How to get girls to approach

> 21yo guy
> No degree, but do software dev contracts
> Sometimes get paid as much as $200/hour
> Nice money, especially when combined with zero college debt
> Been told I'm handsome

I've had girls ask me out a couple times before. Mostly back when I was living in a small town. I'm living in a big city now. How do I get that kind of attention again?

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This might sound stupid but the only times girls approach me are when I'm reading a book in a public place. I can't explain it and 90% of the time I'm not in the mood to talk but that's the only tip I have for how to get approached. I wouldn't suggest you aggressively try to get approached like this, but if you ever have to wait in public bring a book rather than staring at your phone like everyone else.

In my experience woman are far less likely to approach men then a men would a woman.
What helps most is doing your own thing, well at least that works for me. Don't expect them to walk up to you though, most will only hold eye contact for longer than regular. That's your cue to go and walk up to them to go strike up a conversation.

How do you become a software dev?

Young and handsome is more important than wealth. Girls are not impressed with that and I have been told repeatedly that bringing my legacy deck to a bar is not going to get me a girlfriend.

Most women don’t approach. You have to do the approaching and move on when you get a negative response.

May I have advice on getting software dev work?

I'm good with women, I can trade my advice for yours.

Girls don't appraoch, it's counter-intuitive to their biology. Even in the high-life they only make themselves available, never approach. Only bottom-feeder desperate girls will approach. So you have to change your mindset to something more masculine and take on the role of a man. Just learn to talk to women first and enjoy their company.

Men and women are the same bud despite what pol told you. If they don't approach you they are not interested. If you try to get them to approach you that is fraud and not only unethical but grounds for harrassment and rape charges. Your only choice is to man up and approach them because that's a man's job and your failure to follow gender norms means you don't deserve an empty wallet, STDs, throat cancer, fake rape charges and divorce rape rape and never seeing your kids again

Not OP, but it is pretty much a knowledge based field.
Learn to solve problems and market yourself as the savior from all their worries.

What kind if problems?
Do you have an example?

And what are you supposed to do if you can't do that? What if you're too much of a pussy to approach girls? Do you just die alone against your will?

If you know the company employs pajeets, present yourself as the king of spaghetticode

>against your will

You don't possess that quality. You are just drifting and blowing with the wind as other forces act upon you. In essence you are a woman. Do something scary today anything tell a girl she is fat, call your dad a faggot, wear a maga hat in public. Anything to show you have more spine than a puddle of piss

Pretty much. Or maybe get lucky with the one or two women that do approach. Can try online dating if it’s the physical space that sketches you out. Alcohol can help if it’s just social anxiety.

Maybe you can get a friend to help you out, too? I have a gay friend I go to bars with and basically play the “Have you met X?” game.

If you have no friends, don’t like public spaces, are unwilling to drink alcohol, and don’t want to approach a woman in any other context, yeah, that pretty much leaves it at dying alone.

Thank you

>Do you just die alone against your will?
Yes, girls would rather share a succesful man then date a loser, this is a cold harsh truth.

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Can you be more specific?

The man doesn't even have to be successful. A friend of mine made about $40K as a 40 year old just a big dumb average guy doing and saying stupid shit. He has a whole stable of 30 year olds and bangs 3 different ones a day at times and they often know that, most of these women make alot more $ than him, it's all about the cock

OP here

First, learn the stuff. There's plenty of resources online. There's also tons of different sub-fields, so it helps to narrow things down to more specific things.

Web devs are a dime a dozen; pay is crap, and you're easily replaced by a thousand other guys with the same knowledge.

More niche stuff pays better. I'm in the blockchain space myself, which involves distributed systems, cryptography, game theory, etc. Pays pretty well.

Last time I heard, quantum computing devs are in really short supply because no one knows the stuff.

Machine learning stuff pays a ton. There are people easily making a quarter million a year doing that.

I've also heard that some niche languages like Erlang pay good money.

Software dev is an industry where you have to constantly be learning. College is mostly useless; 90% of what they teach you will be obsolete by the time you walk out the door. The rest is just fundamentals.

Everything you need to know is online, and most of it is quite openly available. You need to constantly be learning new things to stay relevant.

Building a portfolio of projects is also useful. If you've shipped any projects and had actual users, that's even more impressive.

As for how I get contracts, I know a guy with connections like you wouldn't believe. He finds work for me. Seems to mostly just be a matter of finding people who are working on stuff and offering your services.

If you know what you're talking about, and you're passionate about what you do, I find that it's not too hard to get introduced to people like that.

Thanks so much OP! I'll embrace it.

The way human minds work is that women get to pick who breeds. There are less eggs than sperm, and a woman can only get pregnant once every nine months, plus recovery time. The caveat is that attractive men are in high demand. No woman wants what's worst for her kids, and that would be breeding with undesirable men.
Of course, in the modern world and thanks to contraceptives, women rarely have to worry about kids. However, since sex is explicitly tied to reproduction, the human brain is still hardwired to make decisions as if sex was for reproduction.
In short, you'd have to be one major hunk of a man for a woman to *want* you. They may settle you, learn to accept you, and pretend to "love" you, but for a genuine desire to have your kids, for her to go out of her way to approach *you*, you better be a physical, mental, or social god. You better be a literal genius, be extremely charismatic, or have the best possible body. It's best when you have more than one of these, and someone who does will be more desirable than someone who has only one