively avoid you or tell you to leave them alone? Stop being a coward and ask them out.

No but if I do ask them out and they reject then they'll actively avoid me, right now it'd me rude to

"normal average love" is bullshit and if it ever existed it sure as hell is dead now
Well that's how things are, nothing stops him from keeping on trying but that's probably how things will be.
send pic, we'll know better how to advise you.

I really don't want to post pictures on 4 Chan even less so after such a pathetic post.
By average love I just mean love, like normal status that is being in love with someone who loves you back

kek that definition makes it even worse. Sure some people are in love but the vast majority just settle for someone.
I think you can delete the post right after, but I understand if you don't want to show yourself in here.

>right now it'd me rude to

No it wouldn't. This is a completely normal and accepted part of society. You are just manufacturing excuses because you are afraid of rejection. Just say "hey, would you like to grab a coffee sometime?"

You can't attach your self worth to your love life. I used to feel exactly like that and it's all garbage. I know I'm great, and I don't need a stupid femoid to tell me that in order to believe it

I really don't, I've seen people post their pictures here and then other anons saving and using them, I don't want to try my luck.
No I mean I'd be rude to completely avoid me because I haven't done anything bad to them. Id love to ask someone out, but first I need to see at least a tiny sign.
Yeah I see where you're coming from but I feel like that's the thing I need the most, of course I have other problems, a lot of them, but they would all be easier to deal with if I had someone

Anonchan I don't even talk to girls, check your privilege

You know what a great sign is? Ask them out and if they say yes then you can safely assume they are interested in you. Nobody is ever going to give you whatever sign you are looking for but that doesn't mean they won't say yes to a date.

By a sign I mean like going out of their way to talk to me, trying to be close and basically abything you see in those "signs that she likes you" articles and videos

To ask out you need to gamble, and would you call if you don't know what your hand looks like?

You aren't gambling at all. You are waiting for a sure sign. Stop making excuses and go ask them out.

Girls mostly date older so why you trying with the same age.

Not a sure sign, just a small thing to tip it over to my favor from neutral standpoint

Teen girls are dumb anyway
But let's be real. I am very fucking tired of these threads. We could conjecture for years here and if the chance so happened that OP got denied for other reasons it would have been a fantastic waste of time.

Maybe ask them, OP, something like "hey this is weird but am I dateable? If not do you have any recommendations to get there?" I mean if you're already not dating them then no losses on the table, right? Right?

The idea that we can help is just a hope. Strictly speaking, all we can do is make assumptions. For all we know, all six were lesbians; all six were coalburners/ricefarmers/some other shit. All six just weren't into your type. All six had different, but equally present reasons.

I don't know what's truly up. They do. Unless you wanna turn this into a rate me thread, the best possible advice I can give is to get the news from the ladies. That way, you have concrete answers, ideally.
Elsewise this is a >tfw no gf thread and it's 2019. It's time to fucking stop them.


You're correct but I think my post is different at least a bit because I've tried literally everything recommended here and nothing worked.
To the question "am I date able" everyone would respond with yes or "yes but not for me" or similar, I'd be rude to say no. I can't ask that user..