I want to message my ex so badly to beg her
She broke up with me to focus on school and didn't have time for me a month ago
It was her birthday a couple days ago and there is a photo of her having a beer with someone behind the camera
We planned to get married and have children soon
Please help stop me
I want to message my ex so badly to beg her
Here it is, messaging will get the exact opposite reaction you want. The best thing you can do if you still want her is to do a 'soft' move on like she is doing
Delete her cellphone number and all her messages RIGHT NOW.
Block all her social media accounts.
>we planned to get married and have children soon
>She broke up with me to focus on school and didn't have time for me a month ago
I'm sorry to hear that, but it's obvious she doesn't want to be with you. Sorry user, delete her number and move on.
Any person who breaks up with someone to “focus on school” is lying. You can be in a relationship and do school, lol. She’s lying to you. Just delete her shit like the other anons said and DO NOT message her. You will only make a fool of yourself. Chill out and find another girl when you’re ready
I will do this
thank you so much
I want to tell her this
I'm sure you're doing fine without me, but I am still having a very hard time. So I will block you, and I don't think I can unblock you.
And maybe also say
If you want to say anything please say it now.
I already sent her a message saying
>I hope you had a nice birthday
and she said
>I did. Thanks
No, fucking forget about her, go lift some weights listening to Messhugah or Lamb of God until your arms don't respond anymore.
It's for your own good. The outcome of your desire will be terrible and you will self-loathe for it.
fucking rekt
I figured this. Fuck man I cannot chill, I feel so anxious
Go make some exercise. Run a mile.
dont respond with anything just delete thats the best option
I've been going to the gym since we broke up, and talking with a new girl, but it does not even compare. I have a call for work coming up soon but I will run around the block after
I blocked everything and didn't respond
God fucking damn it man I'm going to cry in my meeting
Of course it won't compare, at first. Your dopamine and serotonin reward system has been configurated to respond to your ex as a stimuli. You need to reconfigure it by completely obliterating the concept of her from your mind, and the best way of doing this is doing other dopamine and serotonin rewarding activities.
It won't be easy user, but eventually it will work. Believe me, soon enough it will come one day when you won't think of her for the entirety of those 24 hours. Then, you will remeber and will say "Meh", and laugh. Godspeed.
I'm so fucking pathetic
Thanks, that makes a lot of sense. It's hard for me to find things that actually make me feel like that, and I will keep trying
Stop with this mindset, you are fucking awesome, you felt love and made a girl to love you. You'll be fine man
yeah i didnt mean it in a bad way i thought it might get you to see that a response like that implies disinterest sorry matey
Thank you, and this made me feel a bit better.
It's okay, I'm quite unstable as we speak right now. Extremely anxious. I have a pill for this situation but it says take before bed. Also taking it before going to the gym might be a bad idea
>Also taking it before going to the gym might be a bad idea
Yeah, don't do that, do your work out first, then go home and take it.
Try to reflect or meditate about the best way for you to get out of this situation. For me, the last time I felt in love, was to transform it into anger. I got buffed, listened to a lot of death metal and came back to the shooting range. After some time I was fine and could relax again.
And always remember you need the storm to appreciate the sunny days. You need the night to perceive the existence of the day, otherwise it would be the same state all time time. Pain is extremely neccesary to be happy in life. Is of the human nature. Embrace all your moments, they are yours and yours alone, and will make you a better and happier person.
I think I need to transform it to anger too. I'm a bit passive, but occasionally just snarky.
Thanks for reminding me about needed pain to be happy in life. Looking back at my last breakup, god it was horrible. But I do embrace that moment.
I tried being happy for a while, but I was extremely isolated and I drank heavily one day. I ended up crying for maybe about 8 hours straight, and had the police called on me and stayed with me. I could hardly move the next day. It was my first serious break up.
I've matured a lot since then and I hope I can look back at this the same way.
>She broke up with me to focus on school
lol if that's what she told you then there's no hope. think about it
>lol user l need to break up because gas money is expensive, and I need to focus on my budfget. I can't spent 20 dollars a month just to hang out with you
She's international, trying to top her classes to gain permanent residency in my country in classes with no other women. She is under quite a bit of pressure, has no car, has multi-hour commutes that will get longer this Summer. She is Japanese too and you know their work culture. Sometimes she gets 3 hours a sleep regularly on weekdays.
I am graduated working a job I don't like and living with my parents.
That being said, I think she has obviously lost interest in me as well.
yeah seems like you are trying to justify it for her while earlier you mentioned she was out having a drink
>think op
Well, it was for her birthday. Either way, I do try to justify it that's true. She is just straight up not interested in me, and texting will only make things worse.
I've blocked everything of hers and I do not want to see anything about her ever again.