Why do people get upset when I say that I only want to be with a virgin...

Why do people get upset when I say that I only want to be with a virgin? Even when I am aware I am certainly going to die a virgin and am content with that.

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Nobody gets upset, it's just your autism making you think your opinion matters. Especially when you create this same dumb thread almost every day.

what? is this a common thread? I am talking about real life.

Unless you're offensive about it ("I don't date used goods/sluts" etc), no one gets upset.

There are plenty of insecure teenagers like you on Jow Forums.

hmm, I didn't think I was being offensive about it, but I can't prove that. But the general reaction is negative always.
this is another thing I see, getting called insecure. Because the idea that I have a standard as legitimate as any other (like a height requirement) makes people defensive.

If you say that you're saving yourself for marriage and you want a partner who is doing the same, or something like it, no one is going to react negatively unless they're huge assholes.

it's not a snide mockery, it's usually seeming as tough they are offended, like I said I wouldn't date somebody of a certain race.

Again, if you're decent about it and phrase it right, people don't get offended.
If you say "I'm waiting till marriage and want a girl who wants to do the same" no one cares.

The usual reason people want a virgin is because of insecurity. This is the case for you as well right?

that seems very unlikely, and takes the form of defensiveness I was talking about
what exactly is the alleged insecurity? that she will like the previous man better?

I doubt people get upset about it. You just have to realize how bizarre it is to hear someone say out loud that "I am going to dedicate my life to this horrible, unrealistic plan. I realize that plan is certainly not going to work and will end in me dying alone but I'm content with that." It makes no sense. You sound like a crazy person.

It's very likely. There is no rational reason for wanting a virgin. That only leaves religious reasons or insecurity. That you are insecure about yourself and afraid she will not want to stay with you because you are a low quality man. So you think the only way a girl would stay with someone like you is if she didn't know better. But even that is no guarantee by any means. In fact the odds of you breaking up with a virgin are very high, like 95%.

i’m a girl and people get upset and make fun of me when i say i’m saving myself for the man i love. i always get pressured to just “get it over with”.

you should just try to ignore them like i do.

>That you are insecure about yourself and afraid she will not want to stay with you because you are a low quality man.
I'm really not, I'm a virgin by choice.
>In fact the odds of you breaking up with a virgin are very high, like 95%.
that's why I would get married first, then it's only about a 50% chance of divorce...

I've heard this happens sometimes, it almost feels like they are really insecure about it themselves. Is this man you love doing the same?

>that's why I would get married first, then it's only about a 50% chance of divorce...
Living your life according to a meme graph you saw on the internet. Nothing weird about that.

Nothing wrong with that. But you probably wouldn't want a virgin fetishist like OP either.

Why was your gender relevant to this post you fucking slut.

It's pretty much a crime to say you don't want to "man up" and "take on the challenge" of an older "experienced" woman who "found herself" for several decades before stumbling on a nice beta provider like you

"Nice beta providers" like you are neither nice nor providers.

No it's not.

Get out of your echo chamber and stop trying to recruit people to your cult of bitterness.

>implying I'm proselytizing
All I did was post a sliver of reality. Guys come to the same conclusion without needing to be convinced
Well, you're right. I wasn't referring to me, but instead the poor guys who end settling for this type of loveless relationship

The only people who react to male preference in the manner you describe are your female equivalents of bitterness.

Most women shrug and nod if you say you don't wanna be the guy some woman settles for later in life.

This is true. Some people don't care. But the ones who do are a vocal and powerful minority.

Lurk more.
Yes, it is a dumb idea to hold virginity up as a value, virgin men are worthless scum who are treated poorly by women. They hate you and the only way to get out of it is to shut up about it.
Men regard virgins highly, but unless you want to get them at 13 when they are still virgins, you are living in a fantasy world, it isn't happening. If you find someone special, she is probably lying about her virginity and you only start to care after you slept with her, making you a hypocrite for bringing it up.
You lost the genetic lottery, get over it.
There are other benefits to being a man. You can have friendships, boss people around and move heavy objects for women. Now go and do something with your life instead of being pathetic here.

>there are benefits to being a man
>you can be someone's pack mule
Wow, so fucking rewarding

I feel like the media has really messed up boys heads. Every movie is about a guy doing something and getting a girl at the end or the movie is about losing their virginity.

it's so fucking stupid how much guys keep bitching about it. it seems like men aren't men anymore. not because of virginity but because they are so insecure and whiny and entitled over nothing.

no one cares except you. no one.

Obviously you do if you took time to type that out

that was a joke, friend.
would a "fetishist" live a life of abstinence if the sex they could have didn't involve the fetish?

>Why do people get upset when I say that I only want to be with a virgin?
It's jealousy, that's it, don't overthink it.

Every man on earth wants a virgin. Islam allegedly rewards you with 72 of them. It's obvious. Most men marry a woman who was deflowered by another man, another man out there in the world somewhere who had her when she was younger and more beautiful than he ever will. It kills him, secretly, to remember that, and when you say stuff like this, it reminds him of his own failures.

You do you, OP, don't feel shamed for your desires. You're right.

Banging virgins sucks they are always clingy, the sex is awkward and hygiene Is often lacking.

Also can you stop making this thread daily? If you are over 18 you shouldn’t expect to get a virgin anyway.

The problem with people like this is the numbers.

People are already starting to pair off in high school, dropping the total virgin count significantly, and concentrating the virgins to low quality and awkward women. After 18-20, the pool of available virgins is already mostly undesirables that the alpha teenagers didn't want.

