Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>Guys insecure with their 4+ inches dick
Fuck off

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself. You can use these macros:

Attached: 8945694.png (446x379, 50K)

Other urls found in this thread:

For guys, Did I fuck up?

I just insta DM'd this guy i don't know in my class to ask if he wanted to hang out from my finsta (no proof it's me) I could deny it if he asks irl but i think he might know who i am

How weird would it be if a girl you barely talked to dm'd you that?

Also I afraid that he's not even going to see it bc ig doesn't give you notification for message request unless you turn it on.

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Scale of 1/10 how bad would it be to ask a woman from my gym to coffee and any answer but a resounding yes just ignore her?
Honestly if a no I'd just go to a different one from the same chain.
Or activate plan 2

It would be the normal thing to do. If she flakes she's not worth it.

How creepy would it be if your ex from middle school suddenly reached out to you after 10+ years of never interacting even via social media? This girl's memory became a very formative part of my life well after we split and I want to catch up with her again.

Stop hesitating, man. Just message her before you regret never have done that.

What's plan 2?

You know, you could just go up to him in person rather than being coy. Considering he doesn't even know it's you AND doesn't know you that well he'll deny it.

No I want to see his reaction, if it's good then sure ill talk to him in person. You really think he would decline it? I told him I was in his class, wouldn't he at least ask "who is this?"

Girls, what's your definition of a "boring" guy? Especially when it comes to texting and conversation.

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A guy would probably be very happy for a girl to actually show genuine interest. It would be better if you did it in person desu, but even if you hardly know him it's probably very flattering if you put him know you're interested in getting to know him

Not gonna lie to you, that's some cringe shit. No shit he'll decline it if he doesn't know the person. Guys are usually straight forward. If you try to be all mysterious with him, he'll be even more creeped out.
I've had someone did the same thing you did to him to me. Trust me, its weird as fuck and when I found out who it was, I avoided that person even more.

I am terrible at taking pictures.

How do I improve that?
How much time do you spend every day finding a way to take a picture?
Is there some tricks you can do to remind yourself to take a picture?
If I want pictures of myself, do I just stop strangers and ask them to take my picture or is there a better way?

wtf one of you are lying
Yeah but why wouldn't he ask who it is first? Curiosity would make me ask at least.
he has no proof it's me, it could be any girl from our class although I'm probably the only girl there that has talked to him irl and since it's stem theres only 6 of us so if he's smart enough he'll narrow it down to me but maybe not

I'm saying the same thing he is. Sort of. You should tell him who you are, don't make him ask. Don't gamble with what you want. What if he doesn't ask who it is? What if he doesn't respond the way you anticipate? Just put yourself out there


Are you a boy or a girl?

I am a guy, how does this factor into it?

>Just put yourself out there
No, this is a really easy way to get what I want with out dealing with the embarrassment of rejection. I can find out if he's nice and open minded enough to give a stranger a chance (that he may assume is me) and if he says fuck off he will never know who it is for sure. If he said anything to me irl about it I would just flip it around and say I don't have an ig at all and make him feel dumb lol

My message was short and to the point with no real details besides being in a class with him

You sound like a highschooler. No offense. The fear of rejection? Who cares. The worst thing is he says no, and trust me, it doesn't hurt that bad. You hardly know him. Either stop fearing rejection, or get ready to spend a long time trying to guess what guys are feeling. No guys on this board can help you read minds

Taking "good" pictures may have general tips but the gender does matter, for example, duck face would look strange in a boy, if you know what I mean. Btw I'm not a really fan of duck faces but that was just to illustrate.

Picked up few vids for you. Hope that might be useful.

