How do I get a black gf?

I want a black girlfriend,as a white man,how can I get one?

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Zoo enclosures

But seriously there are african women who stay studying in american colleges so their visas stay valid, i say this because I don’t think you’d want to go to detroit or chicago

If you want a good one try and find one in a church. A lot of blacks are Christians and quite religious.

I found a great one on my course who was a Christian, didn't really enjoy going out to clubs or drinking in general. She was perfect on the face of it.

Not strictly related but the idea of having mixed-race kids bothers me. I just don't want them ending up as nigger thugs, I'd hate to have to deal with that shit in my house. Does that make me racist?

Exist. That's it. Black girls love white men and have for centuries.

Tell all your white friends to start approaching black girls when you all are out while you're at it. Take them all away and leave none behind.

Finally black girls can shut the fuck up and leave us alone. Thank the lord.

T. Black Man

north paris


monkey fucker

Not OP but I think all of us would prefer the terms:

Why don't you want them?

Are you serious?

Yes,my wife is black and I love her. What's wrong with black women? White women aren't better.

Are you black?

I'm white,you?

Yeah I don't want to hear anything you have to say about the issue.

Have a nice and prosperous life with your wife.

Hahaha stay asshurt nigger, while I take all your women

Black girls love white dick

Not Ok man,thanks.

Based colonist

What do black guys think of black women loving white men?

Not him, but I'd imagine he probably experienced black women giving him a hard time for dating someone who wasn't black. Not a very good excuse though, desu.

I don't care personally. Everyone has preferences and should be with who they want to be with. Family aside, most of the girls I've interacted with growing up were white so, I tend to like white girls. I had a thing for Asian girls in high school though, but that was probably because of Kpop.

Lol I punched a black girl for talking shit to me about my white gf

10/10 would do it again. Dumbass wenches need to mind they own fuckin business

Nobody needs an excuse to do anything. Stay safe chatting on the internet simp

Good fucking riddance

Nobody is more anti black than Asians

You're better off with Latinas or liberal white girls. Maybe Arabs

I'm not a fan of punching people unprovoked, but I approve of sticking up for yourself and your gf. Don't take shit from assholes

My one gf was Asian and her parents came to like me after awhile. Most likely the exception, though.

T. Larping white guy

raise your kids right and they wont, nobody is born evil because of their skin retard

>tfw no Christian mulatto gf

Just make sure you live in a suburb and send them to a private school. I'm black and my cousins that go to private schools are white as hell.

do you look anything like louis cole and/or owen gray, because guaranteed some black girl wants to fuck you right now.

it's always dudes that look like that

Colleges, the only black girls who date white guys are weird nerds or girls who are really pretty, thin, and have long hair (high standards, only chads who play tennis and wear Rolex’s get these types)

Bleach her


Why do you want STDs? I suppose if you can find one that's a virgin that would be ok and your descendents will get free gibs forever, until the gibs run out and they starve to death


How's sex with black women lads? Different from white?


You get aids syphylis ghonorrea herpees and crabs instead of just herpees and a fake rape charge