As a not normal person I am interested in hearing about how a normal person's day goes

As a not normal person I am interested in hearing about how a normal person's day goes.
Why don't you describe to me how your day today is going or how yesterday went?
I think we will learn many things about each other and hopefully have better empathy and understanding.

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Teach a nonnormie what a normie's day is like.

>Well this morning I woke up next to my gf. >Kissed her first thing and cuddle with her for a bit.
>Went to work. Got a text shortly after from her telling me how much she wished I could have stayed all morning with her
>I'm at work for the next couple of hours
>When I get off my gf and I are going to pick out paint colors
>After that going to my new place that I just bought and start painting
>To end the day I'm going to fuck the shit out of her and fall asleep next her
>I'm so fucking horny right now. All I think about it is her perfect tits and pussy

So that's my day basically

This sounds like a meme but you might just be exaggerating a true reality a bit.
Tell me about your workplace experience.

I'm not exactly a normie (maybe 6-8 of these apply to me if I'm being generous on a few of them) but probably closer than a lot of people on this site. I'm in college. My daily routine during the week consists mainly of going to class, coming back to my dorm, doing homework and playing video games. I don't hang out people a whole lot during the week cause most of my friends are busy. Sometimes I'll get lunch with friends between classes though. Earlier I got lunch with a friend. We talked about video games and other stuff going on in our lives. On the weekends, I'll often do pretty lowkey stuff with friends. Like hanging out and playing couch multiplayer games. Sometimes going to local events like stuff the college puts on. Very rarely go to a house party. I've never been on a date or kissed a girl but I have a decent number of friends and am capable of talking to people without completely sperging out. Overall I'd say I'm functional. I'm always trying to improve myself and I'd say there's at least a somewhat decent chance I hit bingo at some point in my life.

How about you user? What are your days like?

I'm a complete fucking failure with no friends and stuck at my parents and I can still tick a bunch of those desu.

Holy shit, you really aren't a normie if think that's an exaggeration.

I'm in a stable, monogamous relationship. We are very much in love and we fuck a lot. That's just the reality. And we're excited about the fact that I finally bought my own place, and can finally stop renting. Again, fairly normal.

My workplace experience is the most boring part of my day. It's your standard white collar office job. Nothing special. I spend a fair amount of time thinking about fucking my gf, how I want to fuck her, just her naked body in general, etc. It makes my days better

You sound much more functional than me.
My life consists of IT work and hanging out on the internet at the library.
I am getting fit, taking painting classes and going to a local writers group though.

How does arranging lunch or weekend get togethers with your friends go?

I don't doubt there are a lot of people who are in stable monogamous relationships who fuck a lot.
But your response seems kind of tailored to be bait towards kissless hugless virgin types.
It's not unrealistic exactly but just particularly dwells on the sex part.

I went for a walk at the HS track but there were 6 gorrillian earthworms on it from a recent thunderstorm so I didn't one lap and then bought some expiring food at the grocery. The rest of the day I just lay in bed watching Gunsmoke. May get up around 6pm and sit on my couch before going to bed

What do we get if we get a bingo?

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I'm in several Groupme/Discord chats with different friend groups. I just post in the chat saying who wants to have lunch at x time or who wants to hang out and play video games this weekend.

Wasn't meant as bait. It's because today I happen to be incredibly horny, so all I've really been thinking about is fucking later tonight

I dunno, but if people really aren't getting bingo on this fucking pathetic chart they should really consider suicide. Or just stop being massive faggots.

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I took the Free Software meme too seriously and never had a Facebook account when I was in high school.
That was really stupid.
Well if you want to the WHO has a diagnostic self-fillable test on general quality of life that I get in the lowest 5% on that I could lookup for you?

I should have counted the social media ones. I dont use fb, twitter, snap, etc. But my wife does. Also, I missed a diagonal bingo >.

Not really, it could mean they just aren't experienced with sex and relationships but are otherwise functional in life. The way the chart is set up, the top row is literally the only one that's possible to get without having dated/had sex. And I never played in a team sport so that one is out for me as well.

No thanks, was just doing the bingo for the lulz

No, not having Facebook is based. Facebook/Instagram and shitty social medias like that are just for validation and circlejerking, not actual socialization. The only social apps I have are more private ones where you talk with smaller friend groups or one to one, like Whatsapp, Groupme, and Discord. I don't really feel like not having Facebook has held me back socially.

If I was younger, I would consider it more of a disadvantage. But I live in small town USA, have wife/kids/house/good job/etc So if someone doesn't know how to contact me without facebook, they're not worth my time.

Well you can tell me about your day?

