ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>Guys insecure with their 4+ inches dick
Fuck off

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself. You can use these macros:

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Other urls found in this thread:

Ladies, do emojis make or break a text? And how much is too much?

I love when men can emote.

Everyone, but especially women: I'm a guy and I've never taken care of my skin before. I'm 26. I don't moisturise or anything like that. Is there a website that will teach me everything I need to know? Thanks to being an unhealthy NEET I've gone from looking 16 at 20 to 45 at 26. Thank you.

How do I hide how lonely I am so I can stop putting girls off?

So I've been single for a while now, and I've had a lot of girls either flake on me or flat out reject me. Which is fine, I need to expect that.

Problem is, it's gotten to a point where not only do I not put in any effort, but I've kind of been avoiding girls lately. Even when I find a girl attractive, as soon as she approaches to me all my desire to talk to her goes right out the fucking window.

I think I've convinced myself that the effort is really pointless since I invariably get attached too quickly. Add the fact that I am still incredibly lonely and you have a very unhappy camper.

What can I do to get out of this rut? I can't stop myself from wanting companionship, but I don't have the ability to get it. Doesn't help that I'm already a bit of a sperg.

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By not showing signs of clingyness.

I'm not a fan of emojis, in general.
If you have more than 1-2 in your text, or you use them in every text, I'm probably going to think you're a moron.

what does it mean when a girl says "okie" in messages

She's trying to sound cute

I've noticed pretty girls sometimes respond better to my advances if I allow myself to be taken aback by their looks for a fraction of a second. I've also noticed girls in general respond better when I look a little less put together. Why is this?

Why would this girl pretend to be my girlfriend? She keeps saying we dated and had sex (even claims I raped her!) but I never even met the girl.

some context

>find qt on tinder
>swipe right
>she swipes left on me i assume from no match
>ffw months later
>randomly see her on a diff social media platform
>confess that i swiped right on her months ago
>tell her i like her
>ask her out for some soup
>no response
>move on
>find a new girl to court
>she starts to pretend we're in a relationship

What is she doing to me?

Why would someone, who I definitely know is my good friend but also definitely she doesn't like me romantically, not go out of her way to say hi to me, when she does with other people?

When I go out of my way to talk to her, she usually happily talks to me and when I invite her to stuff she always comes along.

ok, thats what i thought. But what does it mean if a girl is trying to sound cute

donated blood today

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It's flattering to know I make you a little nervous. It's kind of cute.

oops wrong thread

Why do you people think that anons on Jow Forums can read into people's mind?

guy asking girls: is it bad that I am super avoidant of social media? like if you took a picture of/with me and put it on facebook or whatever people use i would be kind of uncomfortable. would that cause a problem?

Getting new perspectives helps me understand.

because they dont know where else to ask some anonymous shit

she's underage

つ _ ༽つ
hiding stuff doesn't work in the long run

apparently I can't into emote

We can't know people inner motivations, it's not a perspective we can give you.
If you want to know why a specific person does something, ask them.

It's cute, like a bonus. Too much would be more emojis than words.

R/skincareaddiction has a good beginner's guide.

Learn to distract yourself in other ways.

First one is they're flattered, the second one is you might be cuter in a rough style than a clean one.

She seems crazy, you'll need to speak to her about it tho.

Not at all as I am the same

Kinda hard when she doesn't like talking about her own emotions. I've tried to talk to her about a lot of things but she never really tells me.

I don’t use website since I have a derm. Basically wash and moisturize. My fav moisturizers are cerave pm and vanicream. Also drink water, eat fruit, and wear sunscreen.

If you find a girl attractive try to make the effort in finding interest in her. Girls can tell if guys don’t show interest and they may change their minds as to not waste time. If you tried and you cannot find any interest then it’s okay to move on.
It’s hard because you have to find a balance in it as showing too much or too little will drive them away.

Then just suck it up and accept that that's how she is.

I would want to, assuming it was a really good pic of us because I like to look good with others. But I understand the uncomfortability around it.

Is it possible to find single pregnant girls that are looking for a man in their life? One of my biggest attractions is to pregnant girls, and I would stick around afterwards. Where would I even meet a girl that's pregnant and not with the dad?

