Is this rage justified?

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No, this is irrational jealousy that ugly people should only be attracted to ugly people, and vice versa.

Its understandable jealousy but its not justified. Good for her getting with chad and punching above her weight class. Aspire to be like her, dont drag her down to your level.

>Good for her getting with chad and punching above her weight class. Aspire to be like her

Ahaha she didn't 'get the chad'.

Most guys will smash almost anything for one night, if nobody finds out.

Mayeb that’s all she wanted dude. People use each other for lots of things and sex is one of them. She got chad, there’s no denying that.

She also got murdered by the seething incel, so there's that too.

Nah guys 'get' a woman when they fuck her.

Women 'get' a guy when he commits to her.

That post actually makes me sad. Seeing that amount of anger and bloodlust in a young man is just soul crushing.

I'm someone who's had a lot of anger in my life and overcome it for the most part by letting go and forgiving. Seeing these kind of posts reminds me of me when I was younger.

And I just think, "wow, that guy was once a young child, fresh-faced and loved by his family. and now he is full of such savage rage". I wish these people could get the help they need to lead them astray from their very dark path. I believe that if these guys could see from an outside perspective how badly they are ruining their brains, they would crumble and fall to tears.

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>using reddit
>expecting women to take you seriously
of course, Jow Forums isn't much better, but at least I can laugh at edgy shit with the redpilled side of my friend group. Reddit is just for beta zoomers

No. Everyone wants to fuck hot people.
I doubt that if he could fuck a hot girl he'd be like "Oh no, I'm sorry, you're awesome but I have some short fat stinky cunt to smash tonight. Sorry".

Nah, if I want a dude to fuck, when I fuck him I have him. Just because you don't want to accept that doesn't make it not the truth.

Yeah and I'm sure any guy will be happy to deposit his sperm in you.

Doesn't mean you "have" him though does it.

user, you tiny moron, it depends on what you want out of a relationship.
Do you want a one night stand? You "get" the man or the woman once you have one.
Do you want a relationship? You "get" the man or the woman once you get them to commit.
Do you want marriage? You "get" the man or the woman once you get them to marry you.

Would you feel like you "got" the love of your life if she fucked you once and then walked out on you and talked about your small dick with her friends?

Not really, maybe if the dude is gay I guess.

He is OP after all.

Hadn't seen someone calling OP a faggot in months. Made me smile.
You made my day user.

Nah contraception has been around for a minuscule portion of our existence.

Our brains are still wired to understand sex in a primitive way, which is:

A guy dumps his cum in you: Job done, genes propegated.

But now you're left alone to try and provide for and raise kids, alone, if you don't die in childbirth.

This is why it's so much easier for women to find casual sex.

That's not how humans work in terms of feelings around reproduction.
Both men and women produce hormonal response after sex that make us feel a bond for each other. Women always had community support to raise our children, even before marriage and families as we know them were a thing. Family is something that started when we had property and marriage.

Men produce far less oxcytocin after sex, why do you think that is?

Is it simply a fact that sex is far more pleasurable for men? Pretty jelly to be honest, knowing that they gain sex much more easily than a man can and have a much, much better time whilst putting in far less effort in conventional positions. I wonder what men have that makes women jelly.

*far more pleasurable for women
FFS. I need to proofread.

Doesn't a massive sure of oxytocin really relax and soothe you and make you less alert? Men pretty much have to be more alert on a really innate level as the stronger sex that protects the women that have the wombs and can have children.

The title had me thinking that it was about the typical loser seething over someone else fucking while he has to listen, but it sounds to me like the dude is raging over the roomie shooting up the value of cunt in the dating market. I'm conflicted on the issue because on one hand I understand this but on the other hand dictating who people should be giving to or taking the dick from is authoritarian.

I think it's beautiful. It's a force of nature. I'm unironicaly grateful to the chad who pushed me into nuclear rage and made my life literal non-stop internal screaming for a while. I was reshaped literally and metaphorically much to the dismay of my abusive brother.

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>I think it's beautiful. It's a force of nature. I'm unironicaly grateful to the chad who pushed me into nuclear rage and made my life literal non-stop internal screaming for a while. I was reshaped literally and metaphorically much to the dismay of my abusive brother.
Sounds like an interesting story. What did Chad do, how did it change you, and what went down with your bro?

I'm confused: do women prefer their white men with dark hair or light hair? There's those studies showing they prefer light hair but when girls/incels describe sexy Chad, they always put emphasis on the blond hair if Chad indeed has it.

