20yo m. Shaved my head because I was feeling bad about my hairloss. Now it looks like this. What now...

20yo m. Shaved my head because I was feeling bad about my hairloss. Now it looks like this. What now? Start shaving completely bald?

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Hahahahahahahaha. But seriously just keep it shaved and grow some facial hair bro its a style of it's own

Dye it pink.

27 yo M, here. Started losing my hair around 23 due to job-related stress. Just skull trim it or shave it. Shaven looks better, in my experience. Skull trim is just easier if you don't have the time to shave.

Easiest way is to trim it, take a nice hot shower to relax the live skin and wash off the dead skin, and shave against the grain. Use a good razor, three blade or more is preferred. Stretch the skin back with your free hand while shaving with the other for the smoothest result. Use your free hand to rub in circles to find the spots you missed when you think you're done. Go slow until you've done it a few times. Finish with a basic body oil for a shine. Just a few drops to moisten the skin, rub it in gently.

You WILL cut yourself at least once. Your neck won't be used to it at first, so the hairs growing back in will irritate your skin and cause little zit-things if you didn'thave the skin relaxed enough when you shaved. They're just the hair follicles that were irritated, they get used to it, just pop them and move on. Lastly, get used to male friends rubbing your head "for good luck" and female friends "because it's so smooth and shiny".

you have a pretty full set of hair imo if you grew it out long. I have like zero at the back..I just go for a clean shaven look with beard. don't stress it bro, everyone goes bald. you will still get laid if your worried lol

Shave the hair so it looks like a basketball ball.

Im also bald. its ok

That actually doesnt look that bad OP, grow a beard and maintain it, and I think you'll be golden. Just dont let it get sloppy looking

It looks much worse long. Not going back to that, no thanks. I'm doubtful about getting laid too. Kind of hard to find college girls who are interested in a balding virgin. At least before I lost my hair I'd meet girls who seemed interested, now I'm lucky if they'll even make eye contact.

You still fine
Use minoxidil 5%

You aren't missing anything but an STD and a rape charge

>Now it looks like this.
Am I retarded? Am I supposed to be seeing a glaring baldspot?
Fucking leave it alone, idiot.

This gave me a fright to scroll past. I'm 21 and my hair is EXACTLY the same, we even have similar facial structure. I used to have very long metal hair, and it really had to go. I reckon it looks best shaved to a 2 or 3, it also feels great. I don't think shaving bald at our age is ideal, unless you're swole. If you work out and get big, shaving bald could work. Hang in there mate, it didn't take me long to get over it and I think you'll also find its no big deal.

It's sparse, exacerbated by the hair being fine, and the hairline has receded. Indeed, it isn't too bad though, fine as it is.

ur head looks fine, no worries
you can keep it like this

I know its passable now, but im scared it's going to get worse. I had a full head of hair less than a year ago. I didnt even notice it was thinning until November/December.
When did you notice it thinning? How long did it take to get this bad?

Same thing here user, you are not alone.
Im 22m incel and little further down the line.
I used to have long hair as well.

user, listen to me, it`s just hair.
Was actually a character forming event for me when I realized that, laughed pretty hard about it with my friends and family and moved on.
I advise you to do the same.

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Not too late bro. I can recommend finasteride. Started thinning in my early 20's, I'm now mid thirties and actually have some more hair now than then. Some people may experience impotency however, but it goes away if you stop taking the pills. If you get impotent you should settle for the next best thing, minoxidil.

lol user
thanks for the laugh

I noticed my hairline receding about 2.5 years ago, and the thinning about 1.5 years ago, after getting comments from my mum and taking photos of the top of my head. I can't tell if its stabilised or just very slowly getting worse, but I'm not too worried. I reckon once the middle of the fringe starts receding as well, it ought to be skin shaved.

Vegeta you are a beautiful sayian and need to re-establish your pride in that

I feel like it's not just hair, it's a big part of being attractive. I know I had the potential to be pretty good looking because both of my brothers are mega Chad's. But I was fat most of my life and now that I'm in shape I'm balding. I just dont know how to cope with knowing that I'm getting uglier by the week when I've spent most of my life desperately trying to be attractive.
I'm trying to man, I really am.

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I use toppik and smear gray away on my bald patches. No one can tell the difference.

Balding is a severely minor thing people have a deep shame over for some reason. You look fine user, just keep it well groomed.

I’m going gray in my early 20’s but I don’t give a single fuck because I maintain my hair pretty good otherwise

try some adenosine shampoo from amazon.
What it's supposed to do is create more blood flow on your scalp.

Let it grow back. Wear a baseball cap while it does. You just have a bad haircut. You aren't the first person and you won't be the last. No need to go psychotic and shave your head bald because you got an ugly haircut.

Not looking for bandaid fixes. Current hair loss meds only prevent/prolong the hairloss problem. I'd rather deal with it now.
Definitely balding. I know my hair.

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Funny you posted Toby, I've been marathoning the office and I definitely noticed his hair is thicker in later seasons. Still a landing strip but no clear bald spot on his crown, everything connects. Dwight and Roy filled out too. And Michael made a propecia joke at one point. Pretty sure they got the whole cast on that shit.

Toppik is hair powder. Grey away is just hair dye, but I smear it on my scalp to make my hair look thicker.

Here you go

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There is no reason to be bald in the 21st century.

Get on meds ASAP.