Nights and regrets.
GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest
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I should stay far away from everyone.
Why regrets?
I’ve been hurt and I project it onto the people in my life. And hurt them by doing so
I wasted all of my family's money on going to college for engineering. I don't think I ever wanted to be one but was too retarded to realize the dipshits in suits are the engineers and the guys actually building things are the tradesmen.
No I have no means of becoming an aircraft mechanic because I don't have money and I'm mortified of loans.
Pic related is me.
>have abusive ex
>leaves for a "clean" meth head because readily available for sex
>heart broken, learning to cope and move forward from abuse
>it gets better, some very low days but the high days are more often
>fast forward to today
>hear on the grape vine that ex may have STDs
I'm gonna be living the single life boys, but at least I'll be living it with out crotch rot.
How were you hurt? How do you project?
I'm lonely but I hate socializing. I'm bored with life but I don't want to do anything. I have very loving friends and family but I want them all to go away. Help.
Why did I start talking to her knowing full well deep down inside that I’d develop feelings. God damn it, you are already in a long term relationship. “We are just friends, why can’t a guy be friends with other girls? Shit, we have so much in common this is great!”
How fucking naive can you be? Ignoring every sign along the way. Secretly messaging her under the blankets or on the toilet because you are too afraid your fiancé will ask who you are talking to. Asking her how her day is going. Getting butterflies when she sends you a random message during the day asking if you are alright because she knows you are having a hard time at work.
You even told her the story that you said you wouldn’t tell. You knew EXACTLY what you were doing. Are you wanting to sabotage your own relationship? For this other girl you’ve never even met in person? Who’s thousands of miles away? What the FUCK are you thinking???
I was abused and so I assume the worst of other people unconsciously
I will only help those who want help. No one else. I need to say this 100x a day to myself.
What type of abuse and who abused you?
Doesn’t matter who or what type. I just want to be a better person
What do you need help with? It sounds like you want to be lonely.
She’d ask if she cared. Stopped giving her the benefit of the doubt.
I hope my text wasn't too cold.
I really want to see you.
Okay that's good, I agree it doesn't matter. I just wanted to know if there were certain people you're more distrustful or than others. For example, authority figures or women or old people, etc.
I don't want to have eyes for anyone else..
He expects me to know who he is without communicating. It doesn't work like that.
Women and men alike, I have trouble trusting anybody
I want a new job, one I'll like.
Mine would be perfect if it weren't for the lack of job security, the shitheel company that keeps promoting social-climber types that like to show off that they're the big boss man by waltzing in and looking to see how many people they can get away with firing and bullying before the company ultimately is forced to intervene for liability reasons.
It's dead end because those of us at the bottom earn more per hour than our managers (they're salaried), get more job security than them and have to do less work. Top it off with the fact I've seen plenty of good managers fired and bullied (some of the best bosses I could've ever asked for) out of a job and never once seen a manager here get promoted (though one nearly did, up until a constructive dismissal accusation, that was entirely accurate and a pattern of behaviour with him).
All I want is guaranteed income, job security.
I work hard enough anyway but in my current employment hard work does not pay off because there is a strong bully culture here. I no longer give 110%, I simply fulfil my contract.
110% is for companies that recognise 110% is good instead of demanding 200% then promoting the asshole who does 80% and firing the genuinely amazing woman who did 199%.
I worked hard for her. To impress her. No one fuckin' else.
I don't want to be lonely, but every time someone approaches me I get this sickening feeling and I can't handle it
Once bitten, twice shy. I have the same problem but I'm trying to trust. I don't blame people for just giving up on me, I require great patience. I would be annoyed by me too.
Why sickening? Anxiety or just hatred? Shyness? Fear?
with people I know it's irritation. with strangers it's either fear or irrational hatred (especially with girls)
>irrational hatred (especially with girls)
What's the reason for that?
I haven't watched porn for a long long time and recently haven't been masturbating either. I just did and wow, it was so good even though it was short.
I had unprotected sex with a black chick I've known for a while. Now I'm paranoid as fuck. I keep checking myself for HIV symptoms. That was 2 weeks ago now, my neck feels tight, like I'm getting swollen lymph nodes. Pls send help
My therapist is supposed to one of the best in town but he isn't even close to being smart enough to help me. :(
What are your problems?
I'm gonna sound like complainer so here goes. I feel like I am wearing a mask to hide my thoughts and feelings, and being stressed out as a first gen college student struggling to be successful.
Wow they were right. A lot of women think I look cute/hot. I feel women look more than they ever talk now though
It's really complicated. I come from a very complex and confusing past.
Try me.
