Finally after 19 years on this planet I asked a girl out, cute girl from part time job...

Finally after 19 years on this planet I asked a girl out, cute girl from part time job, asked her to go see a movie with me

>that sounds awesome, I already told (insert her best friend's name) we'll tell you if we're going by the end of the day

Shitty feeling.
I'm just really repulsive romantically, no one even considers me dating material. I fucking hate all of this man I just want to experience love.
I've done so much, I go to the gym, I bought nice clothes, I lost weight...

What else is there to dooooooo

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Take the black pill, friend.
Never look back.

You guys always say it feel better when you ask someone out for the first time, I feel like a disgusting piece of shit.

I've taken a fair amount but it's still the one thing I want the most from my life. If I don't manage to get into a relationship no matter how short it is by 22 I'm killing myself. I'll be taking some other pills

I'd say get on with it, then. 21 here and haven't even hold a hand in my fucking life, and I'm pretty much a 7/10 lad.

I game myself that ultimatum at 15, I'm not backing out of it, I'm doing it 100%


It's part of the game. You tried which is more than most of us do. Keep your head straight and keep talking to women.

I've been actively talking and going out of my comfort zone for over a year now.

Why take the black pill when you are so close to obtaining wizard powers?

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11 more years isn't close

Make sure you make it clear next time that it's for a DATE, that way this stupid bullshit doesn't happen again and you at least don't have to waste your time seeing a movie as "friends."

The point is that women don't define your masculinity. They are just means to further your legacy. As a man you should commune with the world of ideals and not particulars.

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I mean it's pretty clear when you ask someone directly, if she wanted to go she wouldn't make this up. Hell if she really wanted to go and liked me she'd even make excuses for it to be just me and her if I invited both of them.
This is just rejection with extra steps

man good job! you took an important step

You should be proud of that

movie dates are gay. the whole point of a date is to get to know a person. I would say movies are for established couples. You can try seeing how she reacts to you touching her hand atleast.

If your looking for a fling you should just straight up ask her to netflix and chill, if shes into you she will make arrangements. Subtly is optional, I have done this and followed it with winking while actually saying 'wink wink' and it worked (worked 3 of 11 or so tries, working being if brought a chick over and the rest being flat 'no' which is also ok cause i dont have to waste time). your milage may very.

>just keep throwing money at the problem
>that'll fix it eventually
This mindset is why society is trash

>Make sure you make it clear next time that it's for a DATE
I don't know what sort of autistic interactions you engage in, but if a guy asking a girl out to movie isn't considered a date by default - they're not dating.

Keep doing it to a different girl until she says yes. What, do you think anyone in this world asked a girl out for the first time in his life, she says yes, and they live happily ever after? Live and learn.

I don't feel any smarter or better user..
Well this was basically a no, if she was interested she would make sure it's just the two of us.
Yeah I think same as you, it was a clear date invitation which she rejected.
I have not learnt anything, the next time, if there is one, I'm doing this I'll go about it the same.
There was no lesson to be learned here

You learned that a girl can reject you or say yes. And that you should always ask her out if you are interested because the worst that can happen is she will say no.

Never forget she could also be autistic, girls are still raised passive by some parents. Never hurts to try, just be casual about it or it will make things akward.

I was casual to the maximum, she does seem timid and shy maybe even autistic but this is just as clear of rejection as it gets without just saying "no"

Not all disabilities are visible.

I give up on you, I was not there to look at body language. I can't help you in any other way because your memory of the event may be curropted. Your young, so unless you fuck up so bad she gets you sent to jail then nothing you do now matters. If you want to know just ask her directly if she is interested in you. If you dont wanna know then fuck you, we have done all we can with the info we were given.

What do you mean gym hasn't helped BRO
How is it possible
How didn't gym help? You sure? Try again gym always helps!
Just go to gym brooo

Dpeneds on a girl. Some of them just don't get it.
Be more clear next time. Say "let me take you out" or something like that. Also learn from your mistakes and don't give up. Failing is part of every game. You only loose when you give up

This. Just become attractive like wtf haha


My solution to this is that instead of being vague and asking to hang out or do something casually, I specifically ask if they want to go on a date. I haven't done it often cause I'm a chicken shit but it at least doesn't leave room for misunderstanding

There are books that help with all of that. Try "models" by mark manson or "the book of pook". You won't become a PUA from that stuff but it helps putting the male-female dynamic, rejection and attraction into perspective.

Hahah dude I go to the gym haha and like check out asses all day dude like wtf it's too easy lmao just go to the gym and ask her out like wtf

Calm the fuck down OP. She probably already agreed to seeing this movie with her friend before you even asked her. Go with both of them and after the movie say you had a good time and ask if she wants to grab a coffee with you some time.

I met my girlfriend at work and we became friends for 3 months before we started dating so don't assume its over and give up.

Right???? It's that simple brooooooooooooo
Also take a shower right now that's +1 gf immediately

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Fat Kaiji Giorno

Fat Kaiji Giorno