Running away from my teaching job in japan after 3 days?

I honestly did not expect how much I dislike this, im currently in my training period (3rd day) and am regretting my decision of coming here immensely. Long hours aside I feel like the company was not transparent about many things, like how most people would be placed in rural areas — the location was only disclosed to us 2 weeks before departing for japan. I still decided to come over since I thought I had the flexibility of moving around (wrong!!) also I’d already purchased my flight tickets. They advertised that teachers would be teaching 3-5 hours per day but failed to mention the long travel times and needing to be at the class an hour early to prepare.

My initial goal for japan was to 1) get visa for long term stay 2) get somewhat comfy job with few hours to sustain my travels in japan and 3) a years of down time to recover my health. Apart from 1 everything else I planned on doing is completely negated by this job/company. This means I’m currently stuck in a messy situation where I have already signed the contract of working for a year but I really cannot see myself being here any longer. I want to leave with my all my stuff right this instant but I’m afraid there may be legal repercussions. Similarly I’m stationed at Osaka currently and have no way of transporting my one years worth of luggage, so I’m in quite a dilemma on whether I should contact the company of my displeasure (but then needing to reimburse training fees and associated accommodation fees) or I should just leave without a sound (since I don’t have much disposable income to spare for them) but then needing to figure out all the airplane/luggage transportation logistics at this instant.

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It's been 3 fucking days you little bitch. You're just having a little anxiety attack about all this change, you'll be fine. Give yourself time to adjust and think things over.

>My initial goal for japan was to 1) get visa for long term stay 2) get somewhat comfy job with few hours to sustain my travels in japan and 3) a years of down time to recover my health.
>im currently in my training period (3rd day) and am regretting my decision of coming here immensely. Long hours aside I feel like the company was not transparent about many things, like how most people would be placed in rural areas — the location was only disclosed to us 2 weeks before departing for japan.

I was in your EXACT position. Take my advice, don't quit. Dispatch companies are cunts but trust me being sent to a rural area is great news, you'll be free to live your own life where they can't get you.

Listen and remember this: your schools are NOT your dispatch company. They are filled with teachers who you will get to know and befriend.

The initial training week paints a shit picture because it's run by smug shit eating cunts who think they're real savvy because they upgraded from teacher to trainer. They're all faggots don't let them get you down.

Trust me it's only day 3 I know how you feel. Wait a bit, go to your placement, link in with the other ALTs and then weed out the weebs and boring cunts and you will discover that there are actually a lot of chilled out people to hang with.

t. 8 months in and living large, heading home in 4 months, mental health restored, used the down time this year to practice programming and now I speak Japanese

This all sounds very optimistic but I’m pretty sure I made a girl crying yesterday just using my face. My health is associated with my face, the native teacher who I was observing yesterday kept coming over and asking me if I was ok and to be positive even though I was feeling happy/neutral the entire time.

He also kept frowning which I suspect was as a reaction to my resting bitch face.

Anyways it’s not so much the company it’s that my health will get in the way of teaching kids and sustaining their attention. I don’t have the emotional fortitude to do this for a year, this I am certain

You are surprised it is a real job and not an all expenses paid vacation?

You don't know Japanese and find it isolating?

You are given housing and a higher salary than Japanese counterparts for a job you aren't qualified for?


What's wrong exactly?

And I promise it's not optimism. I'm literally doing it right now. I've come leaps and bounds.

Long training hours + poor immune system + natural rbf + sinusitis = very poor teacher form

I thought perhaps the atmosphere here could be better for my immune health but being overworked has made me weak physically and compound that with my already shit mental health means I have no means of coping. I was meant to go to another training class today but I just stayed at the hotel and slept all day. Maybe if I did this enough and made sure to me tardy they could just fire me straight up

Well desu you're being a bit of a bitch. This is a challenge and if you want to grow you should rise to it.

But as far as how to leave it's pretty easy. Fuck the company. Block their number and email. Get a plane ticket and leave. Just send an email saying you're going to they don't try to look for you. You're not the first to go home early.

I’m in japan in the first place to recover from my bad health why would I want to put myself through further stress? For what exactly i didn’t come here for the salary. My primary goals were to travel and to get better physically. I will not be achieving either one of those goals by staying so what’s the point

For me it's 2d, the best kind of girlfriend.

are you fucking retarded? you committed to travelling and working on the other side of the planet for a year of your life because you thought the atmosphere would improve your bad health? hello? is there anybody in there? is your skull completely empty? it's time to quit whining and do the job you signed up for.

