Get it off your chest

Let's hear it!

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Other urls found in this thread:

I can't stand beachy females... they are awful. How miserable must they be?! There is no excuse to treat people like shite.

I am a techer and i hate my job. Every morning is a torture, the students are shit, my bosses thinks thaht we dont need to sleep a send us lots of work to home. I want to kill my self onyl to be free of the job.

I don't know what I want to do with my life. I recently graduated from university, but I feel so directionless. I look at job openings and I feel so intimidated and fear that there is no point in applying because they won't choose me. And doing so makes me feel guilty because I know I have to do be doing productive.

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I should of just had my way with that drunk bipolar thot rather than letting her go and have her get fucked by someone else.

The other thread isn’t even at post limit yet why you make this

I‘m so frustrated that whenever there‘s tension between me and my husband, i am the one who has to make the first step to talk it out. If i wouldn‘t, he would just act as if nothing ever happened and let it build up till it‘s too late to fix. Why can‘t he care enough about our relationship to not want to let things go south? Why do i always have to be the one taking initiative? I‘m so tired of this.

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I'm just so tired of people ducking me out.

My kids mom was the same way, she rather sit and rot in her negative emotions than communicate. You can bust your ass to fix things but eventually they give up because of self hatred. Here you are doing what you can out of love and they can’t even attempt to reciprocate. There’s better people out there who have big hearts, the hard part is you have to stop looking for them to find you.

I'm tired and broken down over my relationship with a bipolar person, and in my heart I think I want to leave. I'm so dug in that I have no idea how though. Even if I don't pull the trigger, I KNOW they will in an eventual mood swing. They will do it like they did before, and in the worst ways possible. They will find someone else more exciting for a quick fuck, quit their job for something more exciting with no plan, and essentially ruin everything with as much hate as possible until the feeling passes and they're back on earth. Filled within regret they come crawling back to their job, and then to me. Taking advantage of my kindness. It happened two years ago, and I was stupid enough to think that just because they went on meds that I'd be safe. Now the warning signs are building, the seasons changing always has the biggest effect. Now I can only wait and watch as my life falls apart. They'll take what's left of me and I will have nothing left to give.

I get attached to imaginary characters too easily and feeling depressed after they are gone

Listen I can’t fucking stay here anymore, I feel like I’ve been mentally abused by the two of you since I was 11. Each time it felt like you guys wanted to let out your anger you had on each other on me, and whenever I tried to show my love to both of you, y’all wanted to start manipulating me to hate the other and you think I don’t notice it, and each time I stopped any of you from doing it, you guys accused me of being influenced by the other. I swear, I was normal functioning before you both started to do all this garbage to me, and it seems like none of you thought of the consequences your actions would fucking have. I want to fucking leave because I can’t be asked to live another decade with any of your bullshit, give me a fucking break at least, it’s your fault that this shit is happening, eat up the consequence now.

>Set age range in Tinder and Bumble from 30-45 to match with cougars and milfs.
>It has been months.
>Still haven't been liked.

I'll probably give my job my two weeks notice before killing myself

I was thinking of putting my mail on hold

I know I should be happy to be friends but I want your love. I don’t think you even love me as a friend. I don’t know what to do, it’s been so many years.

Fuck people who ghost especially in long-term relationships. That shit should never be done unless the other party might become abusive. I wish I could call out my ex for being such a piece of shit for pulling this crap and probably having done it to all their exes too.


I think gas, electric, and water should be free to the public with weekly limitations. If I were president, that would be one of my main points. I’d get assasinated by the utilities mafia though.

I am so sorry

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Can my brain let me be happy for uno day pls

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Is that $5 a day putting a crimp in your lifestyle? Would you be willing to open your Angus for those who are giving you free stuff?

>when you split on him and then split back and immediately split on myself for being such an absolutely horrible person for splitting


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Uh no.