Rejection sucks, If i can avoid it then why not lol. I don't care what I sound like I rather be able to save face than dive in head first and get btfo'd

There's kind of a dichotomy. By avoiding rejection your whole life youre going to greatly diminish your chances. Especially if you always hide behind these weird anonymous options. If he hurts you in rejection, you probably didn't want him anyways. You came for advice. This is the advice. Just ask him up front. If you don't want to follow it, IDC. You'll be missing out.

i don't understand why dming him is so cringe, it's the same shit really. Whats the fucking difference, yea asking in person is considered to be the right way but his reaction will be the fucking same either way so who cares. He's not going to like me more because I said it to his face chances are he will give me a pity yes and ghost me later to not feel like an asshole. At least through dm he can say fuck off with out caring.

You can dm him. But don't do it anonymously. That's the cringe part. That's the part that hurts your chances. That's the part that diminishes the opportunity

He doesn't make me laugh. Conversation is stale and predictable. He's not witty, knowledgeable, intelligent. He doesn't have any interesting opinions. He's bad at debating.

Oh, I guess it could be interpreted as the quality of my pictures are bad.
I am at the step before this, how do I get better at remembering to take photos?
I am not good at whipping out my phone to take a picture. Like, if I am on a vacation, I might take 5 pictures of a sunset or good view, someone I was with and then 200 images from some ruins or museum I visited.
I want to be better at taking pictures of fun situations and stuff.

well if it goes well i have to tell him who i am eventually so it doesn't matter lol

It's more likely to go well if he doesn't have to guess who you are is what I'm saying. But whatever. You didn't seem to actually want advice, just affirmation. Good luck

Another guy who read this comment chain chiming in. Stop being a coward. Talk to him to his face or let him know who you are and that you know him when you talk online like a normal person. Pretending to be anonymous when you actually know the person in real life is weird and cringe.

How does one live in a relationship knowing they could be cucked at any time?

I know people say trust, but can you ever trust someone 100%?

Those of you who have been cheated on, how did you find out?

Become an hero

>How does one live in a relationship knowing they could be cucked at any time?
It's worth the risk. My boyfriend is awesome and it's worth giving it a try. I trust my boyfriend to not do it to me.

>Those of you who have been cheated on, how did you find out?
It's so, so easy to tell when someone is cheating on you.
The second he walked into the door after cheating on me I knew he did. He looked different, talked different, moved different. Small things were completely off, the relationship felt different. Took me a week to figure out who he cheated on me with, 3 days to get confirmation off her (I knew he was going to lie to not lose me, and she had a crush on him so she would try to break us up).

>seek advice from a friend over some mixed signals from my crush who happens to be in a relationship
>my friend tells "just do what you want" & "why you worry so much is this the worst thing it ever happened to you?"

Am I at fault for being hurt over my friend's replies?

Do you bother them a lot? Do they have other things going in their life?
Because if you bother them a lot or they're going through rough times, I can see them being pissed off.

Check your EQ privilege
But srs how is cheating acting odd different to bad day acting odd?

The days before he actually cheated
> He was concerned of his phone/computer
> He was either too vague or too specific when telling me about his day
> He checked his phone more than usual
> He didn't seek emotional intimacy with me
> His sex drive was off
> He had a weird charisma and self confidence

The day he cheated
> He was nice, but in a way that felt fake and exaggerated
> He couldn't keep eye contact
> He smelled different
> He moved defensively, like he was a little scared off me

Took me a few days to figure out who she was, but after that it was pretty easy.

I feel I would be too brainlet to notice these subtle things or chalk them up to normal variance.
It's good you don't let that bad past ruin what you have now

It's really easy to tell, I swear. I know it sounds complicated but you get such a strong gut feeling.

i go to a mental health clinic every week to see a counselor to help me deal with my PTSD from being on an ambulance team for three years. last week i saw one of my classmates there. we sat across from each other in the waiting room. it was awkward. she's an emo girl with cutting scars all over her arms. she was giving me the look the whole time, and when i was leaving she was still sitting there giving me the look, and then in class yesterday i caught her staring at me. it's obvious she has some kind of crush on me. what do i do?