Dude chill.
Its your 3rd day. My 3rd day at the gas station was the same. I wanted to quit this bullshit job. But now I'm still here, saving up money for University and enjoying things that I can do now because of money.
Give yourself a few weeks, even months. You will get used to the rhythm of being a teacher, you will enjoy it.
You live in a country now you always wanted to live in. Find little things to enjoy.

Oh hey you sound like me when I did a 6 month student exchange to Osaka. Do you have decent social skills or speak Japanese at all?

My advice is lose the bitch face as best you can. Practice in the mirror smiling until you look like you have a blank or slightly happy expression. Seriously, I know it sounds like retarded advice but just practice presenting your face in a better manner.

Aside from this I don't understand what your problem is. Have you gotten sick since you got there? How does sinusitis even impair you? Really you sound like a hypochondriac to me.

My introverted and default anxious nature really doesn’t help with the resting bitch face. Also the students could probably feel my weird gaijin vibes and avoided me throughout the lesson.

Yeah I got sick, I underestimated how quickly I would get sick in japan I think due to a combination of little vegetable consumption and high stress (yeah you can laugh at me).

My sinusitis doesn’t bother me so much it’s more that it seems to make me even more angry looking. My face sort of bloats up and eye area too so that I develop hooded lids, combined with dark under eye circles just makes me look angry. I say this because of the feedback I would get from other people, a happy smiling face suddenly turning angry which I’m assuming is just mirroring my own facial expressions. People generally being more pushy and rude when my face acts up etc. When this happens it just makes me even more withdrawn and self conscious.

Like if I was ill I could probably put up with it but when I’m ill it affects the “aura” around me. Idk I’m not doing a whole lot to explain it sorry but I just don’t think I could deal with the stress of scaring kids inadvertently, getting poor feedback and making the company look bad. It’s not so much the physical aspect of my illness which I’m afraid of it’s the social response to my illness which I cannot control.

Scootyboi you should unironically kill yourself

You have a class so you'll be seeing the same faces multiple times a week. Act friendly, confident and happy regardless of what your face is doing. Act happy all the time and try to make students laugh or at least feel supported in their learning. The job is so fucking easy all you have to do is ask students questions and help them with English, any retard can do that. They're more scared of you then you are of them. I still don't understand why you care so much about your face btw.

This is the best comment in this thread.

Anyway OP, just buy a ticket and leave. And as another user said, just make sure you write out a letter of resignation to email to the people over there so they at least know you're quitting and not that you've gone missing.

Be sure to do a little traveling now that you're already over there. I assume you're feeling well enough to spend a few weeks traveling around japan, just like you've always dreamed. Right OP?

Oh cool, thats great. You suck and have failed, wonderful. I agree with you.

Now pack your shit and get the fuck out of here, pathetic waste my time faggot.

I think you can get the general feeling of everyone here OP(myself included) you're being a whiney bitch and refusing to give yourself any sort of chance at all in this job. I mean three days, it boggles the mind how you could consider quitting so fast after committing to moving to a different country.

Anyway, you made your decision already I expect. If you've any self determination left at all, I advice you to stick with this for at least a month.

Follow through fucker! That's an order user. You were right to think what you thought and were awesome to have the guts to go for it. Shit is going to smooth out. It's the path of least resistance to just handle it. You ain't going to look bace in twenty years and say, "glad i got the fick out of there." Your my hero. Do that shit.

If you didn't want to work with people or even worse, kids, then you probably shouldn't have chosen teaching abroad as your job.

That said, first few lessons are always stressful, especially with a new class.
My first class at my current job I had a little girl crying the moment we started, by the end she was smiling. Now she's one of the first students telling everyone else to be quiet in class.

One tip is to establish a routine/game you do with them at the beginning, it helps you and them get into the swing of things and what you're planning to do that lesson.

That said, what made you think moving abroad and starting a teaching job would be good for your health of all things? Teaching, contrary to popular belief is not an easy job.
If you want to look after your health you could start by looking at your diet and seeing a doctor before anything else.

Abandon what luggage and things you don't really need. Ship the remainder home via UPS or Fed Ex. Send your employer an email explaining your grievances and telling them you're going to quit. Tell them that you owe them nothing because it was they who misled you, wasted your time and caused you to lose part of your luggage. Say that any legal action they take against you will result in you taking legal action against them for the above mentioned reasons.

