>be 31
>wife is 28
>4 year old son draws us a picture and shows it to us
>it's pretty ordinary 4 year old stuff
>I tell him the picture isn't very good, because it isn't
>tell him that I can't even tell what anything is
>he starts crying
>my wife tells him the picture is great and gets mad at me
>we fight later in private
>she tells me I was being abusive and that he'll give up before having the chance to develop his art skills if we discourage him at this early age
>I basically just shrug and go "alright, whatever"
>now thought I'm getting worried that I was overly cold and maybe a prick
>tact has never been my strong point
Be 31
Other urls found in this thread:
user do you have aspergers?
If you continue with your autism, your child is going to catch it too.
How fucking hard is it to go "Hey lil user, what's this a picture of?" "Would you like a coloring book?" "Keep practicing, you'll get better."
Jesus, you're a massive buzz kill.
Yeah, actually.
Man you're a fucking idiot. How do you function?
I swear to god if the other autist that made the modern art thread comes in here....
i mean i agree with your wife you need to be encouraging especially if it’s a little kid
it’s not like you’re critiquing your 16 year old kid’s art project
Not the first guy but explains a lot. Even if the picture is that bad, you don't tell your fucking kid that. You encourage them and tell them that you love the picture because it's important to build your kid's self esteem and happiness. Face it, you were a huge dick and you need to apologize to your son. Honestly with the way you said "alright whatever" you probably don't care which is shitty. You basically dismissed the issue of hurting your own child.
your wife is right you unempathetic autistic piece of shit
>muh called me autistic, starts crying
because you are faggot
why did you have kids
autists really shouldn't reproduce
My dad was similar to you. Its a terrible parenting style.
My dad pushed me out of art, sport, education and social event with his harsh word. The only medium which didn't insult me was vidya. I spent my youth playing vidya because at least it didn't make me feel bad. I don't have good memory from my childhood and I'm lacking in many aspect of my life.
Apologise to your kid, ask him if he would like to draw with you.
Its not too late to change.
I'm begging you to watch these two courses. They will help you a lot.
Okay, I will.
Sorry to everyone I offended. On top of being autistic, I'm also schizoid and have never really cared about what others think. I just married my wife for financial security/we share common interests and had a child with her because she wanted one. I can be insensitive because other people have never really mattered to me, nonetheless I have enough of a conscience that I wouldn't wish to emotionally harm anyone.
Its okay, being a parent is hard.
We all make mistakes. I'm glad you want to improve. Godspeed user
When kids show me pictures and I can't figure it out I always say "Wow! Amazing? Is it ____?" and take a guess and they will say "Noooo it's ____" And I'll be like "Oh I see! Awesome!"
Kids are doing their best and seeking approval and praise. You are going to damage their psyche if you do that. Even I've slipped up a couple times and made kids upset but they get over it.
Your child will make a terrific serial killer someday.
>On top of being autistic, I'm also schizoid
Clown world...
If you just don't care, why go on an have a kid with her? Just go back to your lonely life where you have nobody to care for and don't destroy other's.
If you KNOW yourself enough to understand that you don't or cannot care about other people, not even those you've created, that's pretty much - if not direct wishing, at least complete awareness and accepting of the outcome that you will emotionally hurt your kid by just being yourself. You could've have foreseen this, actually you did. But you didn't care. And you hardly do now too. You shouldn't have had a kid.
I'm only saying this from the perspective of that kid with fucked up parents and who in turn grew up to be fucked up himself.
You're being retarded. Tell the kid that you like it, but you think he could have done a better job. Give him some pointers. Buy him a coloring book. Shit like that.
OP is fucking retarded. Just lol at contemplating what a bitch said no matter how many times you fucked her or if she shat out an untalented sperg autistic.
Man up and give the bitch a hard slap.
This fucking cold, heartless, autistic, spastic, schizoid can get a gf let alone a wife but I'm sitting alone eating peanut butter.
Fuck this world and fuck you op I hope you fuckng die
Just apologize to your wife for being insensitive and the next time your kid shows you something tell him you like it.
Maybe shouldn't have been so blunt but I feel more people should be realistic with there kids. Too many little kids turning into azsholes at a young age thinking they're not shit.
>I basically shrug and go "alright, whatever"
You ought to get the shit kicked out of you for having no regard for your young son's feelings user. Here's to hoping he beats you to death out of you in a fit of rage someday.
You utter fucking spastic. The only option is watch as your son becomes the next Elliot rodger. Why are you even asking for advice about this if you know you don't care?
No, we must reproduce so that normies don't take over the world. Tons of the smartest people in history were mildly autistic. The world would be a worse place without autism. That said, OP was a dick to his son and should be more positive.
It's not that hard user.
I have aspergers as well.
It made my childhood hard but after a while I kinda put the two together and figured out how to deal with it.
Really you have to break down normal human interaction into patterns. Take time to observe normal people and how they communicate with you and others. After a while you kinda learn what to look for. I'm not 100% there, like I laugh when I start to cry, but my loved ones have learned my quirk. So they know when I'm sad.
It takes some work, and effort but at least I get along with people a little more.
Even got a gf. She's nice and has been patient with my inability to respond correctly. My basic response to her being sad is me going in for a hug. Sometimes they don't want that exactly, but it seems to help.
It's okay to suck when you're a beginner, you should teach them that instead. Encourage them to practice and enjoy the process.
Don't worry, there's a post from Reddit eating room on the front page.
God's light left us long ago. We've been fucked for a while.
You’re a fucking asshole