Sucking dick for the first time

I’m a virgin grill (yeah, hard to believe... but they do exist) but I’ve been entering a new relationship. I’m really excited to suck his dick for the first time but I don’t want to be bad at it (I want him to feel really good because of me).

So, I need some advice. What better place to come for this sort of advice than one of the most degenerate websites on the internet. How do you guys like your dick sucked? Was your first time really good? Are there any things you like especially? Thank you!

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1. Everyone is different so ask him.
2. No teeth.
3. Enjoy

Rule 1. No teeth.
That’s pretty much the only rule.
Really, just enjoy the experience and he should enjoy it too. So long as there’s no teeth involved

ok mods, you better delete this or this proofs it that jannies are faggots

No teeth and swallow

>1. Everyone is different so ask him.
Yep, let him coach you on what he likes.

Kind of like going down on girls. Every one wants something a little different.

I like how a virgins first instinct when entering into a relationship is to suck a dick. What fucking timeline am I on?

I just really like the idea of it. The thought of making him feel good turns me on.

I'm sure it does, whore

Glad to help! I've had my dick sucked only like 2-3 times, but it was enough to have some advice. I'm going to start from the basics. The first thing is that nobody knows a man's penis as well as himself, so you should really try to put yourself in a mood in which both of you feel comfortable and encouraged to speak about what you like and what you don't. From my point of view, if you are talking about a relationship and so about emotional connection, I suggest to be very gentle and loving. Start by kissing him, slowly approach the pelvic area kissing him on his chest, belly ecc, when you come to his shaft kiss it a couple times before actually putting it in your mouth. You have to be careful about your teeth, so keep your mouth open enough, trying not to scratch or touch it with the teeth (it's not funny). use your tongue, like try to circle the head with the tongue (I'm not really sure of this because I never sucked a dick myself, but i suppose it's some kind of a round movement). you should use a hand to gently stroke it in the meantime, putting it around the base. then just go kind of up and down, you just have to remember that the head is the most sensitive part,but not all of it: the part that for most men feels better is the frenulum, the little string of flesh at the bottom of the head. The "top" of the glans, on the other hand, (the part that's faced upwards) is, at least for me, sensitive but not necessarily in a good way, it's just.. very sensitive, so be careful about it (watch your teeth!). I'd say that the most important part is to be both connected and in a loving mood, willing to make each other feel good and ready to accept and ask questions and to keep it cozy, fun and comfortable. It's normal to feel anxious at the beginning, but if you feel accepted and relaxed everything is going to be ok and it will be great for both of you! Also, I hope for you that he will reciprocate the love ;^) Good luck and I hope it's all going to be great! cheers!

i tried it with my first and current boyfriend for the first time too, OP.

here's a trick since no one in this thread has the same experience apparently and acts like gay faggots:

1. don't "tip" your tongue. Use your whole tongue. when licking it, don't just limit it to the tip of the tongue, but use the ENTIRETY of it.
2. literally "SUCK". don't just put it in your mouth. Suck and wrap your tongue around it.
3. Don't ignore his balls while doing this.
4. Also, if his dong is big like my boyfriends', you need to use your hand too on his shaft while using your mouth as well.

Hope this helps.

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Don't listen to guys on this site who tell you that's wrong, the best thing in a relationship is to make your special one feel good. It's perfectly normal and a sign of affection and love, and I find the terms in which you put this question to be very cute

Go back to bed, incel.

Nope. Sorry, hun

Thank you so much!

also, don't feel bad if he doesn't cum while you are sucking it the first time. It's normal, it can happen at it doesn't mean you are bad at it, you just have to find a rhythm that's ok for both of you and feels good for him. My first time getting my dick sucked I couldn't cum because it felt kind of too good and I was way too excited and a little bit embarrassed, I was about to pass out. she had to finish with a handjob lol, but we laughed about it and then the other times it was way better

Pretty much this, it's really not that hard to mess up but your jaw will probably get tired pretty fast.

Focus on his head (where it's most sensitive) when he's close to cumming and swirl your tongue around it. don't stop sucking or you'll ruin his orgasm & it's nice if you keep sucking a bit after he's blown his load. It's rude not to swallow.

ha, it feels good now knowing that my boyfriend came when i blew him for the first time.

e came in my mouth, but i couldnt swallow it entirely since its super super bitter.

if you want an easier time swallowing make sure his dong is positioned up lmao

I think it's okay not to swallow if you don't feel like it. He knows it's your first time and he won't necessarily expect that from you. Just show him that he's special to you and you care for him! Also, what to do when he comes really depends on the guy, for me it's nice if she stops at the right moment, it kinda hurts if she keeps doing it when I cum, but it really varies from person to person

LOTS of tongue. You're gonna do great user.