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she's kinda cute but i'm not the smashing type

You gotta learn to trust, they should trust you just as much as you trust them. However, you need to have that self confidence to know that it's their mistake if they cheat not yours.

I've been cheated on in my previous relationship. Gut feeling is a huge factor in knowing whether or not your partner is cheating on you or not. Not paranoia, gut. I was told that she was hanging out with this one dude from my friends. She became more colder and disinterested in me. Like the other user said, it may not seem like you can tell now but once you get to know someone deeply and are in a relationship you'll know when you know.

Ask for coffee then

Is she a virgin?

how would i know
that's not something you ask people you barely know

Convince me not to text my ex who broke up with me half a month ago for a hookup. We had a great sexual dynamic and she only recently said she was "having doubts" because she caught eye of some dude with $$$. We even had some really great, angry breakup sex. They're taking it slow apparently, but I simply want to wreck that ass again.

How bad is having no friends if you can still reliably make a girl laugh and be confident and normal looking enough no one would realize you have no friends?

stop worrying and just be yourself

>be myself

Fuarkk just had a 10/10 qtpi jump on my 10inch cock while I was driving a bugatti I don't even have a manual license for

Cops just fucking pulled me over for phoneposting while driving but the officer just said, 'nice', and we became range buddies and it turns out I'm driving the bugatti to the airport where my private jet is taking me to a trip to the Bahamas where I'm gonna check the profits off my trillion dollar portfolio before going on a ski trip in the Swiss alps, I think im gonna propose to this qtpi while I'm tandem HALO jumping off a privately hired US navy seals AC-130 shooting fireworks with its cannons then land right in the bugatti with my qtpi waifu and pretty much impregnate her while I drive off into the sun set

Holy fuck thanks

I'm more worried about making things awkward in class if she says no but she's also mentioned that she's single a few times in class. What to do hm

it's actual advice
if you obsess over your image you've already lost
just act natural, and if that doesn't work you're probably batting out of your league and need to find girls that you can actually get along with (eg if you're an aspie don't chase stacies)

Ask her for coffee
Where do you live that needs a special liscence for a manual, or is this some zoomer thing

I'm a firm believer of the BE.e yourself thing don't worry user. I'm not too much of an aspie I've recovered greatly since my neet days, but I'm admittedly not experienced at all, far less so with the group dynamics of asking out a girl from class.

25yo boomer here, my parents were automatics and only had automatics to train me on. One day I'll spend the money to hire an instructor for a manual license but I'm too busy atm.

The us just has one license for both
UK I bet
Tv loiscence butter knife loiscence, manual car one too

Close but I'm not from bongistan

if he responds nicely and asks who I am I’ll tell him. Simple. His answer will be the same regardless it doesn’t matter

update: he saw the message at 2am and left me on read


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>meet girl
>texting with her, we go out three times
>she‘s into me too (asked me for my number, asked me out once, often texts first, ...)
>I ask her out last week, she says she’s already busy but maybe next weekend
Should I ask her out again or is this too needy? I was hoping she would bring it up and ask me out. Don’t want want to look super desperate. I don’t think her saying she’s busy was a nice “no” because things were great and she has texted me since then.

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>Be 24 year old guy
>18 year old I work with is interested in me
>Not looking for anything serious right now and want to play the field for a while because I just got out of a relationship

Is it wrong to date her considering I may not want to be serious with her? She likes the same shit I do, uses Jow Forums and while she is (understandably) immature, I do have fun with her. We were talking about games and anime during our break, which ended with me telling her that I'll pick her up this weekend to come watch and play some stuff together. She's really excited and keeps joking about how we'll have to share my bed and shit.

Dump her she's with another dude. If you don't know this, do some stalking and you will see and then dump her

Pump, dump and ghost. Bonus if you take her only asset her virginity

Women, what is it you want in a potential boyfriend? How can I as a 22 year old dateless kissless handholdless virgin make myself good enough for you?