I wake up around 6ish, I cuddle my wife and give her a backrub till she starts grinding her ass on my dick and I get my dick wet. I then go take a shower.
Around 7 I wake the kids up for school.
We get them off to school, then I go to work.
At work, I have a rather easy IT job as an admin for a small company. Most of my shit is automated, so I sit here on Jow Forums or otherwise read internet articles. I have the occasional office worker asking me about an email scam they were sent, or maybe a hard drive dies, etc.
I go home at 5, my wife generally has a meal ready by the time i get there.
now that it is spring, I frequently take my son fishing in the evenings.
After we get home both my kids do their homework and we send them to bed.
From there wife and I watch some TV, I get a few of my chores done around the house and play a little pokemon (my guilty pleasure) or whatever else may be around to do for a little while, and then go to bed for the next day.

Honestly, It's quite boring. But it's an enjoyable life.

>wake up, eat breakfast, morning hygiene, go to work
>work 8 hours with lunch inbetween
>during work I often skype with a coworker or mail with a friend
>get off work, eat a quick dinner
>either muay thai classes or gym, muay thai is more social so it's like meeting some dudes in the evening to do some fun stuff
>get home, eat a quick snack, brush teeth go to bed
That's 5 days of my week

And when are you balls deep in prime pussy during that time?

Well that was boring. I got all but two.

My day was ok. I just went to work, worked late, now I'm home. Watched series, chatted with friends online, twitter, had a really nice dinner, will be moving to a new apartment soon so just getting ready for that, planned a trip to Nantes to hang out with this girl on her birthday soon. Now I will shower, read a book, and study french as I fall asleep. Chatted with roommates just a bit.

Can't really think of anything else.

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Sounds like what I would be like if I didn't loathe the kinds of autistic people I end up hanging out with because of my own autism.

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Take better care of your kids man.
Literally how do you socialise when you're in the middle of exercising?

If you don't like the people you hang out with, find new friends. Just because you're autistic doesn't mean you can't be friends with normies. You just have to learn the social rules and what's considered acceptable by the general public. Bo one is born with this knowledge, you have to learn it through trial amd error. It might take more effort if you're autistic but it's doable.

I got two of those. It's really amazing how different people can be

Just a normal fag. Me and my brain tumor contemplating the meaning of the universe. Nobody is normal and if they were, that would be abnormal and unique. Quit being such a normal fag or sixteen or whatever your problem is. This is non value added.

>wake up to alarm
>go through hygeine routine
>put on slacks, dress shirt and heels
>drive to work
>work for 8 hours
>after work schmooze with clients at some wannabe fancy restaurant
>drive home
>cook for husbando
>drink a glass of wine
>clean the house a bit
>go to bed
>go out on the weekends to shop/see a movie/meet friends

We're depressed too so you're not missing out on much.

How do people do this? I get suicidal after a few months of work, and either get a new job or live off savings. I can't live this life

Tell me about snoozing with clients.
I'm told alcohol can make things bearable but I'm deeply afraid of getting drunk or otherwise intoxicated.
I don't trust myself.

17/25 not bad.
Of course, I am a loser now. But I had a good run and have only myself to blame.

checked all boxes. officially normie. wow. i guess i am qualified afterall.

wew, now THAT was a close one. still a robot... or at least a cyborg. can still post on r9k

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Possibly off topic but how did you get into the IT business?

Eat food
Do Work/Chores
Socialize via DM's
rinse repeat

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sorta means yes.

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It's funny cause I have most of these but dont actually have Bingo
Also was unsure how to answer the not fat question because I am skinny but am skinnyfat.

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Normies is a made up concept. What was considered normal in the 50s and old rome is different to today.

Homosexuals arent normal.

I'm bi.

I wake up.
I work.
I lift.
I shitpost.

>Woke up 1400
>Smoke Joint
>Lurk Jow Forums.
>Still in dressing gown

It's my day off. I work late as a technician in a theatre most nights. So I'm more of a night-owl type person.

It won't work for everyone but I suggest pingers and dancing for anyone having social problems.

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hey, what colors did you decide on?

I'll give you yesterday
>alarm rings at 5:20 o
>get out of bad, exercise untill 6
>make breakfast
>drag gf out of bed
>eat together
>get ready for work
>1 h of reading a book untill i get there
>start at 8
> have fun at work, nothing too dramatic happens
>ask gf to meet me at a restaurant for dinner
> i'm the last that leaves, at 7:00 pm
> have dinner with gf, talk about our day and other nonsens
>leave at 10 something
>get home at 11:30
>night ritual
>fight gf for space in bed for the rest of the night


To get into the IT business there are a couple different routes to take. You can go to a trade school for administration and then get an internship or help desk job and move up form there.
The other way is to know enough to work in a small PC repair shop. Though, those are dying out because of tablets and phones. If you can find a Pc repair shop owner who is willing to train you or let you apprentice, it would be a great start. Then once you get enough experience, learn some of the corporate stuff such as Active directory and working with windows server. Once you can do that, try to get a help desk job at a larger company. Learn by doing if you can.

