Is it wrong to tell someone you actually want to date them and you love them, when in reality you just want to have sex?

Is it wrong to tell someone you actually want to date them and you love them, when in reality you just want to have sex?

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No that is what eveyone does.

Why can't you just say what you actually want?
You're not any less likely for them to sleep around on you either, your actions will tell in due time as the facade erodes.
>and they say women are fickle

Personally, I can't help but lie a fair amount of the time, idk about other people.

So why do you lie?
Need for Control to hide a weakness?
Escape from reality?

it's possible that on some level she wants the same, but needs to hear the other stuff to justify the whole thing. otherwise it feels too illicit

sometimes people just need a white lie to grease the skids and let them do what they've wanted to all along

After my last relationship if prefer to not have any intimate relationships with people, the last one was awful. Maybe if I do ask the girl if she would be fine with someone just to cuddle with she'd be cool with it, but she's giving off the serious relationship vibes.

The last girl I was with would become angry with me when my hallucinations made me forget things or remember things incorrectly. For instance sometimes I'd think I've talked to her when I haven't; personally for me the hallucinations can seem very really , it gets quite confusing sometimes. She'd say it's probably nothing but she still become very angry when I thought I spend time with her but I didn't. I'd try to explain to her I was working on my issues but she wasn't satisfied with that. Honestly I'm not sure how to fix the issues I have, specifically the one that caused her to be annoyed.

You're too insane to be with anyone.

I think if you just explained your condition she'd be more likely to agree with you for her own safety.

I don't outwardly appear I'm insane, only those closest to me know I'm like this.

safety? I really don't think I could hurt her. Also I've found girls who are into me will just excuse away that issue. I will tell them I'm insane, they give some vague or generic answer like "everyone's crazy ", I will describe to them how my condition can get and them still seem to not really mind at all. What it takes is for me to piss them off for them to not like me, no knowing I sometimes disconnect with reality.

>I will tell them I'm insane, they give some vague or generic answer like "everyone's crazy ",
You're not "insane" or "crazy." You have actual memory issues and it does interfere with your life. Do not involve yourself with people that won't take this seriously.

>safety? I really don't think I could hurt her.
>What it takes is for me to piss them off for them to not like me, no knowing I sometimes disconnect with reality
this is hurting them

Idk if it's a memory issue.I don't wanna sound obsessive but last semester there was this girl I was seeing, and had strong feeling for her. Sometimes I'd see her where she obviously wasn't , at first I'd be completely confused. Eventually I figured out when she was somewhere she absolutely shouldn't be, it was my mind being overreactive. Still, I'd have hallaucinations of her once awhile. Once I was sleeping in my bed, I wokeuo and She was across from me. Once she wokeup, she smiled at me. I know this sounds cheesy, but it's the happiest I've ever felt. I got up and went to the bathroom, when I came back she was gone. Many times it doesn't cause terror or confusion, it just bring sadness. For one, I've been fooled by my mind. The other part is once she's gone, I feel alone.

Women does it all the time.

Sex comes before dating these days anyway

>Why can't you just say what you actually want?
Because most women don't value honor or honesty as much as they claim. Too many women seem all to eager to be fucked on the side with the guy showing no intention of committing to a relationship as long as they put up the façade of being interested but God forbid he tell her he only wants to see her for sex, most women would take offense to that being spelled out right in front of their face.

I have an anecdote that might support this

>match with girl on tinder
>bio says if you just want sex swipe left!!
>we go on a date
>end up hanging out all night
>get drunk
>go back to her place and fuck
>I sleep over
>leave the next morning

Every girl wants sex just as much as guys, but they literally just say that they don’t to make themselves feel like less of a slut

I’m all for female promiscuity though so I wish they were more honest

Only if the they're madly in love with you and you know for a fact that the relationship isn't going to go anywhere, otherwise: who cares.

No. You're just ignoring what they want so you can get what you want out of them. You are scum.

My girlfriend had guys do this to her because she's a gentle, caring person that just wanted a relationship and it really affected her mentally.
If you do this you are a remorseless sociopath that just wants the convenience of easy sex without any of the emotional availability. You should be with someone like that, not someone you are decieving.

This is not true. Don't be an asshole that sleeps with a girl that wants a relationship.

Oohho that's okay user everyone lies aand ohh my god what the hell is wrong with you, man?
Hallucinations? Brooo if you were my male friend I'd be like... get your hallucination shrooms out of your head, but then I'd remember that you don't need any shrooms to have hallucinations.

Your problem sounds like a Joji song