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Lol you actually did it

told you not to

but w/e its your life lol

>ask a woman from my gym to coffee
Why not invite her for a run instead?

Also 0, it's not bad at all to ask a woman out. Get this bizarre stigma OUT OF YOUR HEAD. There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking girls out, it's part of the human experience, and nobody can take away your human experience.

>if a no I'd just go to a different one from the same chain.
like why
If she says no, it's not a big deal at all. Just finish having a nice conversation with her and move on with your life. Why the hell would you change gyms for asking a woman out????????

You'll regret more the things you don't do, than the things you try and fail.

I actually reached out to an elementary school classmate who moved to NYC, some years ago. She was very happy to hear from me and offered to show me around nyc and get settled in if I move there.

UNFORTUNATELY.... my asshole coworker, i left my laptop open, and he didn't know she was a super-old friend... and my asshole coworker sat at my facebook when I went to the toilet and wrote her a bunch of creepy messages then logged me out of facebook.

I never heard from her again after that. So my advice to YOU is, if you DO reach out to an old friend, guard your laptop. Don't let your asshole friends near it.

Don't converse with girls over text. Make plans and quick questions only.

Asking hot to not be boring over text is like asking how to not get wet when you go swimming.

Relax your face
Fear is what makes you uncomfortable, manage your fear
Look into the camera and visualize you're looking into your friends eyes, the emotions of love and stuff will appear on your face
The first picture is usually the best, don't take a whole bunch. Take several photos for group photos because someone always blinks or something
Put the light, or the sun, in your face

How do you cope with liking someone who’s married but whom you have great chemistry with?

>How does one live in a relationship knowing they could be cucked at any time?
idk man I've gone open relationships at this point

It's super fun because you can sleep with more than one girl at once and nothing is wrong with it lol

But yeah, girls always want the forbidden fruit. If you're in a relationship, you should brace for when, not if she cheats. Just forgive her when it happens. It's really not a big deal so long as all the kids are yours.

>I know people say trust, but can you ever trust someone 100%?
Men yes
Women no

>what do i do?
Go out with her. Not even a date, but you'll get answers by having a conversation with her. Invite her for coffee (don't tell her it's not a date, but dont tell her it is one either, just invite her out). Have a nice conversation, catch up, then do whatever you want.

You're not asking for advice, this is an advice board. If you just want to complain, then go to the containment thread.

>no one would realize you have no friends?
wear your heart on your sleeve

>Don’t want want to look super desperate.
Either you are, or you aren't. Just listen to your heart and do whatever. Stop trying to control things with smoke and lies. This is how you guys keep messing up, not because you're losers, but because you lie to girls and try to pretend you're not.

>Is it wrong to date her considering I may not want to be serious with her?
Just tell her that up front, be honest. She's a grown women, she can make her own choices.

By leaving them the fuck alone

That's like asking, "how do you cope with the fact ther's so much money in the bank but it's illegal to steal it?"

Like gtfo psycho

LMAO cardio kills gains
Also there this thing in the states called metoo and it certainly can take away the human experience

No offense but I'm imagine a big tough man with so much gains he has to wash his clothes in Gain™, but then he's scared of some chick at the gym his whole life paralyzes over her --- before she took any actions or even said anything.

Like the elephant scared of the mouse.

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No shit dumbass.

Appreciate the mire but I'm DYEL as fuark

He'll respond later today r-right?

eh oh well glad i didn't do it irl

Now I'm imagining you as this scrawny awkward man who barely lifts, going to the gym in futile attempt to restore your motivation in life, and hopefully make your father finally proud of you after all these years. But then you get distracted on the first day at the sight of a human-with-boobs walking in front of you, and since you left your pants in the changing room, you don't have any spaghetti in your pockets so obviously came to Jow Forums in a desperate attempt to capture this human-with-boobs and figure out how to put your penis inside her because you really want to feel a cummie in her body.

