When I was 18 this slut I had a crush on invited me over to have sex...

When I was 18 this slut I had a crush on invited me over to have sex. I was so nervous and she was extremely aggressive that I think she gave me performance anxiety and I haven’t had sex yet. Fast forward 5 years and she considers me her best friend, probably because I’m the only male she knows that isn’t gay that she won’t have sex with. I really do like her as a person, but I still have this attachment to her that I know she’ll never reciprocate. It hurts even more because we’re the same age and she openly sluts herself out to 35+ year old (married) dudes because that’s what she’s into.

I know how retarded it sounds, but I just feel like a cuck hanging out with her. I genuinely enjoy her company, but she also actively searches for dick on Tinder while we hang out. I’ve also got the feeling I wont get over my fear of sex until I actually have sex with her, which is even more retarded.

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Have her chew on some cherry seeds, that way she will let you do anything you want to her permanently

Either use her to meet other women or stop seeing her.

Op listen up man give yourself 3-4 months tops fuck her and move on in life.All you have to do is man up get in shape prepare your mind do whatever it is but you have to do but fuck her.You have a curse and the only way to break it is to fuck .When the job is done move on in life let your mind free.

>kill the bitch
You clever asshole.

So what's the matter here? Do you still want to fuck her? Try to, chances are that she doesn't mind to have casual sex with her best friend since she's so sexually needing.

I was in the same situation. This girl invited me over to fuck but then I told her I wanted to make it official between us and she backed the fuck out. She still asks me to hang out sometimes but I usually don't because I feel like a cuck hanging out with her. Ever since then I've had a fear of having sex and don't even put myself out there anymore

Man up and fuck her


>wanting sloppy 100ths
Get your T levels checked

Wait are you also apple seeds guy?

Dude just dont man your wasting time with her. She eint be in a relationship so move in and find someone who will.

Cuck confirmed, all your fears have come to pass. Good job kiddo

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That’s the thing though, she probably only sees me exclusively as a friend. She got drunk earlier this week and texted me that she wanted to say something about us that “might upset” me. I was asleep and when I inquired the next morning she told me to forget it.

I see the writing on the wall, I’m just too weak willed to accept it. I guess the question is now is if I can ever forget the self-imparted challenge of needing to have sex with her to get on with my life so I can just be a friend.

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Like men are disposable to women, women are disposable to men. Move on.

you gotta get her drunk again so she tells you the truth. The truth will either allow you to fuck her or allow you to leave her. This period of being caught in between just wastes time.

Go to Nevada and a legal sex worker. It's not a big deal.

Once you have sex, stop focussing on it. It doesn't matter. Your friends just an unproductive addict and is living a shallow life. Right now you are too, but at least you have the conciousness to realize it.

Stop focussing on sex. She doesn't care about you. You shouldn't care about her. Only care about yourself until you come across someone legitimately worth investing time in.

Go to church too. That's all I got, good luck user.

What else could she want to tell me other than that she doesn't want to have sex with me? She sends me nudes all the time but never wants me to reciprocate. She knows I find her sexy, she just keeps me at arm's length because she likes me as a friend.


well get it out there so you can move on then. Trust me you don't wanna remain in this limbo.


I wouldn't even bother at this point. You had performance anxiety then, think of how much worse it's gonna be now that it's been 5 years. I think you just need to let her go and stop being in this awkward no mans land. Maybe then you'll be able to fugg a new girl if you get rid of that baggage.