I can be your practice dick

He probably liked you very much and you two were able to connect fast! It's really nice, but every reaction is fine if you are into each other and willing to please each other

I think you're a fucking faggot and should get out of this thread before you ruin his odds of a good blowjob.

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I'm just trying to be positive here

also, there's always time to learn and it's not possible to give The Perfect Blowjob your very first time. I just want her to positively acknowledge this and be relaxed, the best she can do will be good enough

Don't bother if you aren't going to swallow. It'll make him feel supreme anxiety and ruin the mood.


Maybe if you weren't so bitter women would want to suck your dick too

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how much of a virgin do you have to be to not understand that blatant joke about sexual degradation? those trap psyop discords really did a number on the people here

Here are some tips, boys and girls :y

Can attest to these simple tips, my boyfriend knows how to suck it like I love it and he's given me orgasms that actually make me feel emotional and shid.

It just takes practice and an actual enjoyment of what you're doing. If you feel like it's a chore then it won't be the best it could be, learn to have fun and laugh at your mistakes.

1) Don't take it seriously the first time, really explore and have him coach you. You should feel like a football player being coached by Jerry Sandusky your first few times around, and it'll only get better and more romantic from there.

2) Don't act like you're good at it until you are.

3)use your tongue as a free buffer from your bottom teeth, and just work on your approach with the top (pro tip: it's simpler)

4) Please for the love of god, swallow his load. Feed him pineapple like his life depends on it the day before and of, because the life of his sperm definitely won't.

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You can't just disrespect strangers and think passing it off as banter will let you off the hook.

Find a brown looking dude and call him a worn out shoe. See if "it's just a prank bro" will stop you from getting stabbed. Some things you just don't say. At least don't do it on an advice board where people are at their most vulnerable. This is not the time and place to even joke about these things.

Why not call OP an incel instead? Or call male posters whores. Then it's an actual joke rather than a cheap shot.

it's not banter, she said something sexually submissive and he replied with something that would counter that with sexual dominance. you're probably one of those vanilla types so i wouldn't really expect you to understand that much but it was seriously just a joke and being a white knight fuck because it went over your head makes it even funnier. unless this is bait, in which case: good bait

Thanks OP. After reading all anons responses I asked my wife to give me head.

Are you a roastie?

you already polluted /fa/, leave this place and never return gay fagliet

OP is a whore, though.

But she is a virgin who has not sucked a dick YET.

You of all people should by trying to save her.

I've no interest in "saving" whores. OP already made a choice, her virginity is mere circumstance and won't remain for long--the mindset is what counts.

This is probably bait anyway, given the use of the word "degenerate" among other things.

Do you habe fren?

>Why do straight women get turned on by oral sex.
It applies to men too retard.

Make him stand as you are sitting on your knees and have him pound your face like that and then stick out your tongue and let him come on your face I guess.

It's normal.
You normally start by making out, then go for what you most likely already know (mutual masturbation), then oral, then vaginal.

1. Think of "sucking" in the sense of sucking your thumb - i.e., tongue caressing - rather than sucking on a soda straw.

2. Google "oral sex techniques"

Typical. You might get herpes. Still turned on princess? Didn't think so. A chaste life is a good life

All good tips. I must reiterate that oral sex is about the tongue. Swirl it around his penis, with special emphasis on the tip as you bob your head up and down. If he is very large focus on the head and use your hand to masturbate him. Make sure it's wet.
Also balls vary in sensitivity. Some guy like them to be fondled but some are really sensitive and don't like them touched at all. I'd ask first if he likes it.
I'm not sure how to put this but sex is very mental, so if you treat his dick like it's a yummy dessert he'll feel more relaxed. Give him a flirty look as you look at his face, and give a soft mmm like he's really tasty. Don't fake moan like a porn star or anything, just something subtle.
Also cum is super bitter. Shockingly so. Try to prepare yourself mentally because you might have an involuntary reaction to it.

I've been with a few virgins, and every time they sucked my dick it was absolutely great. I wouldn't overthink it too much, OP, most pleasure of getting your dick sucked is in the emotional aspect. Having a woman submit to you like that and pleasure you, which seems what you're totally game for, so you're perfectly fine.

>> 1. Everyone is different so ask him.
>> 2. No teeth.
Fuck this guy, I personally love when my grill uses her teeth.

maybe disgusting cum, my keto husbandos semen tastes like thick sugary cream

Guy here, if you are both virgins it's quite possible that you won't be able to make him cum the first time around, don't get discouraged sex is actually super difficult.
The head is super sensitive, so if you focus on that it feels super good. Also licking the shaft and playing with the balls are important to do.

Is he diabetic?


You just entered a relationship and you immediately spring to sex.

Fuck off, roastie tripfag

The best advice I gave my girlfriend for head was to listen to me and nobody else because it's my dick and I know how it feels.