But alas you're too scared too approach her because of internalized stigma and crippling women-fear. You feel the cutting shards of your disappointed father raining down over your emotions as, yet again, your motivation takes another hit and your future in life just looks ever so much darker. So faintly darker. Like a sunset that will never rise. That is your life. Slowly ending right before your eyes and all the struggles of your willpower cannot save you because of the blanket of fear snuggling down overtop of you, blocking out the sky.

Life is but a walking shadow
A poor player who struts and frets his hour on the stage and is heard no more
it is a tale told by an idiot
full of sound and fury
signifying nothing...

also you end up cuming into a sock instead of her warm, wet womb.

I hope my advice helps. Good luck to you!

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I flirt with a girl at work pretty often. She has a BF.

Coworkers make jokes about us pretty often as we are always at each others desks or chatting in the halls.

We just laugh it off.

Today she is at my desk and someone cracks a joke in reference to my dick size and my crush replies in complete seriousness "I've seen it so"

To which I said without thinking "Why would you tell them that?"

One of the other said "Why would you tell ME that?" and then everyone dispersed.

Now the workplace is buzzing with rumours that we are fucking and my phone won't stop blowing up. I assume she is getting the same..

Girls, do you have any insight on this? Why would you, having a partner, basically start a rumour that you are fucking your coworker? Or was she just trying to crack a joke and it blew up in her face?

Being nice to others (not in a faggot/submissive kind of nice). The men i knew who had most success with girs were deeply sympathectic persons, alwars careful, helpful, galant. But not ALWAYS - play with constrast, allow yourself to be mean / angry / selfish once in a while.

If you are concern about your looks, do what you can about it, but the most important is being your own type of guy. It takes more time for a woman to be attracted to a "weird-looking" guy, but if you stay consistent about who you are, as they get to know you they can develop a romantic attachment to your inner qualities. As a woman i already been attracte to weird-looking guys based on a few aspects of their personalities. It takes longer : unlike physical appearance, it is not visible at first sight but it does happen and it bond a lot more than just "whoa he's beautiful".

And stop thinking that who you are is getting in the way of being appreciated. Just be yourself around others, don't overthink.

I use an old shirt

She probably had enough of the rumors and thought it would end it - either she screwed up, either everyone is getting mad about it for a few hours and then forget about it.
She probably thought saying a highly weird and impossible thing would make the point that "no there is nothing going on between us".
Or maybe she tried to help you going through this joke about he size of your dick (too bad it did very much worse).

She wants to fuck

>And stop thinking that who you are is getting in the way of being appreciated
But it must be if I'm 22 and a kissless dateless handholdless virgin?


>Either you are, or you aren't. Just listen to your heart and do whatever. Stop trying to control things with smoke and lies. This is how you guys keep messing up, not because you're losers, but because you lie to girls and try to pretend you're not.
Good advice, thank you.

Guy here but I think if you didn't respond it would have stayed a joke which I assume was her intent. Your reply can be interpreted as an admission that she has seen your dick. I think you are both equally to blame.

I don't know I have asked her before and she said she doesn't really care about what people say. Tomorrow will be the test though. Now that you say it maybe she was trying to defend me. but yeah bad choice of words on her part.

I would love to.

Maybe, Probably.

Lol the autism

She's into you

And there's nothing wrong with hitting on a girl with a bf. Only when people are married. Even if you have a boyfriend you're still single by definition, she's all yours so go get her.

Should I ask her to study together or shoud I just straight up tell her if she wants to hang out? I think I could at least know if she's actually interested in me without being too straightforward in the first option at least

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Just ask to study together and hang out afterwards. Or asks "spontaneously" after you're done studying if she wants to go somewhere to free your heads.

>find out if he's nice and open minded enough to give a stranger a chance
>say I don't have an ig at all and make him feel dumb lol

How fucking weird are you, so you're willing to be an obtuse bitch to not get hurt but also be be an obtuse bitch to make him feel dumb If hes smart enough to figure out your dumb plan?

