Girl friend’s search history is ruining my life

Hey Jow Forums, I never usually go to this board but here I am. I have been dating a girl now for about 5 months. We go to the same college, and we knew eachother for a bit before we dated. It’s been the best relationship I have ever been in, and I was really falling for her. Let me preface by saying she really really seems into me, and attracted to me. But now I just don’t know anymore... One day she left her apartment and I had to work on a homework assignment. She knows that I use her laptop when I need to get homework done. Typically we do this every time I’m over, it’s been going on for around 3 months now. Around 3 months ago before I used her laptop I noticed her deleting her search history and managing some files right in front of me. I guess it got me curious and this kept happening every single time I needed to use her computer. A few weeks of this went by and I finally gave into my curiosity while she was gone. I went to her downloads and I found some pretty shocking porn in there. It was probably 50% lesbian shit, and the rest was a lot of blacked type of porn, black males fucking white males, cuckolding, peeing, ect. I was pretty disgusted and I feel absolutely sick to my stomach, everything was just so perfect until I did this. I feel so bad for invading her privacy and so much guilty for doing this, but at the same time it makes me feel like I dodged a bullet. She has no idea about me doing this, and I act like nothing is wrong around her. Part of me wants to just be upfront with her and just say what I have done, and what she has done. She literally has downloaded porn of humiliating men and my ethnicity, and I don’t think that’s excusable. I am so depressed about this situation, it’s completely fucked me up and I don’t know who to talk to. I was so into this girl before all of this, and she seemed so attracted to me. Now I really just don’t know. Please help me Jow Forums, I have no where else to go.

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>It bugs you
It depends, either you split or try and make it work
I'd personally split. Porn is always one of those Freudian things that gives more insight than we should care to have.

It‘s just porn. Get over it.

How would I even go about this?

If someone you were dating was watching porn of humiliating your entire ethnic group and making fun of your penis would you be okay with it?

Go about what, breaking up? "Sorry, it's not working, I'm just not feeling the kind of connection I want in romance."
Making it work? Fucked if I know, I took one of the girls who likes tentacles, not coalburning and cruel femdom.

Girls watch lesbian porn and she may have white guilt. Porn isn't real bro.
>watch a movie about hitler
you support hitler!
>watch a movie about cheating
you're a cheater
>watch a movie about retards in love
you must love retards

Jesus it's porn calm down

This is usually what I hear from lolicons

You could have had fun with this, except you're a massive vanilla faggot and don't want to ask your gf about her kinks.

I‘m female and my husband watches trap porn, loli porn, cuckold porn, blacked porn, painal, and so on.
I don‘t give a fuck. I‘m not going to kinkshame him, his porn use doesn‘t make him less of the person i love.

Well I guess that perfectly depreciated anything that person just said, bravo.

But she literally saved files and gets pleasure out of watching men who look like me be completely destroyed and humiliated.
>watch a movie about Hitler, must mean you like Hitler
Well her situation is more like if she was watching a movie about Hitler, and then saved a fuck ton of Hitler speeches to her computer and watched them daily to get pleasure out of them. It’s completely different then what your saying.

That’s hot.

Id say run. If your both in college she will probs cuck you or she will be faithful but resent you when she could have had all that weird sex.

>watch child porn
“It’s literally just porn bro! It doesn’t say anything about character or deeper psychology!”

How would you go about running from this situation?

based and redpilled. wife material for sure

It's just porn, who gives a shit.

Your insecurities will ruin your life and keep you unhappy until the day you die, just like the other losers in here.

Have fun.

Like just break up with her. You don't even need a reason. But since you even bothered to ask this you are probably too basedfull and should just stay with her. Hopefully you wont turn into pic related, thats all any of us can hope for :^)

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I understand, but let me add this. I would say I’m a decently attractive guy. I have dated a couple times before, and don’t have problems talking to girls. I’m not too worried about being alone. Should this porn situation warrant a break up if I could probably find someone who doesn’t look at this shit? I mean yeah it’s insecurities, but why should I deal with them when I don’t have to?