Well, crap. And here I though I was doing pretty well.
Even if I mark the uncertain ones, that goddamned virginity isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

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>wake at 6:30, dress for work, pack lunch
>grab breakfast on the way to work
>Usually 10-12 hour day, get a few texts from wife throughout the day
>Home from work around 6-7pm, dinner is on the stove, thanks wifey
>Play with my kiddo
>In bed asleep by 10

>Saturday: Mow grass, wash cars, play with kiddo
>Sunday: take family to church in the AM, lounging around most of afternoon

Am I normal yet?

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> Wake up at 5am
> Kiss the wife before going to work
> Say, "I'm catching on, I'm getting there" since day one, it's been 15 years...
> don't understand that 2nd and 3rd shift exist, act confused when people mention this
> Muh truck needs constant repairs, if there's nothing wrong with it, then it needs upgrades


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Couldn't tell you. I'm a freak from another dimension.

>get up
>make coffee
>work on paper
>have lunch with fiance
>finish paper
>get ready for work
>go to work
>bullshit with co-workers
>fuck around on Jow Forums
It's been kind of a boring day but not a bad one per se.

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living my dream except for the church part.

Funny enough we're still working on it. It's harder than we thought to pick out colors. They look different on the walls than they do on that little paper they give you. I'm just really glad I have her there with me helping me figure things out

I'm currently doing a bachelor in CS but I am really doubting my ability to code (or do math but I haven't taken those classes yet). I heard that having a CS degree is a great help in IT. Should I continue or find a tradeschool instead? (my university doesn't have a IT program)

Keep going user. You have to do a lot of bullshit in a CS degree that you probably won't need in your actual job. You aren't gonna need to know how to take an integral or write assembly code to do IT but you'll sure as shit have to do those things to get your degree. Just push through it, even of you don't understand what's going on half the time. In the end, you'll still end up with the same degree as all the geniuses got and no one will be the wiser.

Thanks for the advice user. Going to try and get some studying done now. I've been doing some research about what I want to do for a while now and IT seems like it would really suit me and I want to try to get into it.

IT is a great job if you enjoy it. The pay is good and it doesn't require you to be a genius or super ambitious. My dad is IT and he mostly just fixes people's computer problems and maintains servers and databases written in ancient languages. He doesn't even know object oriented programming because he learned to program before it was popular.

here's mine
eternally lonely, the only person i have in the whole world is my elderly mother, pretty much no purpose to live after i'm done taking care of her

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Am I really this much of a freak I only got like 3 things


Disclaimer: I was a drug addict for almost a decade until a few years ago, so not sure how normie I am.

>wake up next to gf, she's still asleep
>play with her boobs a little, get up and make coffee
>gf gets up, smoke a cig together
>listen to some music, watch YT, etc
>shower and fapping
>drive to work
>clock in
>coffee, smoking, smalltalk
>do some work
>coffee, smoking, smalltalk
>this goes on for a while
>2200: want to go home, remember some shit I still had to do
>2300: finish work, drive home
>gf still asleep
>eat leftover pizza and old BK burgers
>play a bit LoL and Hearthstone
>go to bed

Pretty standard day, might need to get a new gf though

Obv meant gf already asleep, not still when I got home

>wake up 6 a.m to make breakfast and pack lunch for spouse
>wake up spouse for morning dick delivery
> 7 a.m do some yoga *back is fucked* while spouse showers for work
>7:30 a.m leave to take spouse to work
>8:30 a.m return home do dishes and light house work
>10:30 a.m make mid morning snack ask spouse how work is load up Jow Forums
>11:30 a.m take shower
>12 noon clean bathroom

I'm fairly domesticated.

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Lmao I'm a normie, fuck all you wh*toid cucks.

RIP me

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Calm down brad pit, we both know that's not true, you're on Jow Forums

Most of the people on this board are flat out lying and everyone knows it


Do you think Brad Pitt or guys that look like him are the only guys in the world that get laid on a regular basis? Be honest

>mfw I only got two

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so close to reaching normie status lads

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>woke up, coffee, got ready for class
>worked on a project with my two buddies
>walked home together
>cuddled with gf of 3 years before she leaves for work
>we’re having some relationship problems but I still love her
>texted my friend who’s out of town to make plans after he gets back
>watched some old fights
>got Chipotle for me and some for my gf to eat after she gets back tonight
>do some homework
Muay Thai is cool, I really want to start classes once I start making a little extra money

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I'm pretty satisfied with my life, and I didn't bingo

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I don't know if I'd consider myself a full-blown turbo normie, but this bingo game and other people say otherwise. So a quick back-story: I'm going to Uni in September to study Mechanical Engineering, I've had one relationship that lasted 3 months, and I had my first kiss and lost my virginity within a month of each other to my then girlfriend.

