Forcing sex on gf?

Hi Jow Forumsisors,
my gf has become lazy when it comes to sex. she doesnt initiate anymore and when i bring up that its probably the time for some "action" she mostly says she's not in the mood or that it requires too much effort. her sex drive has gone to below 0.
now, i know that she actually enjoys it very much while at it, but the problem is getting started, like a mental lazy block.

i also understand that transactional sex is never hot or enticing, if we both were like "shall we have sex now?" "yeah ok" or schedule a session for later.

this said, how should i go about just forcing it onto her at first to get the ball rolling? i know that after a while she'll get addicted to it and be generally more horny overtime, but I need a way to kickstart that process.

thanks in advance for any suggestion.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Should I just rape my girlfriend to see if she likes it?

What if she shove her arm in your ass? "Just to get you going" about the arm shoving thing?

gtfo roastie

id sue her for tearing my rectum

Dont kiss her dont do anything, dont swe hwr as much and make her miss you, let it build back up for some time

Yeah, who wouldn't want to have sex with a dude who unironically uses the word "roastie".

Attached: 1478908178831.gif (500x293, 68K)

what? she almost lives at my place.
should i have her move out?

Don't do this. It will only make her drift further away. She'll start to doubt for entire relationship and will dump you.

How's your relationship otherwise? Do you still do stuff together, go on dates, flirt, have a good time? Women need some romancing to get in the mood. If the relationship has gotten stale, work on it and sex should follow.

Dont argue with this hole

Have you talked with your gf about it?

cheating on her is better than raping her.

relationship is fine.
of course she might still be getting her sex needs from chad but any relationship has that kind of risk.

yes, she says in general the idea of sex for her requires "a lot of work" and shes lazy about it. or doesnt feel good about herself/stressed/other emotional bullshit.
i know it's not true once she gets into it. she just needs the spark.

i really just need to find a way to push her over the edge.

is it "raping" her if she enjoys it and its her bf doing it?

Autist detected

>is it "raping" her if she enjoys it and its her bf doing it?
It's rape if she tells you she doesn't want to do it and then you do it. No matter if she comes or not, no matter if you're her boyfriend or her husband.

as i said, she doesnt have to be 'raped', just needs some kind of a pushy initiative

>It's rape if she tells you she doesn't want to do it and then you do it.
It's rape if she tells you she doesn't want to do it and then you do it.
If she tells you she doesn't want to fuck, and you use your "pushy initiative" to fuck her, you're raping her.

Seems she told you there were underlying issues that isnt really related to being lazy.
She has stress and emotional issues, maybe attempt to drill into that and understand it, then help/ support her getting through those issues. This way you will be associated with this positive result(getting better after a difficult time) and in extension your penis.
Tldr: support her resolving the underlying issues, get sticky dicky no time
Incel hole detected

>Incel hole
I'm not familiar with this meme.

you’re talking about being more aggressive or what? i mean you could try that and maybe she’ll be into it but if she’s not? the moment she says no or tries to push you away and you keep going, it becomes rape.

There's currently no consensus on what to call leftover females that hit the wall so hard not even beta providers will step in

Another word could be singcel

See story on charlize theron crying about no beta to cover her nigger babies, great example of someone we could call incel hole

Sure, go ahead and rape her. That will show her how much you love and respect her

>Incel hole
So just another group of women that won't fuck you, huh?

Looks like no woman in this thread is willing to give constructive advise besides shouting rape.

>Pic rel.

Attached: katana-neckbeard-5804126228da6.jpg (450x532, 77K)

Why do you people always fall for bait? Literally, it isn't hard to ignore people trying to get a reaction.


No such thing.
The wall is an MTGOW myth.
They will never run out of men. I am sorry user, but we can just use onaholes to replace these dreadful women anyway. I am sick of the poor quality of women around me and their dreadful behavior. Trannies are gonna give them a run for their money once there's more early transitioners but by that time we should have simple AI. Can't be that hard to imitate a hole.

How long have you been living together? Living together kills sex man.