I don't know if you thought about this or not but it's just Porn. Viewing extreme shit doesn't make you a bad person

BTW what you did was very rude desu. and if anything she should be the one breaking up with you desu

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Most girls consume porn that might shock you. We just usually keep it very hidden since most guys can‘t cope.

Sure if you want to view it that way. I really can’t get behind the “it’s just porn” argument. I definitely think porn and sexuality is largely personality based, and tells a lot about someone. I admit I did something wrong though user

Drop. Women shouldn't be watching porn anyway.

I mean that’s fine. I never said women looking at porn is the problem. The problem is the fact that her sexuality involves extremely hurting men who look like me both emotionally and physically. Does it seem at all unreasonable to be a little freaked out?

I agree with you that there‘s a reason for the kinks we have. But again, who we are when we‘re horny doesn‘t define us when we‘re not horny. If you‘d judge people like that you would have to dismiss 80% of the population as perverted.
Porn also has the tendencies to have to be more intense to have the same effect, making people spiral into pretty depraved territory.
If you take myself for example: sometimes i go years without watching any porn and then i start again and it spirals into very perverted stuff fast. However, irl i have very solid values and have zero interest in anything but mostly vanilla sex.

Also 30 percent of women watch porn plus shes going to hell.

Please don’t hide this shot from us, and lead us along with a facade. Your secrets are a part of you that we might not like, or least need to come to terms with. I can guarantee you plenty of women are unforgiving on this in a committed relationship, especially if it was some heinous shit.

>, who we are when we‘re horny doesn‘t define us when we‘re not horny
There are quite a few things you could infere by the porn people watch, let’s not bullshit ourselves.

See, the issue here is that men WANT to see their gf/wifes as some sort of pure and asexual beings that have no desires besides their cock. Most men are not even close to being secure enough in their masculinity to cope with their partners consuming porn, let alone kinky porn.
I wish they were, since i agree that it‘s shit to need to hide a part of yourself. I‘d rather be honest but sadly it‘s seldomly possible if you don‘t want to risk being called a perverted whore and trigger paranoia that you want to cheat on them left and right and suck 14 black dicks at the same time. So far i haven‘t met a man who can separate sexual fantasies from stuff i‘d want to try irl.

Sure. But there‘s a difference between what gets us hot and bothered and what we actually want to do irl.
For example, the infamous rape fantasy a lot of girls have.
Do they want to actually get raped? No! That shit sucks!
Do they fantasize about being a pure and shy virgin who gets brutalized by some huge hunk because that way they can dream of having hard sex without having to admit that they aren‘t only interested in vanilla sex for the sole purpose of procreation? You bet
It‘s a way to cope with the social stigma of being a whore if you actually enjoy sex. You can thank the church for that.

That is a lot of bullshit your pulling. If you can’t be honest with him, the relationship is built on bullshit. Some men can handle, but most can’t. The person you pretend to be often is indeed, who you actually are. If you wanna change that, and not live lie, maybe stop watching porn.

Learn to accept some humans are quite kinky.

Many people will have a secret like this.

It's up to you.

I think that do more with how the female brain miss attributes fear, and arousel

I‘m not going to abandon a relationship just because he‘d feel threatened by my sexual fantasies.
I mean, i have tested the waters and told him about the less kinky stuff and it was already on his hard limits, so i‘ll wait till hems mature enough to give him the full range.
Also, i‘m sure he doesn‘t tell me about EVERYTHING he watches either. And that‘s ok. He‘s allowed to have some privacy.

>Is Cancerous faggot
Some things never change

Quality bait

I don’t need a private life with the person I love, but luck to ya roastie. ;)

That’s a good point user. Also thanks for giving me a more elaborate response. To play devils advocate, I generally think that it’s agreed upon that mental health and sexual health go hand and hand. There’s obviously something a little mentally off about someone who gets pleasure from the thought of being cock tortured. There’s definitely something weird about someone who fantasizes about eating shit. I am not saying that 80% of people are fucked up because what they fap to, but I definitely think there’s a limit to sexuality just like everything else. Sexuality probably does pervade into someone’s mental health because they go hand and hand. I am a fine with a majority of fetishes, but when someone is literally getting pleasure from the thought of hurting someone emotionally, physically, and cheating on someone, someone who looks like me, it does probably say a little something about that person. I really just can’t get behind this whole “sexuality or what someone gets off to means absolutely nothing!” mentality. Please reply though if you can.