The older the pool you look at, the less virgins and the worse quality available.

Most (95%) virgin relationships don't work out. Why? Because virgins are inexperienced and retarded. They get some experience together, find out what they like and don't like in a relationship, then break up to go find it.

"Saving yourself" is just postponing your entry into the dating world.

The longer you wait to start, the more you delay the prize at the end.

I imagine most people go through at least a half dozen partners before they have the experience and discernment required of a lasting relationship.

People get upset because outside of religious culture, what you're asking for is creepy and unrealistic.

>Virgin men are worthless scum who are treated poorly by women
Any time women have asked me, I’ve been honest with them and if they ask why explain that I am religious. Most really don’t care and for some it was quite clearly a turn on. Maybe they just thought I was attractive idk.

Yeah, we have this thread at least daily from one perspective.

The answer is always the same: only you guys (incels) and femcels care. Everyone else thinks you're a bunch of retards who attach significance to a largely-made up concept with little to no demonstrable property or value.

It implies there's something wrong with women who lost their virginity I guess. Also, most guys who say they want virgin's really mean they're absolutely disgusted by non virgins and consider then whores, which as you can imagine, triggers women. I dunno, just my thoughts. Me and my gf lost our virginity to each other many years ago.

>Natural care for partner/pair bonding
>Ew she was just a cum dump
Thank God I don’t live in a dying civilization like the West.

>Everyone else thinks you're a bunch of retards

>Banging virgins sucks they are always clingy,
this is good if you want to marry them.
>Also can you stop making this thread daily?
first time I made this thread.

>largely-made up concept with little to no demonstrable property or value

All these things men have known for all time like valuing purity and beauty and not shoving a cock in pooper are forgotten in a few generation of letting front holes vote

Uh oh, the volcel gang are here.
Jk, op, just become a priest or if that's not your thing, create your own religion.

Because it’s stupid, why do you care if she has had sex before.

Because the dna of her past partners can influence your offspring, should you ever have any.

That's a positive trait in my eyes. Just makes me want a virgin even more

but lots of people think stupid things, but usually it doesn't cause anger unless it hurts somebody, like the anti-vaccination crew.
also ignore the guy who responded to you, I'm not the "incel" type.

My ex's female friend lost her virginity to an asshole at age 25 and she straight up asked him if they were going to get married. He was hiding her from family and friends and she was all over him and fell for his charms every time but I saw what kind of man he was just by looking at his Facebook. It was a bit tragic to see a pure girl get used and played like a side piece.

>no value
Being with someone who doesn’t have casual sex, which is common nowadays, is pretty valuable, health and relationship wise.
I’m not talking about complete virgins, but I would much prefer someone who’s focused on being in a relationship rather than just fucking

It's a statement that carries a lot of weight to it and it pisses may different people off for many different reasons. The sad part is that it's a perfectly reasonable thing to want, but people associate it with all kinds of things that they hate.

That's horrible. It's why people used to get the father's permission to court the daughter. His job was to protect girls from predators. When you are young and in love you ignore the blatant danger.

You sound upset.

No one is upset you have a preference for a virgin. What angers people is attacking non virgins. If you aren't then what is there to be upset about.

But denying a girl who's not a virgin is pretty attacking the whole of the non-virgin population. I guess you can rejct someone without giving a reason but still

Where is the dying civilization you live in then?

>waaaah why won't girls save their virginity for a nice guy like me who would treat them right
>bitches whores cunts die

Confirmed that the incel mindset is founded on pseudoscience. Never seen an incel post that had an IQ of above 80.

What is the "incel mindset" and why do I keep seeing this buzzword?

It's what defines being an incel, having the incel mindset.

It means dudes who don't want a roast beef cunt and two mixed breeds. They think if they call you names you will overlook that they are used up

Lmao how is it horrible?

They get upset because they're insecure about being hedonists who dedicated their who lives to cummies

It's always roasties whore on the carousel who argue with seeking virgins. And there always will be, since they'll never have a partner

>roastie whores who have lots of sex
>will never have a partner
Incel brainlets.

Oh sorry, when I say partner, I mean "lasting relationship with a person a know and respect" not "guy I just met and deep throated in an alley"

because they're not special enough to be a girl's first.

same reason employers care about your criminal record. if a girl has a sexual history then she lacks self control and I can risk paternity fraud.

because virtue and personal restraint is highly subverted in our society by degeneracy and instant gratification


>virgin's are held to high standards
>our society is based on the lowest common denominator

It's the same reason people love watching Jerry Springer, hate on the people who have what you don't and make fun or those who have less than you

Maybe because you either aren't a virgin yourself or that you have no intention of staying a virgin until marriage; i.e. purely self-serving reasons for wanting them.

Degenerates abound, though, and if you're not one of them you should be proud of the fact. Let them rot.

>>If you say "I'm waiting till marriage and want a girl who wants to do the same" no one cares.
No, you get fedora tipping hedonists like coming out of the woodwork.
>no rational reason for wanting a virgin
These fart-huffers will parrot this until they keel over, even though it's demonstrably false.

>What is the "incel mindset" and why do I keep seeing this buzzword?
While self-professed incels are guaranteed to be degenerates ("involuntary" implies they want to participate in degeneracy), normalfags and hedonists simply throw the label around as a mental shortcut to block out something they don't want to hear. It doesn't matter if it's accurate or not, since the person using the label is doing it with express purpose of ignoring whoever they apply it to.

I.e. "it doesn't matter what this person says, because they're a bad person".