GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest

Vent away!

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Oh man, I REALLY hate Drumpf.
Just thinking about his fat orange butt sitting in the White House makes me so mad.
I can't even begin to describe how much I loathe that man.

We talk all day at work.
We talk all night on snapchat.
We talk in the morning as well.
We have kissed.
We even drunkenly fucked that one time.
You have said your relationship is going nowhere.
You said you were unhappy with him.

Just fucking drop him already so I can make a real move.

Drop her instead. wth are you thinking?


Every fucking day you say, "I'm gettin' there, I'm catching on". It's been 3 weeks and no, you're clearly not getting it, you fatass dipshit. You suck at your easy job. You're a fucking retard. No wonder you got fired from your job as a janitor. You're so goddam dumb it's not even funny.

Imagine being the type of asshole who thinks people can entirely learn a job in 3 weeks. Stop being such a noob bitch. It takes at least a year for somebody to be completely proficient at a job with no prior experience

I hate hesitation. She's there, she likes me, I could be with her. But I keep thinking that she's not the best I could get and although I recognize the truth in those thoughts, I hate it. Always hesitating between two paths until its too late and I get none

I thought making good money, buying a nice place and having a not fat gf with perfect natural DDs was going to make me happy. And it does, sometimes. But often I'm just left with a sense of dread and pressure to maintain everything. I feel like I was happier when I was broke and meditated a lot and that drives me crazy. I 'm supposed to be happier now, not then.

I gave you multiple chances. I'm fine now. Happy have no idea how many guys want me. I'd love all of them, I can't lie.

God damn, i'm such a pussy and I don't even fucking do anything about it. I would give anything for unlimited confidence

I hate that people hate dandelions.

My boyfriend is trying to get me to play dark souls even though I get very frustrated and impatient with these types of games. He loves the series and he's spending time teaching me how to play so even if I'm terrible at it, I'll keep trying.

I hate the fact that I put a curse on my mother that God would punish her when I masturbate to try and cut it out , but I didn't and she eventually died a week later of leukemia.

First his name is TRUMP. Second, the odds his ass is orange is incredibly low. 3rd, he's not that fat and he's medical exams show he's in good health. 4th, he could probably fuck your mom and give her the ole Donnie special and all you would be able to do is watch. So sorry

I love you.

No, his birth name is Drumpf. His family tried to change it because it sounds so silly, but they can't hide the truth like that
Okay, yeah, he's not so orange anymore. Why do you conservatard snowflakes get so triggered every time someone mocks that nincompoop of a President?
>Not that fat
Maybe not morbidly obese, but still overweight
You're projecting your own sexual fantasies onto the situation, just like Republicans always do with these things. Why do you think they talk about gays so much?

I grew up having crushes with enormous green or blue mohawks LOL (may have lost my virginity with one) and in gay bars even though I was 14+. Gay friends and Goth or punk lovers. So embarrassing now.

I don’t want your pussy, I only want for you to be truly content and at peace in this crazy life. compromising to nothing, save for nature or god.
I’m glad you are happy, though I feel you deserve even more happiness, or at least a different kind. A deeper kind, the kind that lasts long. throughout cold winters and summer storms it’d last.

You get what you want but not what you need, even though you truly deserve both. We all do really.

Sorry m8 but I just love the dandelions.

What's the message you want give out. I can make a difference but you need to tell me

I'm truly happy to know you are fine without me. That brings me great relief and great freedom.


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Even though I am long out of my weeb phase I still listen to this song once in awhile.

It is done and now I can rest.

That's okay, I still love B

For a few seconds, I thought he was holding a red pepper.

Take care you. No matter how much I love you and wish we were together, I will always wish the best for you.

Goodbye, I think I'm okay with that now.

>That's okay, I still love B
You should probably tell them that instead of a dandelion loving wackadoodle on a Lebanese quilting appreciation forum

I'm ok with them not knowing. tc

Thank you.

there's someone at work I am/was very drawn to.
I got the impression that I kind of was a joke to them so never pursed it
I was doing covering shifts, so I probably will never see them again. I am sad.