I’m sorry. I’m fighting my sympotoms as hard as I can, I promise you. Please be patient with me; please give me a chance. I love and appreciate you more than you know, even if I cannot express it in a given moment..

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I want him gone or I'm gone.

The thing with me is once I've had enough, that's it. I am extremely tolerant for many years, give many chances without indicating so, and then when I see that's going nowhere, that's it. There is no more discussion ever again about it.

That's the worst. It'll always be this way. Accept it or move on. I always tend to be this person in relationships and friendships. It gets exhausting.

I just don’t like how the companies are run desu

$5 a day for electricity gas and water?!

$5? Lucky you. I pay about $12 and that is really economizing.

Hello me

$3,200 a year for me at my last apartment. Pretty hearty if you ask me.

If this were a reasonable company, he would be long gone. How am I supposed to do my best work when I have this fucking menacing thorn in my side? I'm resigning.

Fuck this shit.

What’s wrong?

I’m angry with my family. I want my own, I’ll make a better one.

I've been without female interest so long that I don't think I even want it all anymore. Just doesn't seem worth it

Oh my fucking god.

Why are redditors angry at a 23 year old man dating a 18 year old woman? People are fucking treating it like its pedophilia.

I'm done with my job.

welp, that guy walked out so looks like im going from temp 3-4 weeks possibly longer, to full time employment
and they will be paying me to set up new procedures and make better use of existing programs and excel
this must be dream
of course the universe is a cunt though so it'll balance out this good news by giving me terminal cancer or something

My ex gf broke up with me recently but my family still stays in touch with her and hangs out with her. She is super manipulative and playing mind games with me by texting me saying she misses me. But behind my back talks complete shit about me and says I would not be a good husband, etc. What should I do???

Insecurity and virtue signaling. They have also become so modernized that they now reject basic human behavior.
t. 18 y/o dating a 22 y/o guy

for you, user

I know you're mad that I woke up too late to hang out last week, and that's why you were late texting me back yesterday. That's why I'm going to ignore you every day for the rest of this week, because I know it will bother you

Show the texts to your family and they'll see that she's a manipulative liar. Don't let her twist her family against you

fight the power

Only post wall roasties and male feminists think that way and both are jealous they are failures. They all hate happy families because they will never have one

None of this is my problem anymore. I've only made two requests and they were both ignored. This is on you, not me. So now you're just going to have to deal with what comes next.

After living with one of my female friends and her boyfriend in a shared apartment, I've ended up falling in love with her. She has crippling anxiety, and her boyfriend does nothing to help her, instead, he controls her life while wasting his own playing video games all day and all night.

I've moved out into my own place. I work in a restaurant and have nearly completed my driving test. It's killing me knowing she doesn't have the ability to take the initiative and secure a new house for herself and him as their tenancy ends in a few weeks. All I want is to protect her and care for her, and help her become the greatest version of herself.

Sadly, my moral stance tells me I'm better off not saying anything to her about my feelings. She still loves that waste of space who is disconnected from the real world and refuses to get a job or a meaningful hobby. I don't want to be 'that guy' who steals a girl from another man. All I can do is watch as they get closer and closer to ending up homeless. I've turned down women before, because I don't have anything in common with them as I do her.

She's amazing and doesn't know it. I can tell she's stumbling through life and all I want to do is help and support her

Kind of annoyed about the fact that I'm 24 and my mom still texts me dozens of stupid questions everyday that she still expects me to answer. And if I don't, it's me who's got a problem.

Call me a dick, but telling me you love me 5 times a day gets old. It loses its value and I wish I could just live my life without the constant check in's she does.

I love you too much. It makes me want to run away from you sometimes. It’s just overwhelming and I don’t understand why it still grows after all these years. I’ll probably end up ghosting you.

That's mature.

Bank statements. Don't forget those.

they could just be assholes like me who distance themselves from others everytime but still appreciates company despite that

I hate those types of people


Leave them. It's not your job to fix them, save what you have left of yourself for someone who will love your kindness.