No. I'm exactly the same so we could just avoid having our pics on social media together.

If I’m cuddling close with a female friend (non sexual) watching movies together and I were to get a boner, could that be viewed as offensive? Especially if she were to accidentally feel it?

If we were cuddling close and you weren't popping a boner, I'd view that as offensive.

Nothing really. I've had female friends use it, and I've had girls I've fucked use it.

There wasn't a thread at the time

To girls (biological) why does this girl I barely know keep sending snaps on the toilet, not doing anything. This shit is gross as fuck and I should block her but I don't because its so funny. I asked her why she is so nasty and she says "idk"

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Even though we are just friends and not sexual? I know I’m repeating the question but I just can’t help but feel like it would be awkward. It’s happened before where I’m positive she felt it and she said nothing about it.

What's the deal with a guy who ignores me for days on end, and then suddenly is like SUPER complimentary and nice.

Don't ruin people's lives because of your deranged fetish you fucking degenerate

If you're cuddling really close in bed, you're not platonic friends. So "platonic friends" rules don't apply.

What the hell is wrong with me? I love her. The sex is incredible. I want her around all the time, but she's an extreme introvert. I have no reason to believe she's falling out of love or cheating on me, but I want her near me all the time. I could move on, but I'm scared because I was lonely for years until this point. I don't deserve her. I feel like I cheated nature by getting her. I don't know what's healthy anymore. I could break up with her and work on myself until someone else comes along, but I'm not good at that either. I only know how to hurt myself to get myself to do anything. I don't enjoy anything except romance. I feel insecure.

You are one of many chicks he’s talking to. It just happens to be your turn when he becomes complimentary.

He's talking to or dating other women. That, or he's just horny and wants to try to get at you again

Need more info on that one, but I did something similar a few years ago. I liked this girl so I would be super nice to her and try to get her attention, but at some point I started thinking that she didn't like me, so I decided to force myself to stop caring about her. That would be the ignoring part. Then after a while we had a particularily intimate discussion and that brought back the feelings I had for her. I was also working on bettering myself so I was more confident and that made me be super nice to her again.

Fellow guys,

How do I keep my streak going. I broke a dryspell but I don't wanna stick on the girl I broke it too because I know I'll get biologically attached to her.

Can already feel how I'm not thinking how I usually would even though its just a casual fling.

stop being an insecure faggot and marry her already

See the thing is he just seems like a bad texter/not talkative person in general so I'm not sure if I see him being this player.

Also he generally is free if I ask him to meet up which I think would less be the case if he was seeing a bunch of other people.

Call him on it then. Just ask, hey why do you seem so distance sometimes? Something going on? Gauge his reaction.


How do I approach a boy if I see an attractive guy somewhere? I'm extremely lonely and shy and no one approaches me so I might as well try myself. Also what gets a guy's attention visually/how should I dress etc

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If you're ugly then don't bother unless they're a few rungs below what you consider attractive.

Women only get pump and dumped when they punch up.

Depends on the location I suppose. For example he’s sitting in a coffee shop or bookshop by himself you could walk over and say hi, mind if i sit here? What are you reading/whatever he’s doing b So long as he’s not appearing to be super busy (on laptop headphones in) it should at least catch his attention. I know I’d be super flattered if someone out of the blue approached me. Then again, that never happens...

i am neither fat nor ugly i am extremely antisocial

I know a girl who's probably a 6/10 in terms of looks, but I have no doubt she could get a 8/10 guy. She's the sweetest person I know, dresses well, smells good, talking to her is easy, and idk she just makes you feel comfortable. I don't know how she does that but it makes her a lot more attractive

>I'm pretty

Then do it. Doesn't matter how awkward you are, most guys will presume its their fault and then try to rectify it.



You get all the Jow Forums girls.

Nah hes always been like that. And were not really dating, but I dont like whatever we are.

Still think you should talk about it. You’re worth more than just occasional attention when it suits him.