I’m not sure if I am okay, without any catharsis. And I’m probably not that same person, too :/
You are so darn sweet, that person is lucky to have you send wellwishes their way.


You know,

And I do wish I was that person, to provide you with that relief and freedom. Honestly, with a heart that speaks as yours does, I truly believe you will be fine. Same as that other person (whoever they may be). Bless you, user.

Oof. Im not as far into my adulthood as you, but same. My gf is great and i love her but im just not happy

How can you get fired as a janitor?
Was he on drugs or something?

This is true, but let me tell you a story:
I was a dishwasher. A damn good one. It's the easiest job ever, with only shitty people, overwork, and underpay being the cons.
I brought in a fella thinking she would be amazing and we would be a perfect team.
Turned out I was wrong. She was dumber than a sack of bricks covered in gruel.
She fed off my work rather than my work ethic. I only hired her since I was catching heat and she was handling my speed.
She had a bunch of disabilities and disorders, and I tried to be understanding, but she talked back, she ignored basic orders, and she just fucked off doing her own stuff rather than her job. My supervisor at the time wanted to defend her anyway. I was then like 'fine, fuck you, see what you can do with her'.

Turned out my instincts were right and she got fired a year later...after causing enough destruction to cut hours in that kitchen.

My point is: 3 weeks is a good cutoff point to measure potential. A year usually leads to mastery if potential is average. That rookie's potential could just be shit.

Who is this for?

Nights are long since you went away. I think about you all through the day, my buddy, my buddy. Nobody quite so true...
I miss your voice, the touch of your hand, I long to know that you understand, my buddy, my buddy. Your buddy misses you. I miss your voice, the touch of your hand. I long to know that you understand, my buddy, my buddy... Your buddy misses you

i hate my job but feel stuck
my side hustle is my passion and im good at it but its very unlikely i will ever make any significant money with it and its starting to feel like a waste of my time as i get older
im seeing this girl but she wants to see other people but continue seeing me casually. basically this means that she wants to fuck while she finds someone else which is fine because i dont really see a future with her anyway but it just reinforces the fact that no one has ever wanted to be in a serious relationship with me, which is my fault
all in all things aint so bad but i always figured some how things would work out for me if i put the time and work in, im not so sure thats true any more and its getting to the point where i need to make something happen

I lost a lot of weight because I stopped eating due to depression and stress and now my boobs are sagging I hate my job I have a spotty resume and I feel stuck at 25 haven't had a girlfriend in years and I feel like I'm going to die alone

I’m still in love with my ex despite being the one to break it off. I knew I couldn’t give her what she needed, and now she’s found someone that she seems really into and despite everything I can’t find a relationship that sticks and it just makes me feel even lonelier every time we talk

For a moment, I felt bad I was being ignored by a group of people, but then I asked myself "You don't even like them, why would you want to be noticed by them?"
They all thought I would get fired in the first 2 months but now it's almost been 3 years and I've made it farther than they ever could have.
I'll never be as "popular" as them but why the hell would I want to be? I'm alright as is


I must not fear
Fear is the mind killer
The little death which brings total obliteration
I will face my fear
I will permit it to pass over me and through me
And when my fear has gone
I will turn the inner eye to see its path
There will be nothing
And only I will remain

This is not my limit. I can endure even more than this. You are not the one who will break me. I am stronger than you.

Got my Uniforms for Life

Got my pay

Get to ride in a helicopter later

Get to be a traveling Artist and travel multiple times a month

Get to be apart of the inner Political Circle of the most powerful country on the Planet

Yeah- it was all worth it


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Why can't men admit their own shortcomings?


The more honest female question is usually:

"Why can't men act petty?"

Everytime I see an extroverts lifestyle I feel so inadequate. These people do so much shit while my introvert ass sits in my room and watches movies or plays video games.

A woman I work with is one of the biggest pieces of shit I have ever had the displeasure to be associated with.

I hope she gets hit by a train.

Sounds comfy

thanks man.