Thanks for the advice user, I’m seriously considering this.

Now you know how most women feel when they find their boyfriend's porn stash.

Your right it does mean something, that is what they are into, though it doesn’t mean that they want the real life implication of taking part in it. So the can still have loyalty to the group wellbeing, but have personally unattainable desires that could manifest stress. The real problem is that there is a part of her that she wants to hide from you. You either embrace it with the good of her, or let her go. Which choice is better depends on your own sensibilities.

Not just hiding the cunt/pretend cunt

Another user here and I suggest breaking up with that crazy bitch also or you risk the chance of getting cheated on or getting your dick cut off when you wake up.
Don't listen to the other degenerates like .

Don't bring our Lord and Savior into this.

Ofc there‘s more behind a fetish.
But more often than not, it isn‘t that bad.
For example:
For a while i was really into degrading porn. It started with female degrading porn (you know, all the painal, forced, facial abuse, hard bondage, torture,etc). I do believe that it had to do with it being liberating to identify with the women getting degraded because in my fantasy, all this degrading stuff was done without my consent, so i could remain on the moral high ground. To this day, one of my most effective fantasy to get off is imagine myself as a virgin sacrifice in some religious rape ritual.
Anyways, after a while, i started to be more ok with not just being turned on by vanilla sexual practices. I got more confident in my own sexuality, and my porn taste switched to male degrading. I watched a lot of femdom/cock and ball torture/humiliation stuff. The main fascination was the intense feeling of power i felt when associating with the dominatrix.
I‘ve actually dabbed into femdom irl and it was a very exciting experience. It definitely helped me see sex as more of a playful thing and not so closely tied to someone‘s morals out of the bedroom. For example, i never felt any disgust for a man i dominated or humiliated. I never felt superior to them when i wasn‘t in y role as a dominatrix.
And when that man was my partner, it also never had any impact on our relationship. It definitely made me see sex less narrow minded and helped me be able to detach someone‘s sexual fantasies from judging them. I knew that a lot of those guys seeked out the sub experience because they needed some relieve of having to keep up the „strong man“ facade 24/7. they just wanted to not have to be in charge for a short moment. Why would i judge anyone for that? Everybody needs a break sometimes.

Good points and once again thanks for the replies. She also had lied to me about having these fetishes, as well as saying she projects me whenever she watches porn. I understand the whole “just because someone gets off to rape doesn’t mean they will rape” argument but I think it has a few problems. Rape is highly illegal, and considered the worst thing one can do next to murder. You can spend years in prison for acting on this urge. Rape is also very socially unacceptable (rightfully so), and even just being accused of being a rapist means you could have your life ruined. Honestly you can’t mean to tell me that if rape was legalized, and not as demonized socially that people who fantasize about rape wouldn’t probably act on their fetish a little more? Her fetish is 100% legal (which is fine), and her fetish also is currently being pushed as socially okay. I do think that this means there’s a much higher likely hood that her sex life is also very close to her personal life.

Since then, i have gotten married and my husband and i have a very balanced way to do power play. We can be equals or we can both be dom/sub. This, for me, is a good sign of someone who‘s not stuck in one role because he‘s mentally damaged but someone who enjoys the sexual aspect of dominating and submitting.
I‘m not going to deny that i have my own battles to fight, but i‘d say that the porn or kinks i went trough have been rather cathartic. They helped me a lot in reclaiming my own sexuality, not be afraid to not fit into the „sex in the dark under the blanket and be quick“ scheme that a lot of women feel confined to.
I have zero hate for men and i don‘t want to humiliate anyone in any way if it‘s not giving them sexual pleasure. So please don‘t be too quick to draw conclusions about your gf‘s porn. She might just go trough some important sexual development. And believe me, you do want a sexually developed gf. It is infinitely more fun

Hi destiny

That’s also a good point, I could see it being good for contenting adults. But this all hinges on the idea that I am okay with doing stuff she fantasizes about. I don’t think I could ever do or get off to those things. This means that it will negatively impact our relationship because their will be a built up resentment on both ends.