That's silly

I have this female friend that I met the at the end of last semester. She's a really hot and cold person, more cold than hot. We hung out a lot, but she never comes says hi to me. She's never interested in what I say about me. She's never once praised me or supported me. It was like this for a few weeks before she suddenly blocked me and avoided me in real life. She was always cold, but I thought we were friends so it came as a shock. I tried confronting her but she wouldn't tell me why.

Of course, I was really hurt, and I hated seeing her having fun with friends after what she did and I started avoiding places she might be in. After a couple of months, I went over and talked to her again and she acted completely normal. I didn't tell her how I felt, just that I really wanted to be friends again.
I still hate seeing her with other friends, I still wake up in the morning and still feel the pain.

I don't know why I feel so strongly over this stuff. I don't know if I'm just attached or just love her that much. I feel like an asshole for wanting to talk to her one last time and putting everything I've felt the past few months on the line because she's leaving in a couple weeks.

He doesn’t love me so it’s not so silly.

Those personality / pleasure cults are fucking dangerous. Stay away.

I think I’ve finally hit my limit. I’m done, this just isn’t worth it anymore. I’d rather be dead than continue living this miserable life. No point in living if suffering is all I have.

The rat race was fun boys, cheers

No. NO.

I won’t let you. You have complete sovereignty over your decision, as I do in my decision to stop you. And it’s coming from a place of love. Keep pushing through, man.

Limit Break: λ-Wrath


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I’m a rogue, the plug wants my money, I’ve never smoked straw and I be out there while you sleeping

The road to hell was paved with good intentions

so is heaven. took a wrong turn at albuquerque? there’s still time to turn around and make it.
There’s always still time

Bro people that age aren’t on tinder lmfao they’re like outside and shit

Be a hero admiral, sink that vessel. It has done nothing good for humanity, the world, or god. It has destroyed youth, pretending the darkness is ones own choice. False angels shout that they are banned from heaven. That the only place to go is hell?! It has misled a generation. We must reject this at once.

I have tried to do good and be a good person, but life kicked me in the ass and made me see that even tough i suffered to make people happy, my efforts where worthless

Im having a existencial crysis right now

That's because this is planet hell. Good deeds do nothing here but fuck you in the ass, I've found the same thing and I am also done.

And the vicious cycle continues. Once again I'm unemployed. Theres something up with my brain, my body, all of it, and I've fought to keep a normal life through it but I have failed once again. Now the problem is, do I have the will to start over again? Oh also, no one is to blame but me. I'm only bitter at myself, not at society for being what it is, but that what I am is so sick of it that I've selfdestructed over and over, and desperation to keep up appearances gives me the movitation to try again. I've tried to live this way; Working to pay for the home I leave to work for. I dont enjoy this life. I suspect my failure at it is a clear sign. I prefer nature. I'd like to see as much as I can of the world. Travel for as long as I can, whether I can survive or not. I'd rather take a risk in a new world then starting up a cycle that I know wont produce happiness for me. I am not meant to stay in one place. My whole being is aching so bad that I've destroyed my life again just to force a change. I'm angry or I'm sad or I'm violently searching for something to distract me from how ashamed I am of failing this culture I was born. I'm really not supposed to be here. Im just going to walk out of my apartment and head in whatever direction I feel like. Many have survived with less, and at least I have a small amount of money and food I can take with me to start off. It's an experience I'd prefer. I dont want a house or kids or any of that stuff. What the fuck am I trying to live like I'm working towards that if it's not what i want. And yeah. I wish i thought of this years ago, before I started going crazy and cant keep myself from going broke by spending away the stress from living a life I dont want. I've made too many mistakes. I dont want to die trying to live this way. I'm not going to die trying to live this way. I'd rather die trying to survive without it all.

I don't fucking care anymore.

