Driven by hunger, a fox tried to reach some grapes hanging high on the vine but was unable to...

>Driven by hunger, a fox tried to reach some grapes hanging high on the vine but was unable to, although he leaped with all his strength. As he went away, the fox remarked 'Oh, you aren't even ripe yet! I don't need any sour grapes.' People who speak disparagingly of things that they cannot attain would do well to apply this story to themselves.
If you were the fox what would you do?

Attached: the-fox-and-the-grapes.png (1024x802, 707K)

Practice jumping higher/climbing, get a ladder, ask someone taller to help me, use a stick,... basically, try to find a solution instead of becoming bitter.

Eat your chickens.

I don't think foxes eat grapes anyways.

If I were the dog or fox or whatever the fuck it was I'd learn to hate grapes cuz all grapes are sour and unattainable so fuck grapes they're all whores

I'm pretty sure that the grapes fell and the fox came back running to it in a second in the story. Where is this story from OP?

I would probably look for another food source. I'm pretty sure dogs and fox are related, and grapes are poisonous to dogs, and I would think grapes probably aren't the best food for foxes either.
Regardless, I definitely wouldn't waste my time on something like that, although I wouldn't get "bitter" like the fox in this tale.

>hurrrrrrr misogynists are all virgins
Bitch, being successful with women makes you hate them even more. They're all children in adult bodies.

How many of the roasties that you've been with have loved to travel?

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It's an ancient fable and there are a thousand variations.
Tell me about a time you pursued a goal you wanted very much and finding it unattainable didn't get bitter.

Life in general. I had many grandiose goals and fantasies and have actually come to appreciate life as an opportunity. I don't like playing in the rat race, though, so things will get much worse for me before they get better

If you mean Being “successful “ with women = having sex, then yeah you will see them as shallow because you are shallow and they are attracted to you.

There are intelligent women, foolish women, carefree, stressed out, compassionate, cold, wise, funny, dour, happy, sad, etc

Some women are amazing, some are shit. Same as men.

>There are intelligent women

Attached: _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg (660x574, 31K)

On whatever dumb definition you have of intelligence, there are women there. Chess grandmasters, Nobel laureates, etc you think out of all the billions of women, 0 are intelligent?

You’re a fucking moron

>There are intelligent women
This is not true and even if it were would be a huge turnoff to any man unless she kept her cockholster shut

So that’s why lots of incels and teenage boys become gays or trannies

Yeah, I don't doubt it. I personally never really wanted social feedback, and so have crawled back into my she'll after being rejected for sex. No point in wasting sleep over any of it

The number approaches zero the fewer women we're considering. So yeah, out of the 3.5 billion or so, there might be, oh, 200? On a college campus it's probably like 0 or so

"grandiose goals and fantasies"?
Is there a time when you found something more down to earth like a basic necessity was common to many others and yet unachievable to you?

This is convenient because it says right away "and because you applied an anachronistic nuance, you don't have to hear their side of the story."

While there's a lot of foxes on Jow Forums, I'm pretty sure being like this is also part of the problem. It's a bit of a 'let them eat cake' thing then

Uh, I mean there have been times when I didn't eat by choice in preparation for the times when I will be without food. I'm pretty much fine with eating dirt and bugs if it came down to it. It'll probably suck to be homeless, but I'm genuinely getting prepared for it. I won't be mad because I let it happen

Maybe women are lazy. We know they are equal in everyway because we hear that a gorillian times but the only way to explain their lack of accomplishment is laziness or maybe spite. Even their heroes are phone like madame curie and Rosie the riveter and that woman who sat down on the bus and that CEO of HP and thereanos who stole billions

But they aren't equal. Just because "science" repeats something ad infinitum doesn't make it true

Honestly it almost sounds like you have schizoid personality disorder in which case your apathy is hardly typical or possible of others.

I would admit I can't reach them.

and then?

Ye olde ur different yur wrong tactic. This is why is never discuss my views and instead stick to trolling and memes. At least those can be funny

>I'm pretty much fine with eating dirt and bugs if it came down to it.
This is not me so your advice isn't good for me.

So, what? Only advice you yourself give to yourself is good for you? Besides, I wasn't giving advice. I was responding to a question about if I've ever gotten "sour" about things before