It's extremely comfy


>tfw no gf

i’m so scared to leave my bf because i’m going to go to college out of state and he’s going to be in his senior year of hs and i’m scared he’s my only source of happiness

I cannot for the life of me approach women. Not because I am scared of them, but because I can't think of a reason to do it outside of being attracted to them. I find it hard to come up with a bs conversation when most of the time I just want to ravage a girl with my dick. I feel bad for thinking this way and I do not know what to do about it.

Sounds like you'll get one soon!

Just try asking some for the time and then smile and say thanks.

Belive it or not that was a pickup confidence technique in the early 2000s.

I don't know whether that is good or bad at this point honestly

I mean yeah I can talk to them. The only problem is that I cannot reconcile with me just wanting to stick my dick in between their legs and actually being interested in meeting them. I basically do not value their company or just seee it as a means to an end. Really sad stuff man.

Why? You need someone to bandage up your wounds when you get back from your missions.

I miss you every day. I still haven't felt for anyone else even a little bit after all these years. Fuck cancer. You were the only person to ever make me feel something and help me realize I wasn't a sociopath

I'm 27 years old and still live with my parents and barely have a job I can be proud of. I've only just started an eharmony account and been on nofap for a week without feeling different. I'm trying to get closer with my cousins and friends online and trying to hang out with the few friends I have irl. If I died I think people outside my family would notice but I'm scared of being alone in my house at fifty with no one near me to care. I'm trying to learn a trade but I'm too stupid to figure out most of the ones I'm interested in.

People are nothing more than a biological computer. Programmed to think and act a certain way, they are no different from a machine. We are only slightly more advanced than the animals we use as food. I hate people, and I hate that my life has to put me in constant contact with them.

Just for Old Time's Sake

I don't even step foot in a helicopter for at least another 3 years tho

Still just a lil Snake

See this is what I mean.
Every opportunity they have is deflection.
Doesn't even call us women, but female.

I guess it's easier to cut those kinds of men out, and stick with the one who has a heart. Seeing how rare this is, I feel really lucky I have that.

that's nice

way to make us feel like short so you can call yourself tall

GF has such a cute face but got fat. I got chubby too but I'm working on it. She's sweet but everything else about the relationship sucks. She helped me through a really rough spot in my life but idk. My job sucks. Programming in a very unknown language and I really hate everything about this job, pay is too low for a dev, dress code sucks, company sucks balls.

Maybe I'm just depressed. Idk but I feel really empty.

Sorry everybody I am drunk

>Doesn't even call us women, but female.
Lol, why the fuck do you worthless cunts have a problem with it? I've never seen males being bothered by it. Go kill yourself, female.

Way to go user~!

This female guilt tripped me cause I am a man and am incapable of being petty

Fell for it once again!

>Be 22yo doomer virgin
>For my whole life I was overweight/obese
>Diagnosed with aspergers
>Decide to take control of my life
>Go on diet(WW) and gym membership and am now average build
>Make point to look people in the eye, dress nicely, and be sociable
>Decide to make Tinder profile with new look
>Get several matches relatively quickly
>Only then realize that I don't know how flirt, not to mention being too much of a coward to even message girls further than "Hi"
>Never developed the proper social skills in middle or high school to do this romantic shit
>Memories of the years of rejection come flooding back whenever I so much as look at the text box in Tinder
>Enough so where I feel like I can hardly move

How emotionally fucked am I? Is it possible for a man at my age to overcome their fear of talking to women or did I lose before it began?

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Is it really that difficult for people to find a balance between their significant other and their friends? It's been six months and they're still borderline offensive with their PDA when they're supposed to be hanging out with the rest of us, they still throw last-minute curveballs at other people's plans whenever they get the whim to fuck some more, they lie or tell half-truths or do whatever they feel will get them away from other people and back in each other's pants again. You can't just go "lol honeymoon phase" anymore, this is fucking stupid.

They used to be me and my gf's closest friends, and both of us feel like it's almost not worth it to try with them any longer. They've become so unreliable and weirdly spiteful in some ways, we don't enjoy being around them and we hate opening opportunities to get disappointed/mistreated again. I don't understand why it's so difficult for them to just not be so trashy to everyone else, I was a fucking Jow Forums autist until a couple years ago and even I've figured out how to balance my girl and the rest of my social life without actively trying to shaft anyone.