Guys, a scenario:

>be 29, female
>be in a pretty shitty relationship for almost a decade
>eventually would regularly go months without having any sort of sex with each other
>be okay with this, don't feel sexy or sexually attracted to him anyway
>he inevitably cheats
>but he'd been cheating well before we stopped having regular sex
>don't have much of a plan and wind up asking mother to live with her in a different state
>rebound-itis and sexual frustration hit like a train

this age, women are getting off the cock carousel and i want on, basically. at least for a tiny second.

i've never had casual sex in my life before, and i have little relationship experience to boot, meaning i have no fucking clue if guys are interested in me anyway. on top of being ancient and living with my fucking mother like an idiot. am i basically fucked at this point?

Well he told me he doesnt like to text, and that Im one of the people he talks to the most- and thats reallllllly little. Its just weird cause then he tries to be all flirty and saying nice things about me and how he wants me so badly. But if he wants me so badly why does ge hit me up so little lol

>this girl on the dating site (who I never met) doesn't care about me

Be a human instead of an animal, control your sexual urges and build yourself a life. You're 29 and have accomplished nothing, sex is the last thing you should be worrying about

If he just “didn’t like to text” then he wouldn’t magically text you like crazy one night a week. I think you are trying to convince yourself that he’s something he isn’t.
And even if what you say is true, do you want that? I don’t think so. Don’t sell yourself short.

Casual sex is empty. Nobody enjoys it, trust me. It feels like masturbation after a couple of times where you feel disgust and promise to fix your life, but end up doing it again.
Work on yourself and sign to a dating site I promise you there are thousands of lonely men in their 30s who would be happy to get to know you

>Not at all as I am the same
How do I find girls like you?

i'm ugly as sin, and i would get into relationships with guys i personally found really attractive by just being funny. it doesn't just work for men.

no context so i'm sure i'm wrong, but maybe she's just freaked out and weird about the online dating thing. i've been avoiding logging into okc for the past week because a cute guy i had been talking to for a month or so asked me to meet. sometimes you just feel like their expectation of you will be nowhere close to reality and you'll just be a huge disappointment

but i've accomplished nothing in life WHILE having sex so

i do agree that sex is a relatively useless thing for anyone to want, but wanting it does happen regardless of a person's circumstances. and picturing how i figured casual sex would be, i'd doubt any dude would know i'm secretly a huge fucking loser

Whenever a girl has "have an open mind" on her dating profile, I can't help but read that as "be ok with me sleeping around"

Is this wrong?

tfw no ugly as sin gf

>wanting it does happen regardless of a person's circumstances
Yeah of course everyone wants sex, my point is that you should control that urge because you're a 29 yo loser who needs to get her life in order before it's too late. Casual sex is for stupid teens, you just need to find a partner who will have sex with you (and also marry and have a family and whatnot). In order to do that, you have to not be a fucking loser, which means no casual sex and working on yourself

Nah you're right. Actually, her very presence on a dating site is enough for me to make that assumption

Do all boys jerk off to girls they know on Facebook or just my boyfriend? :

your boyfriend is a fucking loser get with me instead

I did that in high school but if he's over 18 and still faps to Facebook profiles it's fucking weird

>am i basically fucked at this point?
Stop being so dramatic! Unless you're a smoker/drug user and you're all saggy.
Don't get on the cock carousel. Go short term dating instead.
You'll just go to shit if you have a different dick every week.

No, only pathetic fucks do.

How likely, if at all, is it for a girl to change her mind after you ask her out?
I decided to ask a girl I knew for awhile and she politely declined saying she wasn’t looking for any relationship currently, wasn’t even the first guy of the week she turned down. Now I’m not goinging to get on my knees and grovel like a faggot for her to bear my kids since I do still enjoy our friendship, but I do still kinda like her and am wondering how likely she is to eventually change her feelings.
I’m somewhat hopeful although fully prepared to move on if so

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>Post picture of vidya on IG
>Girl I went to highschool with says she plays and wants to play sometime and asks me to add her
>Add her
>Literally never wants to play
>Ignores me in every way possible
>Lies to me (says she's gonna play alone, but I can see that's a lie cause she streams)

Why the fuck did contact me if she wants nothing to do with me?

