What's a good gun to shoot yourself with? Need actual answers, I would rather not deal with brain damage

What's a good gun to shoot yourself with? Need actual answers, I would rather not deal with brain damage.

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Any better options?

If you don't trust yourself to do the job right, then leave it to the professionals.

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Take people down with you.

Either 12 Guage or
And death by police. Take some evil out of the world before you go

Not a bad suggestion. How does one get the cops in this position without harming other people?

Harming people is good.

I hear that enough from myself, and it’s something I’m trying not to indulge in. Especially since I tend to get locked on thoughts.

Ugh, would really prefer ways to not bring other people into it.

Or if we go the harming people route, how do you discern bad from good?

>8 gauge (must steal from industrial park)
>12 gauge
>.50 in mouth or at base of skull
>.45 auto with glazer rounds
>.44 handgun with 240gr non-expanding solid copper bullets

anything under a 9mm isn't reliable enough

You’re a saint.

Swat yourself and be threatening/violent.

88mm flak 41

>must steal from industrial park

>I would rather not deal with brain damage.

-Too late

Because 8 guages are huge and difficult to find. I'm not sure what use it has in an industrial park, but suffice it to say they are rare

Get out and meet a girl; things can change rapidly in satisfaction levels after multiple orgasms...

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Why are women such whores? I can't imagine taking a picture like that.

Because men allow them to be

True. Even so, it's gross. But I'm not man enough to stop them, so I guess good for them

I would if I wasn’t gay and dealing with the fallout of being a stupid faggot.

If you can plan out your suicide you can still take steps to change your situation.
Last year I was suicidal. I would spend time thinking about it and planning it. A crisis happened that made me change my life situation. I finally got a job, albeit a shitty one, and moved away from my ex. I'm not exactly happy or fulfilled but I'm no longer suicidal.
Do you have a job? Is it shitty? Are you in a bad relationship? What do you worry about? When in the day do you feel bad?
Focus on making changes there. Suicide will always be an option you can revisit.

listen to this and STOP fucking giving anti-gun folks more statistics to take away our rights

These are nice thoughts if this wasn’t something I’ve been thinking about for ten years now. I have been changing and fixing things, but no amount of progress gets anywhere.

I’m living and dealing with the same issues. I have a decent but stressful job. I’m in a relationship where I don’t have certain things fulfilled. I’m intersex so relationships and hook ups are infinitely more complicated. I moved to a place where it’s impossible to get mental health help, and I’ve been off medication for 6 months now. I feel like there’s another person in my brain constantly telling me things I don’t want to hear, forcing me to look at images I don’t want to see.

It’s not simple, this isn’t easy

Dude just become non-suicidal like wtf haha

>in mouth
Don't listen to this guy, never shoot yourself in the mouth.
Have you seen the video of the Jow Forums shuaiby or whatever the fuck his name was? That shot killed him immediately

You've got to get access to mental health help. Counseling and medication.
I'm not surprised you're feeling like this if you were taking medication and went off it six months ago. Especially if you got off it because of your circumstance and not because your doctor was slowly weaning you off it.
Get back on meds. Go to counseling. Even if you have to move and quit your job. If your job isn't enough to keep you from killing yourself it shouldn't hold you back from getting what you need.

Wow. I just hunted down the video of his suicide. Can’t fuck up with that.

Do you know what it was? I’m not gun savvy

Not everyone is from your corporate-run dystopia, Cletus

It was a fancy Keltech shotgun
Shotguns are the way to go, they'll practically destroy the entire brain in one blast. Make sure you actually aim for the brain and don't accidentally shoot your face off. Use a mirrror

While it’s messy, I’m sure I can remove myself from other people so I don’t fuck them up for the rest of their life. Thanks, user.

You and that other gun user have been super helpful. I actually do feel a lot better with this.

Men like whores, they are fun. Rarely stay with them.
Whores forget sometimes they are only for fun.

imagine locking down all her limbs with weights she couldn't possibly move and raping her right there haha

You're just going to end up brain damaged, retard.

Have fun shooting your eyes or frontal cortex out before being put in a wheel chair the rest of your life.

Looks like OP is going with a 12 gauge, he’ll probably take off his face if anything.

there will be nothing left of his head if he shoots himself point blank with a .50 holding a solid bullet

>good gun
The gun isn't to blame, your skills are.

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>No brain damage
Then how kill?

why do you want to fuck things up for responsible gun owners? we didnt do anything to you, leave guns out of your idiocy please

I’m down for other methods, but I don’t want to fail.

If anyone wants to help me plan buying a gun It’s prefacing on kik

Its relative.

I guess that makes sense. I sort of feel bad for them, having such a shallow existence. I mean, mine isn't very deep either but jeez

Not everyone is here to change the world.

Yeah. I guess I'm one of the few who actually sees a problem with shit and wants to change anything. But I'm too dumb to figure out how

You can do your bit by ignoring whores. Convince others burned by whores that they should ignore them too. Get a little ignore the whore thing going.

you just need to make sure you hit the cerebellum, even a .22lr is ok

That's not bad. Although my aims are a little bigger than women, they certainly are a symptom of something and should be addressed. I like that; "ignore the whore"

You have to be brown or darker for this to work, I shit you not. If you are white or yellow, they will not shoot to kill, if they will even shoot at all. All the whites who tried suicide by cop always ended up looking like a crazy or a chump afterwards and they didn't even die.