Girl here

I know alot of you struggle when it comes to dating and finding a girlfriend, but it really isn't that complicated. All you have to do is talk to girls who seem interested in you. Bam, just solved the incel crisis.

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A lot of incels are too socially retarded and not seeking treatment to talk to human beings anyway.

What if there are no girls who seem interested in me?

>girls who seem interested in you
Who? No girl has ever shown interest in me. Get your head out your ass


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Shut up, incel.

This is b8, just ignore and sage. As for you incel guys, I will confess you have it tough. Your best bet at this point are:

A. Prostitutes and strippers for casual ego boosts and hookups


B. Sexdolls for lifelong, STD/STI-free and virgin waifu companionship. My personal faves are Orient and 1AM dolls, but some German companies actually made cutting edge sex androids too, including some that respond to touch amd can simulate orgasms.

If its that easy then date me kek

Oh, no, I have plenty of sex.

C. Accept your shitty situation and use the bitterness to grow smarter and stronger till you reach a point where you lose interest in women.

I'm INTP i don't have any friends, zero social skills, and i can't understand when a girl seems interested anyway.

Problem is, a lot of the people on here are emotionally stunted fiscal losers with no motivation in life and no drive to do anything worthwhile. No one wants to deal with that. No one.

translation: why can't i find a 10/10 chad?

Lol fuck womeme.

Honestly the best solution

>seem interested in you
Literally has never happened.

yeah, how do you know she is and not only looking for a friend


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Are you asking for my dick pic collection?

How can you tell when a girl seems interested in you? I'm just an average guy and no girl has ever spoken to me unless they needed to.

So youre a gay guy huh?

just be chad and you'll see
next life tho

Imagine an entire gender being a meme.

>am able to attract girls without too much difficulty
>can even flirt with well enough if I'm in the right headspace
>when it comes time to go any farther every part of me screams no
I literally do not have a solution. I've delved into why it should be the case and gone to therapy, but I cannot for the life of me get past this sticking point. If I try to ask for help I get nothing or worse.

>girl giving advice on how to pick up girls

I sometimes wish that the genders were reversed. 90% of women in this world would kill themselves.

I don't think incels are pissed off that they can't get some average girlfriend.

They're pissed off that Chad gets to sleep with 3 new tinderellas every week when the average guy gets 3 a year.

It's not just about dating, they'd kill themselves already from realizing that no one gives a shit about them during the first day as an average male.

>All you have to do is talk to girls who seem interested in you
Instructions unclear, dick stuck in toaster.