Side note: Has embracing being a sub affected you outside of your sex life at all, outside of feeling empowered? Would you say you or most male subs you have met are completely like Dom males?

The sex or dom/sub stuff i had irl was nothing like the porn i watched. I definitely would have never had the urge to actually hurt someone or get injured myself.
I mean, i have masturbated to guys getting their dicks flogged bloody with nettles or girl getting their titts hammered to a wooden board with nails. But i would NEVER want to do or experience anything like that irl. This is just the excitement of the „forbidden“.
The most i do irl is lightly slap someone‘s balls/cock, get my nipples pinched/biten/twisted/pulled, light choking, face fucking, and stuff like that. There are WORLD between what i actually want to do and what i have masturbated to.
Can you be a bit more specific on the stuff your gf watches?
I‘m sure there‘s an easy and relieving explanation to it.

I think it has been a huge leap of faith for me to actually experience some sub tendencies during sex, since i have a hard time to let go of controle. It scared me to not feel in charge. So i guess that was actually pretty therapeutic for me.
For the guys, yes, i‘d say a lot of guys with sub tendencies would be seen as „alpha men“ irl but not all.
You‘d also be surprised how many of those guys are very keen on sissy or chastity play. And another VERY common theme is mommy play.
I‘ve not once lost any respect for someone because of their kinks. I actually feel like it is very brave and a respectful thing to dare to be vulnerable and share your best kept sexual fantasies with someone. It makes me feel honored that people trust me like that.

>A thread about gay buttsex and pedos
Y'all need Islam

What i wanted to say is that the porn she watches in private is most likely the bottom end of her fantasies. It doesn‘t have to mean that she wants to do that with you by any means.
obviously i don‘t know her. Or you. Or her fantasies, or how far she‘d want to take it.
I just want to ease your mind a bit that it doesn‘t necessarily mean she wants to humiliate you.
Your best bet in this case would be to try and have a honest talk about it.
Yeah, it wasn‘t very nice of you to invade her privacy, but she‘ll get over it. It‘s very common that this happens at some point in a relationship.
I think that it is important for you to be able to get into the mindset that her watching that stuff doesn‘t HAVE to mean that‘s what she wants to do irl. Because if you went into that talk with that idea in your head, shit will get ugly very quickly.
You can definitely tell her about your concerns. You‘re allowed to be a bit thrown off by her kinks, especially when they are geared towards your own ethnicity. What you shouldn‘t do is make her feel ashamed, perverted or a monster because of it. Because that she most likely isn‘t.

Do you have a source to back that up my dude?

Thank you user am considering this

Don't break up just yet. She may still be salvageable.

Get her to discuss porn use and kinks and then get her to agree to quit porn. You might still save the bitch.

I fap to all sorts of really fucked up shit. It all stays in my head, safely in the realm of fantasy, I would never enact it or even want to. I know this, it's my secret, and the reason my girlfriend has no idea is because it is completely immaterial and for her should not exist because outside of my head it does not for me either.

Now if I ever got careless she might find it in my search history and I would seem like a total creep. You're a prying cunt and you deserve what you're feeling. Fuck off out of her search history. Go through your own, you'll notice it's filled with whims and fancies of random questions and it's a clear indicator of your train of thought, that's a fucking private thing. Leave her alone, she's a freak like all of us.

I’m sorry I just really wish I could feel that way. I just guess it really is just insecurities but I seriously cannot imagine myself dating someone who gets sexual pleasure to this stuff. I have seen some messed up stuff, but when it involves that level of shit I can’t help but judge.

In which case you probably should break up with her because the knowledge being allowed to fester won't do you any good but be a man and tell her the real reason why.