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So much good advice here, besides the couple retards telling you how to quit. Give it a proper shot for heck's sake. Moving to a different country and getting a new job make for a very stressful and tumultuous change, but its simply what you put in to get great things out. You should be grateful for this opportunity, now let it bear fruits.

As for your face, you're either being unreasonable OR you do have a terrible face, in which case - just give everyone a few days to get used to you, bloody hell. Once your colleagues and students are familiar with you, your face won't matter a damn. You obviously had some amount of skill and luck to get here in the first place, now rough out the landing and live the dream.

The absolute state of millennials
>I thought japs would give me a 1year paid vacation wah wah wah

Did you learn any skills in college or just how to be a leach

I thought it was an easy job as
>the company advertised it was going to be 3-5 hrs of teaching 5 days a week which on paper looks like part time hours but they never factored in the commute times nor preparation times also each hour is a different lesson, each lesson a different location dispersed throughout the city. Essentially meaning I will have little free time contrary to what I believed and had been incentivised to come here

Anyways I don’t think I’d be good at the teaching job itself either. My biggest regret was wanting to stay here long term and not doing a travelling gig like most people.

You are stuck there buddy I doubt you can figure out how to even get home. Have you ever had a job before or done any kind of work

Time to commit sadoku

Bro, I live in rural north Saitama, motherfucking rice farming retirement land. I just had a daughter in December, i'm not an English teacher, i dig fucking trees out of the ground for minimum wage, with a shovel.. with 6 co-workers that hate me, because i'm a good looking white guy. My wife didn't qualify for maternity pay when she got pregnant, so I do what I have to do, she doesn't give me balls when I drink 12 beers a night after work, because I make it to work the next morning...

Stop being a fucking pussy.

>actually did my research and knew what I'd be getting into, did tons of reading on people's youtubes and blogs about their experiences and the differences between companies and the real costs and pay and challenges
>even learned the local language
>got turned down for the position
>people like op slither their way in and leave the company high and dry
well, all of you can get fucked.

You're either a paki or your ugly. It's the only reason you'd get turned down.

Well duh, why didn't you do your homework before signing up for a teaching job?

Did you not realise you have to prepare lessons before? Didn't you get a Teaching qualification that would've told you all this information before you started?

If you're only making excuses to pussy out instead of taking responsibility then fine, but as a job it's nowhere near as bad as you think.
It beats the fuck out of working 40+ hours waiting tables or pot washing in a kitchen.
You will definitely regret leaving the job after only a few days and not taking advantage of this new place you're living in.

I have honestly enjoyed teaching more than any other job I've had in the past.
Half the time you're nervous that the students don't care or don't understand what you're doing but when you get into the flow and see that even some of them get it and enjoy your class it's literally the best feeling.

Got any experience? Even private tutoring? That's another major reason

Is this your first real job or something? You're whiney.

well done dude

Welcome to Japan, one of the most racist countries on Earth.

Name of company?

Also, you have to be very misinformed on life in Japan if you thought that you will get a mark on all 3 things on your list with your job, Japan is an incredibly shitty place to live in if you are a wageslave an not independently wealthy.

Your options are either grit your teeth for some time (6month to preferably 1 year) and then start searching REALLY seriously for something else, or fuck it and cut your costs, do your traveling now for a couple of weeks/months (whatever your savings lets you) and go back home.

Thins is my observation, which comes mostly by having friends that have studies and lived there long term, and I considered it too (still am I guess).

Also a note on teaching - vitally all jobs in Japan are shit for foreigners, including teaching, but the small percent that are actually better than most are also in teaching, so keep that in mind. But probably not teaching in school/language centers, but universities, giving personal lessons, or being a teacher of managers and other corporate higher ups/employees.

The first week on ANY job is hell. Stick it out at least a couple of months

OP, after reading your first post, I was going to write an optimistic, encouraging post in response. But after reading the rest of the thread, it is blatantly obvious that you have a negativistic and self-defeatist outlook and attitude. I feel as though you've already decided you just can't do it and will only fail, and you're actually here more to seek validation that quitting after only 3 days isn't totally asinine and absurd. Well, OP, it is asinine and absurd. My advice to you is to work on your outlook and attitude. Nothing else will get better until you do.