I'm a manhoe and have had so many chicks around that I can't even entertain the prospect of getting married...

I'm a manhoe and have had so many chicks around that I can't even entertain the prospect of getting married, because none of the girls feel "yeah shes the one", some are decent some are bad some are shit. I hang out with each for a while until I get bored of them and throw a dice again.

I'm afraid I have seen all the types and that they are just repeating in slightly different combination and intensity.

Also I feel no love for any of them and haven't felt that way for a long time (maybe a decade?), just attraction at the best.

Can I be redeemed?

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user it’s gonna be hard for you to find true love. It will be difficult to find a real women if she knows about you past. I’d start fresh and don’t brag about it. Past is the past. Don’t know what to say but some people think that you are cool that you has many women in your life while others think it is depressing.

Its kind of funny, in an effort to be at the top of social game, I acquired good looks through going to gym, started dressing extremely well and grooming, finished uni and started raking in decent cash,got a huge social circle and made myself a figure of something people should strive for. It all kinda snowballed from there as I easily got shitton of experience with women, which in turn just raised my value in front of other women and men. I just continued doing it for years thinking this is what everyone wants and everyone considers me "lucky".

Truth is, I am incredibly emotionally dead from rotating so much people in and out of my lives, never making a true connection, because I don't believe one could possibly exist. I mean I've been making girls have feelings for me and I have done it so many times, I know exactly how to act to make it happen, so why shouldn't the opposite be possible?

I killed belief in love just like parents KILL FUCKING SANTA CLAUS before you are in elementary school and theres no going back.

I'm going to say to some anons chasing this kind of greatness like its light at the end of the tunnel like I did. Its fucking not, you are hollow in the same way a Mario speedrunner is because he knows every about every single fucking thing in the game, and hes just trapped in there, because why stop, hes already so fucking good at it, may as well rake in some gain from that.

You get a good girl, you get the fuck out of this shitty game pronto.

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> I mean I've been making girls have feelings for me and I have done it so many times, I know exactly how to act to make it happen
please explain master, also I don't feel love for these hoes either and need help as well

You could have just said "im Chad and im not happy about it" and left it at that.

Short term its shit like giving her the feeling theres chemistry between you, just eye contact and touching is great.
You want to listen to her but not all the time
70% listening 30% talking, and most of the talking you want to relate to her with "Me too"

Spend as much as you can in the "Me too" zone you can't go wrong with it really.
Now I don't mean saying me too all the time obviously. Women can bond over perceived feelings, for example she says she adored her dog and he died recently, and you could very well go on a serenade about how you felt the same about Bobby, your dear cat who always curled up into your face in the morning but you didn't mind sleeping in because he felt so fuzzy and warm and BAM in that moment she is feeling. Probably what she feels with her dog, and that is probably happiness, so she associates memories with you as happy. Do it enough times and she has really bonded with you.

Now there are countless other things you have to do, be the right amount of silent and be the right amount of pro active and with great precision. Meaning you are mostly silent but when you do shit you do it 100% and you do not fail, this makes her feel safe and secure with you as you have 99.99% of time gone through when you meant it.

Long term, you just plain make her go crazy for you. You need to take her through emotional roller coaster, meaning after a moment of great happiness you take her through moments of great insecurity, emotional neediness for you, maybe even make her miserable through lack of communication if you wish so making her questions what is going through your head right now.

This makes them fucking crazy and 90% ask all the time what are you thinking about (don't let them know about anything and you win duh) .

Then again when she is emotionally drained and just craving to have you back or maybe just tap out, you come again with your Budha ass act dishing out tenderness.

Shit Jow Forums don't let me write no more.

I feel the same way as you do OP. I lived the chad lifestyle and saw how shallow it really was. I can no longer properly bond with girls since I see it all as an exchange for sex. Also girls are pretty fucking boring outside of having a pussy and them being nice and touchy.

I'm sorry but I would honestly trade my bitch for that. Most days all I want is some action yet my sex seeking has to be limited for hers and desu I'm starting to hate her for it, I would gladly give her up if it meant i could screw any random bitch and forget about her in my condom.

That's because women who are willing to randomly fuck a guy and have one night stands are not marriage material.

The hard truth is that decent women will never want to stay with a guy like you. The whole thing with "women want an experienced guy, someone desirable" is true up to a point. They want a guy who had 2-3 serious relationships before, not a manwhore who fucked every thot in the city. A decent woman who wants a family will never settle for a guy who might cheat on them on the first opportunity. If you truly want someone good you can spend your life with, I suggest you keep this part of yourself a secret. All the good women will bail when they find out you're a manwhore and you'll be stuck with cheap sluts for the rest of your life.

OP you see what happens? This is why vapid whores are useless. It applies to men too. You are dead inside. Maybe you always were. But it's over for love. You have easy mode on and easy mode is no fun. It's over. I'm sorry but you will not work hard to find a girlfriend. You can find a hotter one later. Have fun with friends and just remember to compartmentalize and be honest with your intentions. Don't ruin these girls for the rest of us. Don't leave a trail of damaged goods.
I'm not as good as you, and my girls are not as attractive but I stopped what you did. I stopped having sex. I didn't go on a date, I never been on a date before. Maybe you haven't either. It's a start to deny yourself easy pussy if you can manage it.