>and also marry and have a family and whatnot
i don't want that though. dude i ghosted on okc is a prime example of that, he's got a toddler and i want zero things to do with that part. which is shitty because he pinged almost all of my visual turn-ons

>all saggy
to be fair, i've been saggy since i was like 12, i've got mad shit genes
blows my mind that no dude has ever called me out on it out loud

my ex did compulsively apparently. stop dating scumbags, it'll make you feel better

Bitches are crazy. Remove her and move on.

>how likely she is to eventually change her feelings.
0%. None. It doesn't even matter if there is a chance, you should assume it to be 0%. Move on, she doesn't like you, and being a needy faggot will just make her like you even less. Show her that rejection doesn't affect you.

>i don't want to marry
>dude i ghosted on okc

Ah I see, you're a modern woman. Whatever then, enjoy the cock carousel until you're too old and you end up as the single/divorced alcoholic aunt I guess

>to be fair, i've been saggy since i was like 12
Being a slut will only make you feel good momentarily. In the long term, this behavior will hurt your "market value" and your own self respect, even if you're not aware of this.

How do I stop being so afraid of messaging girls.
Got a girl's number months ago on a night out, never messaged her, haven't seen her since. It still bothers me to this day.
It's been ages so it's probably way too late but I still want to message her but the anxiety is just so bad.

You have to not care about those girls. If you start thinking about how you'll ''fuck it up'' or how she won't like you, it means you care and don't want to fail. That's the wrong mindset. Be carefree, go with the flow and see what works. Once you find a good girl who seems to like you, then you can start investing yourself emotionally

He’s 22.

Is it really something I can leave him over though? We have been dating 2 1/2 years and we live together.

Is it weird to want a female friend I can open up to and talk about real life shit and emotions to and expect us to not develop feelings for each other?

nothing wrong with not wanting to get married, my guy. relationships in general are messy and awkward and full of dusted ass morons who can't effectively communicate. getting the government involved in all that is foolery. plus, don't you think it'd follow that a woman who gave the best years of her life to an idiot is going to be inclined to be against marriage?

i would have figured you'd have gone in on the no kids thing more than the not getting married part.

i was really hung up on that idea too all of my youth. i've only been in two relationships, both summing up to 13 years. even when i was single, i had refused to even entertain the idea of a fuckbuddy or a ons thing, and that was around the time when i was comparatively passably attractive.

my devotion to that ideal got me nothing. relationships can feel just as empty as casual sex can, if not worse because you're fucked up that you feel that way about a person you once had feelings about.

sometimes it's best to ho out.

How can I build more intimacy with this girl I like ? We're in the same friends group but I don't really how to bond with her on a more personal level rather than just seeing each other in a group context. I'll ask her out at some point but first I'd like to show her in a subtle way that I'm interested

Find a girl and make her pregnant you literal cuck.
Alternatively, date fat chicks, your dick won't know the difference.

A lot of guys find that girls respond best to this treatment. It's making you post here asking why he's not giving you attention so it's working.

I kinda want to ask this girl out who seems interested in me, but I'm not 100% attracted to her physically. She has a cute face (she has freckles which I have a huge thing for) but she's really thin and she has terrible fashion sense.

Still worth going for it?

complimented a girl and she responded.

"you're so sweet"

rip me


What if I’m already in a committed relationship. Weird now?

Why can't you do those things with your gf ?

She’s not the bear at talking with. I always joke if she worked at a suicide hotline she’d tell them all to just get it over with.

Yeah but I can't do that if I'm too anxious to message them, that's what I'm saying.
It's not that I care too much about THEM, it's about me. My low self esteem and anxiety just makes it so I can't bring myself to say anything because I overthink anything.
And here I am, months after getting a super hot girl's number who definitely seemed interested in me at the time, sitting on Jow Forums STILL trying to figure out what to say to her.

> terrible fashion sense.

how bad are we talking?

also being thin is good

>how bad are we talking?
Like very long black skirts and jean jackets
>also being thin is good
She's REALLY thin. Not anorexic, but easily thinner than most girls.

Is it a retarded idea to tell a friend of mine to ask the girl I like if she likes me ? He's known her since high school so he could easily say something like ''hey do you like user'' and she'd probably answer honestly. then I'd know what my chances are

however I'm fucking retarded when it comes to these things and I'm afraid doing that would be stupid and I'm too retarded to realize it