*There's those studies showing they prefer DARK hair
Need to proofread but I never learn my fucking lesson

Not interesting. Just autistic. Here's the short of it.
>Father is an absent beta provider
>Brother is a combination of Starscream, Squidward and Brainy Smurf
>Mother is bipolar, narcissistic and a hoarder
>Abusive childhood that makes people angry when they read about it
>Grow up to be a wreck and a loser
>No gf even though I was aproached a number of times
>Cope by looking down on the chads
>"I'm superior because I'm not a douchebag."
>"I'm superior because I'm super intelligent, unlike those fucktards."
>Abusive mother dies. Brother takes over making me emotionally dependant, isolates me from the few friends I had and forces me to stay in and give up on hobbies
>Depression gets worse. I gain more weight
>Panic attacks every night. Mental health obviously deteriorating
>Be regular on a general/community on another board
>Plenty of people who know eachother
>Chad and I are different sorts of nusances on the place
>I come to dislike him
>At some point he fucks Stacey (both living in another continent than I) and they keep spamming the thread about it
>I go mental
>I'm angry at her, I'm angry at him, but most of all I'm furious with myself because I realized that I have no proof of superiority. I've achieved jack squat and I've been lying to myself all along
>"Where are my achievements? I'm not superior. I'm shit!"
>I get so absolutely fucking angry that I can barely sleep a few hours every day and eat little
>Scream internally all the damn time. Quite literaly get mad the moment I wake up
>I have to exhaust myself with exercise in order to sleep
>Whenever I get tired, I scream internally and I'm back at peak stamina

>This goes on for a while until one morning I notice I've done a lot of unintentional progress and tell my brother
>Having camled down considerably, I decide to continue working out
>One night I go out to a bar after years
>When I return, my brother throws one of the most emotionally exhausting fights I've had in my life to make me catatonic
>He is an even bigger loser than I am and has been feeding his ego for decades by belittling me. He has attempted to push me to kill myself
>The fight leaves me with absolute contempt for my environment and it's product
>I get in contact with the Chad and he chat up
>He is an alright guy after all
>We reconcile and he gives me advice on this and that
>I become fit
>Panic attacks become manageable
>I get mired and make friends everywhere I go even though I don't want to
>My brother used to tell me "You haven't seen me angry. I'll send you to the hospital if I get angry." out of the blue
>Now when we fight he says "If you touch me, I'll go to the police."

The spineless fucking kissless worm. People are usually disheartened by their family trying to sabotage them, but my brother's butthurt is like a lighthouse to me. If it weren't for the Chad then I'd probably get fat by american standards and die before my father.

The Stacey in question claimed she disliked macho guys and prefered feminine, soft guys. She had a few of those orbiting her but instead she jumped on Testosteronosaurus Rex's dick. The Chad is a fuckhueg fit army man. I've seen similar cases with past and current galpals. My point is that it doesn't matter what they say. What they screw is what they really like.

Property and marriage are mentioned in the Epic of Gilgamesh so I think it's safe to say it's a pretty fucking ancient concept.

It's hard to get reliable data on human subjects, but in studies on animals with the same hormones, testosterone has been found to inhibit the effects of oxytocin. Hence why you see less in-group preference among women, and much more severe effects on ability to pair bond with promiscuity.

Imagine blaming the girl for that and not the guy. I was in a similar situation in college. My friend was a late bloomer with extreme insecurity who didn't realize his attractiveness. I ended up steering him towards the 7/8's and that left the 5/6's he used to target for me. Most dudes have like zero standards, and have to be literally told not to fuck anything that's not a burn victim. Look at Jow Forums and their obsessionwith "high test" girls.

How do you know you're one of those autists that doesn't realize their own attractiveness?

Do all basic bitches just have no sympathy for ugly people? Or average looking guys? Halo effect is strong.

Master key, shitty lock. A woman loses sexual market value. A man gets to brag to his friends and to women.

A bit.

See this post I wrote in another thread:

Imagine being so jealous of your roommates ability to get laid so easily you go and post about it on reddit instead of trying to do it yourself. Anyone who takes Looksmatch seriously has dug their own hole.

>this much rage about Chad fucking a high test girl
The fucking state of reddit

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Why is he raging? Because he wanted to have sex with him instead?

I swear, "looksmatch" exploded over the last few weeks. Fuck this stupid term.

Maybe he‘s into fat girls. High test and all, y‘know?
Feeling entitled to someone‘s body because you think they are similarly ugly than you is fucking pathetic. This guy should get gassed so his fucked up mindset can‘t spread.

Get fucked, you dogshit niggers. High test is supposed to be women with big tits and child bearing hips, not fat fucking hamplanets. Incels like you destroyed porn tags like thicc and curvy.

Lmao if I could fuck a 9/10 woman instead of a 5/10 I would do it any time. I really dont get why these incels get mad about this, so sensitive.

T. 24 year old khv

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Seems so stereotypically perfect that it looks fake, but then I have been fooled before.

If you get approached by girls, even average/average ones, you are attractive. Keep in mind that despite changing societal attitudes, it is still widely accepted that the man pursues. This means that women won't even bother going outside their comfort zone unless they really like what they see. It's safer for them to just stare at you and make eye contact from across the bar than actually walk over and introduce themselves

was about to post this. bitter people will get agitated anytime someone seems to be doing better at anything.

>implying abortions haven't been a thing for centuries, especially post-birth abortions