It would take days of writing to explain it. You would also have to be highly educated in all forms of religion, philosophy, secret societies, etc. It's just too much to understand for the average psychologist to help me put together.
Why do you still like her she left for europe ages ago
You are literally the most popular guy in the school every single girl would date with you
what do you see in her
if you were my fiancé id kill you for not being fully invested in our relationship. lmao that poor girl :(
Other way around, actually. I think I was vulnerable to this happening because I feel a huge gap in what I’m needing.
>giving up your morals for attention
Why do you feel the need to avoid me? We don't even really know each other and I have no idea what I did wrong, if anything. I was actually hoping to get to know you. Whatever, at least the rest of your family is pretty cool.
Yeah, I’m starved for attention :(
I gotta get my head and life straight
I'm avoiding everybody for the most part and until t'm done I'm just a homebody
I love you so much. I just want to do the most simple things with you, it would mean so much. You make me so happy.
Had my nails done today and the man was very attractive. I have a thing for strong and gentle man who work with their hands to craft beautiful things. The way they grab your hands and move so firmly and surely is attractive.
I am a techer and i hate my job. Every morning is a torture, the students are shit, my bosses thinks thaht we dont need to sleep a send us lots of work to home. I want to kill my self onyl to be free of the job.
I hope you get to do those simple things with him one day user. Sounds nice... those are the best things in life. Things like holding hands, watching a sunset together or a starry sky.
Was he gay?
Please leave your job as soon as possible, you're doing a disservice to those students and yourself.
I developed feelings for someone who is in a long-term relationship. At first I decided to ignore it until it went away but it just.. didn’t. I work with them, they flirt with me frequently and I recently found out they’re talking to other people on the side. I have been avoiding them recently, hopefully they’ll leave me alone and go work on their own emotional instability. I know their relationship isn’t healthy but this isn’t the answer. They’re hurting other people now.
My biggest fear is to became a pedo.
Just don't do it then
I really hate niggers
stop consuming loli porn then.
I’m in the shit. My fathers almost divorced but now they got back together but i still feel like a shit. I’m afraid of women and i’m starting to ahte them and i don’t want that because i always wanted to get a girlfriend. I’m still kind angry with my mom because she left my dad alone for 4 days and even so they are back and i still love hee, i am still angry with her. My sister never pay me atentiom. I love my father too but sometimes he can be kinda an asshole. I have so mucho for tell about how a shitty human i am but i want to sleep
Everybody said you get over it with time but i still miss her everyday im so afraid of being by myself again i can't go back to that i was so alone for so long i got use to it but then she came and showed me what affection was like and being special to someone and now she got bored and left i can't handle this loneliness anymore
She sent a text to the wrong person, but now I'm curious who that was meant for, and why you'd care so much if they get mad. And what you did to get them mad
I've wasted so much of my time doing nothing. It feels like i wasted 10 years of good opportunities and even though I'm doing well, I feel like im certain I'll destroy myself before I can achieve what I'm looking for.
I dont go out of my way for things, I just mindlessly follow people around secretly hoping to my self that maybe I'll summon up the courage to socialize, have a good time, hell maybe meet a girl that will like me. But I'm way too lazy to go for it, and even when I put effort Into doing so, I dont bother hanging on.
It feels like I'm more attracted to make trouble for myself by being the silent bystander that does dumb shit, rather than begin to make some rational intelligent decisions about my life and work towards making it happen. But each day that goes on I feel like I'm making myself more unstable each day by allowing myself to waste away. And when that happens I do creepy shit. And I recognize that as being bad, but for whatever reason I do it until I get caught.
I just dont want to view myself as a bad guy. My family and friends say they love me. People that meet me love me, but i end up just wasting that reputation regardless. The worst part of it is, I know what it takes to make good change in my life, but I dont.
You sound sweet, I bet you’ll find someone else.
Who cares lmao
If someday i discover i am pedo, then i would decide doing nothing, because i don’t want to damage anyone. But I mean, any sane person would do that, right?
That’s what i’m doing. I have been one month without seeing “pure” loli and one week without seeing “teen” loli and In fact, all these fear started after consuming thoses, and before watching that shit i thought that loli are for pedos (and i still think that). I don’t want to be a weirdo or damaging anyone
Why not?
I've been dating a girl for 6 months that is seriously head over heels in love with me but I feel nothing towards her. what do.
About him being gay? I was just curious.
Thanks user that means a lot to me. At least i know now i can be that happy.