If that is all you are, you need to find a more lovable version of yourself and become it. It is hard work, needs lot of dedication, but take it one step at a time and be consistent. Work on who you are, take care of yourself physically, but mostly emotionnally and psycologically.
Stop alcohol / drugs / junkfood, exercise if you feel like it, find a hobby (possibly social to get you to know people - you mostly get to know yourself by interacting with others), read books, be kind to others, be grateful for what you have.

I admit I'm socially retarded most times.

>there's nothing wrong with hitting on a girl with a bf
Post that photo you have about not defending or condoning cheating.

She likes him, leaves her boyfriend for him

It's not complicated. It would be super hard for her to "cheat" given the situation he described.

Also you can't really cheat on someone unless you're married to them.

You can cheat on whoever you enter a monogamous relationship with.

Yeah I know. Schematics. But if you're not married it's nothing to flip a table over. If it was, then you'd be married...

>monogamous relationship
No such thing unless they were both virgins. Everything else is just casual sex


Either virgins or married, otherwise none of this is really a big deal when you think about it. I wish someone told me this when I was much younger...

No I don't think i would do that to him unless I felt like he was going to try to embarrass me over it. If he asked me nicely I would reciprocate that level of respect and be honest. Guys are dicks though and the later isn't likely.

>Also you can't really cheat on someone unless you're married to them.
what? you fucking whore. kill yourself

Marriage is the validation of a pre-existent bond in front of the community, with the intervention of the state. If the bond didn't exist before, you wouldn't get married. So even before, the relationship has worth.
If you don't think it matters, then marriage is just a financial agreement, so divorce shouldn't matter more than breaking off a contract of other nature.

That's not the case, two virgins can have casual sex and two people who had sex before can have non-casual sex in a committed relationship. You don't understand the meaning of words.

so i'm a really reserved shy guy but i'm really good looking and i always have girls trying to fuck me
as a result i've always had sex on offer from several girls at any given time throughout my life
and as a result of that i've been able to be very picky about who i sleep with. so picky, in fact, that i'm 30 and still a virgin.
this, as you can imagine, has created a strange paradigm in my life when it comes to relationships and sex. i REFUSE to sleep with someone who doesn't love me. i also never pursue any girl anymore because when i do they lose their fucking minds. i've been stalked and harassed before.
i was literally in a relationship with my therapist last year. she was so desperate to take my virginity that she was willing to say and do anything to fuck me. she ended up getting fired and losing her license.
and now my college professor has a crush on me. she's my age and really pretty and obviously motivated and successful, and i would like to start things with her, but i don't graduate for another year and she can't date her students.
my current text buddy has a long term bf and a 3 year old son with him. they own a house together and so on, they're basically married, and she wants to cheat with me. i don't know what to do. i REALLY like her. she's cute as fuck, her son is cute as fuck, she's smart and chill and based, she cooks and she cleans, she's getting her degree, she's responsible and motivated and she's a good mom, and she's really unhappy with her bf. i would be lying if i said i don't want her. i want her so bad. i want to steal her away from her bf and make her mine. she invited me to her house last week and i declined because she was leaving for vacation with her bf the next morning. it would have been fucked up if she cheated the day before she goes on vacation with him. she will ask me to come over again soon. i don't know what to do guys. my parents are telling me to leave her alone but i can't. i care about her too much. fuck!

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If you want that level of security then you should wait before getting married and have a virgin marriage. This really isn't complicated.

That makes no sense, unless your word is entirely meaningless and you have no emotional bond till the day you get married.
If you have a bond with each other and your promises matter, then they should matter even before and you should be in love with each other even before.

If you don't feel any shame in potentially ruining a marriage and a childs outlook on their mom then go for it. Chances are if it isn't you it'll be the next dick over.
You said you didn't want to have sex with anyone who didn't love you and from this point of view it looks to be more like lust than anything.

Do you want a guy who can make your friends jealous?