Your last line is all I needed to read. The irony of life is that good girls don't exist, and that your shallow existence of being a societal pinnacle is actually the closest you can come to happiness and fulfillment in life as a guy; only you hide that last line of truth.... because that truth is actually a grass is greener on the other side parable that only exists in the mind and not reality.

weird question, but how do I stop feeling like a loser who's terrible with women? I have a girlfriend, I haven't been single in over a decade, I've slept with about two dozen girls, and I still have this image of myself as a nerdy loser who can't get any. sometimes I'll stop replying to girls and going out with them just because I feel like they're out of my league, or because I'm worried they're not really interested.

back in my high school days, I was a kissless virgin and I thought I was doomed to be forever alone, all the other kids used to make fun of me for it. I was a very late bloomer, I didn't kiss a girl or have sex until I went off to college at 18, and I guess I just internalized the idea of myself as someone who was too shy and nerdy to get laid.

I didn't lose it until 22. I'll tell you, you're scarred. That never goes away. No matter how much acid, shrooms, molly or coked out and have slept with girls I am always going to be the loser. We were late bloomers but the damage is done. And look at OP, he's not even happy.

It just sucks so much. I'll go through the list of girls I've been with and think about how they don't really count for one reason or another.

"she only liked me because I took her virginity"
"there was clearly something wrong with this one, she was just desperate"
"that one was clearly too good for me, she just got with me out of pity"
"oh, the sex with that one was bad and we barely did anything together, I shouldn't even count it"
"she ghosted me after, that means she didn't have a good time"

And at the end, you're still the child that didn't get anyone. Your foundation is damaged. The rest that would have been built cannot be built. I'm sorry user. I hope I'm wrong but I am just like you except even later.

>Can I be redeemed?

Only through the blood of Jesus Christ.

I'm already in my mid-30s, is there any hope to fix things now?

I just want to go back and start over from the beginning

I have fucked over 100 girls. I had thought that I would never have a relationship because they are so much hassle. I was content in my single carefree life.

And one day out of nowhere I met her. We've been happy together and fully committed ever since. It can happen anytime. When you least expect it.

This guy fucks

You may not be consciously doing it, but you’re using hard psychology to manipulate these women into falling for you

Sound like a lot of writing for be good looking and confident.

Been single about 2-3 years of my adult life slept with 40 women now have a long term gf, don't need any psychological stuff just b urself and fun.

>has intimacy issues
>blames women
Enjoy dying alone

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>You need to take her through emotional roller coaster, meaning after a moment of great happiness you take her through moments of great insecurity, emotional neediness for you, maybe even make her miserable through lack of communication if you wish so making her questions what is going through your head right now.

what the fuck i'm scared now of getting manipulated, i dont mind it if my boyfriend does it but i'm generally terribly curiosu about a person's mind and emotions so i often find myself knee deep exploring someone's psychology and behaviour who seems to be interesting in some way. thats how i got attracted and bonded with my current boyfriend and it still an attraction boost in our relationship, from my part

i guess emotional manipulation is the equivalent of sexual manipulation that women engage in with men. the question is:

do men get/stay bonded just the same through sex as women get/stay bonded through emotional maneuvers?

Everyone can be redeemed if they're a coupon.

Dude own it. All these dumbass feminists think it's empowering to fuck 100 dudes, divorce for shitty reasons and abort babies.

Fuck these bitches and fuck conventions.

Fuck this is so me. I had a girl I was ready to give my life to. A girl I would die for. But then she just dropped me outta nowhere and I've been such a manhoe since. I pump and dump like crazy and can't feel a thing for any girl. Its such a fucked up position, but man I was ready for life with that one girl.

OP here, I wouldn't worry that much if I were you, not many guys get to this point as most of them are happy once they socially unretard themselves to get into relationship, that they stop improving immediately once they got what they wanted.

Fuckers like me that go above and beyond the call of duty and think "Wait, I got this good at handling women, it would be a waste to stop here, I can get even better and more efficient at this shit.".

Most of the girls aren't that adept at social game, just that they are step above guys which are fucking awkward, because most of them don't know how to engage in socially or are solitary and don't care. But once either one, man or woman breaks through the level of normal people, it becomes like shooting fish in barrel for them.

Also, not sure if its what you wanted to hear as answer to last question, but generally I get feelings through sex, but its more like adrenalin shot, one moment its there and Im in it, and 20 minutes after, its gone and I don't feel shit for girl. So I would say yes, we do bond through sex as thats how we express 85% intimacy, its just that its gone very fast.

One thing I usually do is that I'm generally nicer towards girls that don't make it hard and are chill about hookups.
If they act like they know that the relationship might end tommorow at my whim and don't care, they just in for the ride and good memories while it lasts, kinda makes me feel they understand, so I treat them better than girls that make a big deal out of having sex and maybe spending some time together.

Be glad that most guys are fucking clueless about this shit and fucking treasure them.

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Larping, the thread

>one day later
>no response


>Can I be redeemed?
Not in this life.

Been there.

You should change towards having a real connection with someone and abandon whoring.

When you actually do find a woman to love your whoring days will haunt you a little.

I wish I could help you, but right now I'm about to kill myself because I feel like I've missed out on something at least sort of similar to what you have and I feel like I'll never attain it.