Fuck my stupid hair loss. Nobody in their right mind wants to date a balding loser in college. I cant stop fantasizing about meeting a girl who actually cares about me and thinks I'm good enough. I'm so starved for physical contact with another human. Its pathetic, I feel like such an disgusting creep. I'm not tall, I dont have a big dick, there's no point in even trying. I've got nothing going for me.
You're already a pedophile. Pedophilia doesn't require the molestation of children, it is simply the desire to be with them sexually. It is a mental illness that turns criminal.
take the buzzpill and grow a beard if you can. hit the gym and get into beaver body or whatever. if you cant grow a beard try minoxidil and moisturizer and you'll grow a beard pretty fast
Yeah about him being gay. He had a wedding band on. I don’t really care either way because he’s attractive but I’m not going to date him. I am somewhat overwhelmed by artistic men who have strong hands and forearms
But user I don’t want to be a criminal and neither have that mental illnes
I deserve to harm her
Harming people is bad. Avoid doing it
Its a regular. They constantly post about revenge and harming people. They are clearly mentally ill. I got a hunch its that one schizo tranny who will sometimes spam his really disturbing rants in these threads.
I hope the people who have been giving me shit sink
Oh buddy
Goodnight J. I will always love you..
Oh that Biff Spigler guy? Maybe he wants to hurt the girl he is stalking.
People make me sad. I wish people didn't feel like they had to cheat everyone else all the time.
I wish I had someone to hug me and tell me everything would be okay.
Dubs confirm
I don't care if you are just feet in front me, across the room. some miles away, some states away or even if you go to the other side of the planet, I will always be rooting for you and hoping you find happiness and success in your life
I don’t blame people, it’s a doggy dog world.
Under pressure we can turn on our brothers and sisters in order to survive; that’s basically survival instinct.
We also have instincts to protect and care for one another, to empathize and to provide support and kindness.
Even in dire times, the latter of those two instincts can shine through, which is a really beautiful thing and a testament to the great nature of the human spirit.
but we have the ability to be above that, and people choose not to... i don't want to be a dog, i want to be human.
Love is strange...
There are too many trepidatious pitfalls laid before us, many disguised as salvation or freedom (spiritual freedom, or freedom from physical or fiscal bondage) that lead to dehumanization.
Our simplest actions can unwittingly or unintentionally further the cycle of dehumanization that is all too inherent in a globalist system.
People want to be kind to one another, they get beaten down and shaped over time into being something they’re not.
Maybe idk I’m dumb as shit, but I can certainly tell you that my trials have both strengthened my resolve, yet have also seriously desensitized me to the attrocities of human suffering.
I deserve to abuse and harm
Who is “she”? Your mother?
Why did you break up with her?
Do whatever you want Michael, you always do anyway. You have no control over your mind, over your sexual impulses, over your diet, over your life. The only thing you have discipline to do is write code for some creepy program and to degrade and try to frighten every woman around you. I saw your disgusting violent sexual messages to that young teen that you thought was me.
You have already harmed me more than anyone else in this world ever has. What more could you possibly do? Stab me? Honestly, I'm not afraid of you at all. I will send you to prison.
She deserves harm
I have a coworker I can't stand and it's a unique situation that I'm not sure anyone could relate to and I honestly fucking hate this guy with a burning passion but not for conventional reasons
You deserve to be locked away. I should send your those pictures to the police in your city/state.
She broke up with me. Said she doesn't want to be in a relationship with anyone right now but still wants to be friends but i know that means she just doesn't want to be in a relationship with me i'm really trying to move on but fuck it's hard
You're a fucking sick monster whoever you are.
Shut up green eggs.
You sound smart to me, user.
It’s always hard for awhile. You’ll be okay though. The sad won’t last forever.
I really need to make some new friends.
my medication isn't working
I'm depressed as fuck and you're one of the only two I can talk to
>oh that sucks
>my new video card isn't working, what do I do?
I wish I could see woman as having any worth. I really don't. I see them as walking pieces of meat only worth their physical appearance and they screw everything up they touch.
They've made the workplace overly complicated, when they get in positions of power they ruin everything, they have no loyalties (sluts), they can't have in-depth discussions, they encourage homosexuality and sexual immorality in general, western woman all wear pants as if they're men instead of dresses and skirts, they're overly emotional and put importance on feelings over truths, etc.
I'm sorry. I really want to like women and I wish I really wanted a GF to make my parents proud, but I can't help but see all of these things. I'm an engineering student, I'm great at seeing patterns and solving problems, but all I see is the things I mentioned about women.
The sad part is there's some girls I talk to in classes, some that I think even like me, but I feel they're all so shallow and don't really care about knowledge and engineering. And I don't want used goods either. I guess my standards are just too high.
I bet they hate you too you psychopath.