How exactly did life kick your ass? Specifically I mean.
I can’t assume to know... could it be possible that the cause of whatever shit has befallen you, wasn’t related to your good actions and intentions? Rather it was caused by circumstances perpetuated from outside forces?

Or did you accidentally/unintentionally fuck’d up?

We already know how this ends.

Yeah. With me smiling

I'm not involved now, so when it all goes to hell, you can't blame me for a thing.

I'm fucking tired of everything. Lately all I want to do is blow my fucking brains out. Quit my shitty job to try Daytrading but lost about 30% of my portfolio. Maybe I could make it doing that but the problem is I'm living with my fucking parents and I never leave the house and I don't have a fucking door and FUCK FUCK FUCKFUCK

I'm mad at fucking existence itself, and I'm fucking trapped because deep down I know there's conciousness after death and I came down to this fucking pain-matrix of a planet for some fucking reason, soul growth or some fucking bullshit. I hate everything; it doesn't help that I'm actually quite attractive but a fucking giant autist. Girls flirt with me in the few situations I find myself in with them, but quickly realize I'm wierd which is painful. I don't have a car because I don't fucking know why, and walking around town having people see me and people I used to know wondering what I'm doing walking around at all. I fucking hate my house, I hate my town, I hate my life.

There isn't one single person in my life I'm happy to talk to. I've gotten several jobs and tried to fix shit in my life the last few years but it hasn't worked. I hate the universe. My parents are good people and mean well despite their imperfections, and I hate them. I hate myself. This isn't working. Each day I have stronger fantasies of killing myself. I'm getting tired and I don't know how much longer I can hold up. I think I'm trying to fight it because me gone would kill my family I know it.

I need space. I need to move away from this place with the 2 grand I have left but I don't know how. I resent my parents for letting me do nothing but wallow in my room for years. I resent them for not kicking me out because I was too much of a pussy to do it myself. I resent them for sheltering me and never being able to have real conversations about things rather than berating whatever real thoughts I'd bring up to them. And for all that, I'm sorry.

Just leave me alone. Please.

Here we go again, boys.

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I hate you.

It will be different this time. You won't get any access. Understand?

It's mutual. I wish you were dead.

Access to what?

That’s why I hate you.

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Frankly, I really don't care.

I wonder if I have no morales, the more I think the more I realise that I have never felt guilty for anything I have done and the only time I feel bad is if I have been caught or the fear of being found out.

Is this normal?

Well, now that you’ve realized it ... what will you do?

the idea that you could be thinking i am pure garbage underneath all the shiny layers makes me have panic attacks i just feel so misunderstood i wish you could see how much you're hurting me even though you said *i* don't care, you have probably just grown tired of me and you're moving on to the next interest
super tired of insisting in believing in anything at all & super tired of being left out, never cared for and treated like utter garbage, i don't get how you can be so cold i want to die

You're no longer my problem, none of this is.

Moved here. Go back there. Hate it there. Don't belong here either. Stuck with this falling apart house and can't get a job because I have to stay here and keep an eye on my Dad who has heart failure and wont give up on working on the place. Went out for a walk and dodgy chug followed me wanting to fight me. Fuck.

I fucking know that, asshole.

It means you're a bad person.

Stop larping and go outside

i could never treat you like that back or "teach you a lesson" because i fucking love you and i am not heartless gosh you have no idea how much you matter to me you're gonna be the death of me

Someone else is trying to get me to go outside right now, so I guess you are both right. Thanks I’ll go for a walk.

All the crap I put up with, all the tears you made me cry, all the guilt, all the worry, all the shame... it's over now. There is an anger I hold now that I've never felt quite as strongly before in my life. It's deep.

Do it man. I've done the same thing you're doing right now and it only fucks with your head and makes you feel worse. First rule of holes.

I dont feel like I tried enough and got into bad colleges. I feel like a laughing stock with nowhere to go

The first date went well but I am blanking on second date ideas.