I used to have left, now I have right

I used to have left, now I have right.

Why do I miss left?

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You have low self-esteem and your subconscious tells you that anyone who truly cares for you must be insane or low value, because you believe that you are not deserving of being cared for. You think anyone who cares for you must be wrong to do so.

The usual suspect, I figured.

Anyway, I've been hanging out with current GF's really sexy friend who frequently will ghost me for days only to eventually get back to me

the excitement has been really invigorating

Delet dis! Delet!

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Because the left side is challenging, has her own interests, and you won't feel like everything in her goddamned life revolves around you.

It's called having space. Uninterested gf is the God-tier gf if you have self-confidence.

is there any chance that she's *actually* low value and insane? I don't generally feel like I have low self esteem

was hoping to hear this. might cheat on gf for her friend if she replies to me

you're the one dating her, you tell me

my judgement is clouded since i'm in the middle of it

she is extremely predictable and i feel like im always ten steps ahead of her. I know how she will react to everything, i always know what she's about to do, what she's thinking about doing, how to calm her down when she's sad...

So break up, if you don't like her. It's kinder than talking shit behind her back and making plans to cheat

>she is extremely predictable and i feel like im always ten steps ahead of her.

This is wife material. Easy to predict and easy to lead by the nose.

Easy chance, man. Easy chance.

Nah man, don't be a cunt and break her heart, ruining her, just gently let her down and let her be the right chick for someone else.

It's the same reason girls dislike doormat "nice guys." It's absolutely no fun to know everything you can predict, everything that a person is comprised of, that they'll never challenge you to be a better person, take risks, or anything. You can probably see it already... feel it creeping in.

>Video games every night
>We should go out and do something... but you pick, I have no interests but yours. We'll talk about... well, whatever's going on with the lives we watch on TV
>Let's stay in tonight and cuddle... we'll spend four hours staring at the ceiling or floor
>I know you get nervous, I know you like to cry, I'll hold your hand to make you feel safe and then you can start asking yourself internally if you're man enough to keep her safe

It's bad.

Fuck you, OP. All I’ve ever had is left. I’d kill for right.

>*sends you good morning text*
Why is this what pulls at my heart most of all?

This is why I'm so conflicted. I used to think I wanted right and that it would be extremely hard to find such a unicorn.

I still don't know if I'm correct or not. If I dump her, will I ever be able to find someone who loves me like this again?

before I chadmaxxxed I spent a lot of time on the boards here and was convinced they were super rare and if I ever found a girl like her I should hold her tight and never let her go

Well, if it helps, I'm the guy who has been telling you that uninterested gf is way better, and while I'm a single guy... life is good.

You’ll be making a big mistake if you leave right for left. I’ve done it in the past and I’ll never do it again. Left gets old quick. You’ll feel starved again in no time and right is hard to find.

Question who do you have most fun with and who wont end up fucking your friends

Those things aren't mutually exclusive.

because you want to tom cat and fuck around still. girl on right is wife material, as in wife and have kids. if you still want to fuck around, don't lead mushy gf on bruh

I mean, obviously you want someone in the middle.

You don't want full left because she's probably not that into you.
You don't want full right, because she's probably obsessed and doesn't have her own interests. A partner with their own interests loves you in a more meaningful way. They love you because they legitimately treasure you and you bring value to their life, not just because they're empty inside and you're the closest thing around to fill it.

Best girl (and person in general) is mushy and sweet but has their own life.

Seconding this

I had a gf like the right. I miss her but goddamn she was crazy

Am I the only one who wouldn't mind being around someone completely obsessed with me?

Coming from a gf who is the right.

It’s all cute until the honeymoon effect wears off.

Then you realize you have an extremely dependent fucking toddler of a girlfriend that wants to either coddle and make you feel loved, or needs your affection and validation. It took about 8 months for current bf to realize it. But it seems small to hold her hand or wrap her in your arms, but it’s tiring after a while, and sometimes you want to just relax and be chill and have some space.

>she is extremely predictable and i feel like im always ten steps ahead of her. I know how she will react to everything, i always know what she's about to do, what she's thinking about doing, how to calm her down when she's sad...

sounds to me you found wife material buddy, You own her well and fix these doubts yourself.

That's hilarious.
Like my buddy who dates a new 18 year old every 6 months before realizing he's taking care of a literal child and goes to the next one.


Dont go for right. Unless you want a grown child that will stress you tf out after a few months.

Why would you want uninterested? Somewhere in the middle is best. A loving gf who gives you your space.

I think I would want this even after the honeymoon effect wears off. I dated a girl like this for 2 years and loved every second of it. I don’t think I ever got tired off her.
Honestly, what’s wrong with that? You really can’t care for someone unless it’s all new and fun?

The mushy gf is called „codependent“ and it‘s neither cute nor healthy. Ofc it annoys the shit out of you. It‘s disgusting to everyone if their partner puts them on a pedestal like that.
The uninterested gf is at least able to have a life without you, which instantly makes her more interesting.
However, none of those options represent a sane relationship. It should be a mix of „i love you and i want to spend time with you, i care about you and support you but i‘m not lost without you and i have a life outside of (((us)))“.

because you're using a fucking meme to describe your partners. Seriously user, I have diagnosed autism but this is a little much for me.

because left was better looking

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You never had to ask for the space you never realized you needed.

I had the right gf as well.

It's true, it's fantastic at first. It feels amazing to finally be loved and appreciated and feel interesting. But very slowly it gets old and boring and suffocating.

It's hard to be someone's everything. It's a lot of stress and it weighs heavily on you after awhile, especially if you already have a busy/stressful life.

left is probably more attractive

its a mental disorder
not surprising since you know

Mfw I’m the right

Obviously you want a bit of a balance but its hilarious to see how many jaded degenerates there are in this thread. It’s one thing if you don’t feel the same kind of love for someone else, but how do you lack the self awareness to understand the value in being comfortable with a partner? If you act like a degenerate and keep sleeping around by the time you realize you should’ve been looking for someone to eventually settle down with you will have loads of emotional baggage, less time to invest into someone, and the nightmare of the late 20s early 30s dating pool. Grow up user

How’d you lose her user?

Both my partner and I are the person on the right. We're past the honeymoon phase. Honestly after dating left, it feels really secure being with right. Left is more of a thrilling hunt, right is love and it's comfy.