I'm 19 at the moment, and I'd say I only really started to get out of my shell when I was 16 and started Sixth Form (English high school), and a lot of it attributed to going out more and interacting with a lot more people in different settings - house parties, nights out, that sort of thing. Up until then, I barely had any proper friends save a for a few guys. It was me and 3 other guys always playing together on PC and console, laughing about autistic memes in class and just being nerdy in general. I was always in with people from all cliques and groups in school, but generally I could never find people I could call my true friends. The people I called my friends changed as people and grew out of who they were, or didn't at all and they're still at the same level of maturity. That, and I've never found a genuine group of friends to this day who I can trust and rely on, and feel like I can have a good time with them - which is why the holiday slot isn't circled.

As for a typical day, I'm currently going to class 3 days a week so that I can get my Maths and Physics up to standard when I go to Uni
>wake up
>shower, get dressed, drive to class
>go to class, chat with coursemates
>drive home, have a quick bite to eat and study
>when it gets to evening, make dinner, watch something on TV or YouTube
>go to bed, stay up for a few hours, and go to sleep
>rinse and repeat if it's a working day

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>>got Chipotle for me and some for my gf to eat after she gets back tonight
That’s nasty. I bet you are fat.

Now if it's a weekend or a holiday, it really varies. Having the freedom of doing what I want and not having any obligations is both a blessing and a curse. If I have plans then my day goes something like this:
>wake up, do regular morning routine
>spend free time working on hobbies or doing something, most of the time it's useless stuff like browsing or watching YouTube videos
>prep for evening, go out and meet friends
>If I'm in a good mood, stay out all night and go home late after saying bye to everyone
>If I'm in a bad mood, I won't have fun and I'll go home early then just go straight to sleep

If I have no plans, or if I'm in a bad mood and I feel lonely:
>wake up early, don't get out of bed until 11-12
>lounge around in PJs for an hour before finally showering
>waste time browsing
>get nothing done
>don't eat anything all day
>feel lonely
>stay up until 3am, respond to threads and give help/advice on Jow Forums if I'm in feeling like it
>stay up and think about things from years ago that still bother me

A fair amount of my activity depends on my mood - I could be turbo-chad one evening and be an empty shell of a man the next, it really depends.

I've browsed Jow Forums since I was 11-12 years old, and I can't imagine that's done me much good. If I didn't, I'd probably become a normie much sooner than I did. Jow Forums tends to skew your thinking, and it changes you. Nothing drastic or noticeable, but subtly - like you eventually feel like something's not quite there like it is for most people. But over time I lost interest in this place and stopped coming - I don't know if it's because Jow Forums became shit or I just grew out of it. Now I only go on blue boards for hobbies, or Jow Forums to ask and give for advice.

There's no clear-cut paradigm between normie and non-normie - everyone is a blend of both, to some extent.

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I'm a shrink at small, therapeutic high school.

>woke up at 5:15
>shit and a shower
>blasted some black metal on the way to work
>picked up a couple of donuts and a coffee
>first patient at 7am
>morning standup meeting at 8
>watched some TV in my office
>another couple of patients
>Spanish teacher made some awesome soup from scratch so I had a bit of that for lunch
>two more appointments over the course of the day
>changed for gym
>wolfed down a protein bar
>finished a podcast during my commute
>hour worth for back and shoulders
>picked up stuff for dinner
>cooked, kissed wife, ate
>picked up a buddy and headed to my Wednesday card game
>home by 1145
>up this morning at 6

>What do we get if we get a bingo?

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I had a bday today. I snuck on the train and went home to jack off and talk to girls on tinder. hello again 4channel

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Im 100% desu ne senpaichi

100% cringe i cant lie

>got up at 10:00 to get ready for class at 11:00, was slightly late
>back home at 12:30. Jacked off, ate a sandwich, and skipped my second class of the day while wasting time on my phone and playing guitar
> Went to a class building from like 3:30-9:30 to work on a couple group projects and assignments
> Picked up some Taco Bell with my roommate, ate and watched some YouTube videos on my phone

Now I'm sitting at my laptop listening to some music, will probably play some video games in bed, don't have class tomorrow and am planning on driving out of town to visit some friends for a party.

I don't really consider myself that normal, but I have a decent amount of the chart filled out so whatever. I'm not fat but I'm definitely out of shape, but still a healthy weight, so wasn't sure what to put there. Also ran on the cross country team in high school but not sure if that really counts as a team sport.

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Ultranormie here


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Takes one to know one. When are you going to realize?

I feel like I shouldn't get a bingo here.

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>wake up to gf hugging and kissing me
>go to the gym
>shower and change to my clothes
>get to the office around 9:00 am
>work until 9:00 pm
>get home and eat dinner with my gf
>send cv on LinkedIn I hope of finding a job where I can work less

This is my exact day everyday

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