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I got into my first real confrontation with another grown male.
I feel strangely exhilarated. I kind of wanted to fight him. I dislike the passivity black men seem to expect from white men. He was being a dick head and I told him to go screw himself, so he started shouting threats out the door about kicking my ass. I simply responded "I'll talk to your boss about it," and then honked at him and blew him a kiss as I drove off.

I was a shutin for most of my life. I got a job in retail and used it to build my confidence and body up bit by bit. Something I'm starting to really, really hate though is how meek people want me to be. If I have an issue with them, and I voice it, it's not an apology or a witty retort. It's gossip, sabotage, and threats.

You still got years left to learn how to talk to people. I'd quit tinder though if I were you

Dude you’re so young. You’ll be fine, your compass is pointing you in the right direction, keep being positive, you’re doing great.

This phone is way too good at watching porn on. This is going to destroy me.

Just remember, 1 user doesn't speak for all of us.

Pretty sure my neighbors can hear my vibrator but I use it anyway.

I have an idea, good morning love. Sorry for not being there for you throughout the night. If you were next to me you could have woken me up, sadly me sleeping seemed to have hurt you and I wish I didn't

psychopaths will be removed by artificial intelligence, you know.

It's a year later and I'm back in the same place, drinking, hating my job and worrying constantly. I wish I cared less and was numb. I wish I was alone so I could let these feelings push me to do something final and drastic. I wish someone could save me from this.

Jow Forums posters: have you tried going to the gym?

Will I ever put this crap behind me? Am I even allowed to?

Then you enjoy the time you got left with me here then no?

Just calm down please and get well soon.

6 days a week. Pretty sure I am genuinely exercise dependent

Once the AI busts my ass then I Start the Revolution :)

I'm fucking insane

Yep. Good stuff.

After so much work to improve myself and so many rejections, I have to wonder if I'm just not right for anyone

You'll be right for someone some day

I always wished for a truck to hit me.

A truck hit me 3 weeks ago. I wish it hit me harder. I was fine.

Holy fuck man

When it did hit me it was a mix of mother fucker and I'll be late for work. Weird how that works. If it had some speed I'd win the game of life early.

I don't think I could actually kill myself, but if it happens I'll just say "mother fucker" if there is a after life.

How can Jow Forumsfags post on there if CAPTCHA doesn't allow robots to post?

In a limbo of not giving a fuck and caring A lot about what this guy thinks of me. but the not caring feeling has started washing over me more, it feels good. Usually i would ruminate on his actions but now im just like fuck it. if he likes me, cool. if he's an asshole and his friends laugh at me fuck him and his nerd friends too.

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I like my job and all, but it's amazing how one bad person can ruin things
>have a coworker that's a lazy fucking cunt with a piss poor attitude about everything
>acts like he's the boss towards myself and my other coworkers, almost all of which hate him
>never did anything in this line of work until he started working here, but acts like he knows everything there is to know. Doesn't stop him from doing some seriously dangerous garbage (climbing onto an active machine to bitch at an operator when they're in the middle of doing something, shit like that)
>can't make up his damn mind from one second to the next, will tell you one thing, then tell you another thing a bit later and act like you're blind/deaf/dumb if you don't understand him
>expects everyone else to do his odd jobs for him because he claims he's too busy, all the while he sits in his pickup/whatever machine he's running and dicks around on his phone
>condescending like you wouldn't believe, treats everyone like they're a child
>flips shit at the most minor little things, whether someone forgets to do something or won't do his shit for him
>went into a massive screaming fit when I called him out on a lie, then tried to get me fired for "being disrespectful to him"
>keeps doing this constantly
And the boss lets him get away with it since he's friends with this shitbag's father-in-law.
If it gets any worse, I'm done. I can't and won't put up with any more of his bullshit. If someone fell a tree onto him I'd be okay with it.

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yo same

I can't believe I am dealing with thi shit right now

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Even though it's not my business, I'm convinced you're seeing someone. I hope I'm wrong though and you're simply keeping off social media