OP, if you ask me, porn is just porn. And the fact that she wants to hide it from you proves it's not something she's proud of, probably feels fucked up for having those fantasies. This is coming from a guy with a one of those true /weird/ fetishes, as in, not possible in real life. I personally felt guilty for a long time, but I don't anymore since I came to terms with the realization that there's a separation between fantasy and reality.

That being said if you can't come to terms with it you should definitely break up. No point in pursuing a relationship where you have that extra anxiety hanging over your head, it'll come out eventually. There are no wrong answers here, only you can decide who is right for you. I personally feel it's a little presumptive to make a call about how someone would behave irl based on fantasies though, like treating someone as a school shooter because they play shoot em up videogames.

you should talk to her about it.
I was always into some sadistic porn, and things were always escalating.
I am scared and I know porn isn't good for mental health, so I stopped masturbating and watching porn.

Honestly, talk to her about it, and ask her if she has those sorts of feelings for you.
If you don't like it, then you should get out of it.

You'd be a bit of a hypocrite if you mentioned it knowing full well that you're also a degenerate, but if it really bothers you I suggest bringing it up.
The fact that you often catch her deleting all sorts of fucked up shit shows that she might not trust you. Had she not been concerned about her browsing habits, she wouldn't have cared, but it looks as though she's got something to hide.

>She literally has downloaded porn of humiliating men and my ethnicity, and I don’t think that’s excusable.
You're such an unbearable moron. Break up with her immediately.

You are right to be worried. Porn fucks with the brain, just like drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, television, games, and cell phones.
Can you save her? Probably not. She is hiding it and thus she doesn't fully respect or trust you. Time to be a man, acknowledge your own feelings, express them, and tell her you can't be with her because that shit is fucking weird and uncomfortable for you.

Most likely she's too far gone. We know this. Look at all the incels who watch too much porn and fap to traps on this website, but can't even get hard to some real pussy when they manage to acquire it.

What do you consider kinky? Im not sure how to approach that topic with future partners due to all the weird stuff I picked up on here.

The absolute fucking LEVEL of insecurity from some people in this thread, holy fucking shit this is embarrasing to read.
There is literally no reason to care about what type of porn someone watches. What type of porn she watches definitely WILL NOT influence how she treats you in real life you absolute fucking spastic.

OP, I honestly think you should break up with your girlfriend, not because of her porn tastes, but because you've shown yourself to be horrendously overbearing, insecure and paranoid. She deserves better.

Attached: opliterallycannotstop.jpg (411x381, 116K)

Stop being such a wuss
Also learn how to eat poon

Pls teach

We are going to create such turmoil that pathetic, apathetic, hedonistic, pathetic garbage like yourself will be culled just to give a chance foe the next generation not to be an mindless object like yourself.

There are not even words to describe how weak and pathetic you are or the injustice that your ideas are prominent in any way.

Eventually, we will find a way to force you and your family into complete chaos. We are going to cull every last cuckold gene you and your family possesses.

Only betas eat snatch and they all end up with head nose and throat cancer

This is your fault OP. You should have her fuck a black guy, or a couple of them, in front of you. Then she wouldn't have to watch porn. Problem solved.

watching porn use backfire on men is hilarious. it's like when you guys were throwing tantrums about magic mike, all over again, forever.

Ah well I’m just gonna share my experience with this topic.
One time I woke up to my boyfriend masturbating to some weird ass porn. Fuck it disturbed me so much. Couldn’t eat or sleep for a little bit. He was so upset and ashamed. I took my time (maybe 2 days) of being pouty and did a lot of thinking. Anyways I realized like it’s just porn. At least he wasn’t speaking to other girls. I got over it. In fact I don’t give a fuck if anyone watches porn anymore. We all gotta get off somehow. We eventually started watching porn together it was pretty hot.

Anyways we broke up, unrelated reasons.
I have a new boyfriend now, last month I’ve noticed he was doing some weird shit, always in the bathroom for hours. I had enough and looked through his phone, found out he’s been sending dick pics to other guys and a few girls. It makes me think back to the time I felt betray and disgusted over my ex looking at porn. That doesn’t mean shit to me now. I really don’t even care if fapping to guys gets my boyfriend off. That honestly wouldn’t of been a problem if he stayed loyal. But, if your emotions aren’t strong enough to handle that she watches porn like that then it’s fine to end things. But if you’re happy with her and believe you two can work it out and communicate about it properly then there is no issue with working that out too. It could be very well worth it.

It may, and to me is the case that we shouldn’t demonize people for their porn habits. But to say that it doesn’t effect a person, or define that person in any way is ignorant. Also, if a person is watching porn I don’t like whatever. Though that reason is good as any to end a relationship if I think warrants it. It reeks of delusion when a person has habit that they think has absolutely no consiquence. Look it may not effect you, but other people might be upset. This stuff isn’t always about you. Anyway, do what you want, but if my girlfriend is watching stuff that would make me feel self conscious, worried I would least want to get used it.

>My boyfriend's would rather jack it to gay porn
Do you look like a man? Are you fat or otherwise ugly? Why does this keep happening to you?

I’m really unlucky. I honestly think I look like a boy. Im half Thai so theres probably a factor. I’d like to say I’m not ugly, I have a few orbiters but every girl does. Also, I only date men who use Jow Forums. Which could be the biggest reason this always happens. But I don’t feel real happiness around guys who don’t go on this shitty website lol.. I’m not fat, I’m like 110lbs 5foot 3.I’m probably really boring or something though lol

I really hate how traps and sissy shit has become so prevalent. At least /d/ is still kind of safe from it. Also how do you meet your bfs? I dated someone from here before by pure chance but since then I haven't met anyone like that.

The first guy I met on /v/ and we played steam games together. We were long distance. The other guy I met him through Jow Forums and we talked on skype for 6 months and visited eachother before I decided to move in with him. Current boyfriend found my twitter and thought I was cute/funny because I was spewing pol stuff. Hit me up in my DMs and found out we lived across the street from eachother.

>traps and sissy shit
The natural result of females mostly being fat mean hypergamous sluts

>Hit me up in my DMs and found out we lived across the street from eachother

>Only betas eat snatch
ur fuking stupid m8

I used to be really paranoid about my partner watching porn, I was also really insecure and with low self-steem. It's fine now when I realized my kinks wouldn't change how much I loved him and I knew I wouldn't act on my fantasies either.

My favorites:
- Cheating (will I cheat? nope)
- Gang bangs (and I am not even able to hug other people probably)
- Old people (weird thing of mine since I was a kid)
- Threesomes, whatever...

If he was willing to fullfill my fantasies, would I do it? Probably not, it's better to play it safe with some things. If I get tired and our relationship is boring when we are 30-40 years old, who knows? I think he is the same way too (he wants a blue plate special mostly and things like that) and it doesn't bother me anymore.

I don't know if I would mention it to her, she is probably ashamed of sharing this with you and knows you wouldn't like it. Maybe some of her kinks can be shared with you so you can both enjoy them together... I know that's hard because I don't enjoy seeing the things my partner likes, they're just boring man.

What about incorporating your fantasies into dirty talk?

It really is. Makes me wonder if he knew this for awhile

Speaking as a porn addict, it may not be what you think. I don't know if girls go through the same thing but when I am watching porn I am a different person. When I snap out of it I can't understand why I watch the things I watch. I know for a fact how disgusting and ridiculous it is and it would never occur to me outside of that porn trance. And in fact I think it is the fucked up nature that attracts the porn addict, they've seen the regular stuff so they get bored. So If I were you I would talk to her and try to get her to quit watching porn. If she won't do it, then you should probably fund someone else. Main point, porn addiction gives you fucked up tastes and people say if you quit then those go away.

>There is literally no reason to care about what type of porn someone watches
Then why does Jow Forums ban CP?
Gas yourself, you hedonist shitstain

I don't think he would be into what I like, cheating? Not even.

Jow Forums bans CP because they would be shut down by the government if they didn't.

That is probably the only reason they do.