I have only kissed, loved and had sex with one single woman in my entire life...

I have only kissed, loved and had sex with one single woman in my entire life. We have 2 kids together and still love each other.
We started dating when I was 21 and she was 25. Kissless, handholdless, hugless virgin before that.
Assuming I'm spending my entire life with her and never cheating on her, am I missing something by not experiencing any other woman for my entire lifetime ?

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Yeah but why do you ask?

You're right. I should rephrase it: WHAT am I missing?

Idk. Im in the same boat. I figure bitches are all the same. Keep up the good work.

The grass isn’t greener, if you don’t love her then leave her don’t cheat.
You can sleep around after separation but honestly you’d be fucking your future up for a few moments of cumming.
Do yourself a favor and jack off to porn when you need something extra, role play sex with her. Just don’t obsess over sex or it’ll lose it’s excitement after focusing in on it too long. Only so many holes and ways to fuck them, don’t go spoiling yourself and then crying you’re bored. Everyone gets tired of the same person, the thing is being with new people won’t be any different because you’ll eventually want to settle down anyway. Get over you ego or dump your partner and live life being a disloyal and willfully ignorant sex addict.

I don't know, for me sex is something that's very intimate and the fact that I love that person makes it great. I cannot imagine I'd like random hookups with someone I don't care for, it sounds like masturbation but with more effort involved.

Then again, I'm a woman and that probably makes it different, I don't really know how you guys see the whole sex thing. i've only had sex with my current boyfriend and after all these years I never had the urge to "try" someone else. How I see it, stability and intimacy with someone you love is way better than just meaninglesss sex with randoms. You say that you have 2 kids and still love eachother, that's something that many people would kill to have. Don't ruin this just for 10 minutes of meaningless pleasure.

Yes. You will always miss out on something, no matter what choice you make. That's how choices work.

But if you're happy with your choices, it shouldn't matter what you missed out on.

Wow, your first and only woman and you go for an older girl who undoubtedly had found herself before snagging you. Kek. Yeah, you're missing out on something; honor. You're a joke of a man and some people probably laugh at you while others feel pity.
Stay in your cuck shed and learn your place

Imagine being so sad and bitter that you need to attack others for their success.

Not sexwise but since she was 25 she was likely a broken whore from all the cocks

>Getting with an over the wall skank is success
If she was 18 and a virgin yeah that's a conquest but being the 101st guy that's a loser

>date 4 years older
>have 2 kids
>only relationship, and feels like there's something missing
who doesn't want to be you?

This. This cuckoldry has to stop. I guess it's good some guys are willing to "step up to the plate" and take on these women, but have some dignity while you do it if you can

I'm not OP. But if the guy is happy with his life, yeah it's a success.

But please, enlighten us as to how much better your life has worked out to this point.

Why are you white knighting for a literal cuck

The guy obviously isn't happy if he's asking what he's missing. Happiness implies a lack of desires (both negative and positive). If he's dissatisfied (a negative desire) he will start wondering what he's missing. He's not happy

OP here. I'm actually very happy with my life and would not trade it for anything.
All the comments here comfort me into thinking that it is normal to be happy with what I have. I was just considering the idea that maybve casuals sex outside of the relationship could bring a bonus of happiness, but I get it's a dangerous game to play and the result is not that grat either, as nothing seems to top sex coated with true love.
And, for the stupid cunts in the back, my wife is no whore. She only had 3 male partners before me.

>only 3

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that's the best you're gonna get, and you're very lucky. just make sure she never cheats

It's a noble thing to raise another mans/mens children. And acknowledging that you are not good enough to pass on your genes is healthy. Also thinks for keeping all these people off welfare it's nice of you to pay

Honestly, I'd be happy to have only one woman my entire life (only if she's my wife, ofc). It's just not my thing to date a person, SPEND MONEY FOR MONTHS and then ditch her. Plus, I'm not fucking one-night bitches. They can have STDs and try to kill/rob me.

I don't know what led you to think otherwise but I'm the father of the kids

>she had 3 previous partners
>he thinks he's the father of "his" kids
>what will unfold next in this brand new mini series by world renowned director Anonymous?

Had you ever experience the following?
>Having an affair
>Having threesomes
>Having gay sex
>Having fuck an animal
>having sex with hookers
>Rub one off in public
Yes, you are missing things, a lot of them.
But you don't have to experience them all.
Life is not some fucking game where you need to 100% your achievements to feel fulfillment.

Probably because I get tired of cunts like you who want to make everyone else feel terrible so they can feel better about their own miserable lives.

Bullshit. Happiness doesn't imply that at all. Emotions aren't mutually exclusive. They are nuanced and complex. You can still be happy, and want for more. You can be happy and wonder about what could have been. I'm happy with my life, and still wonder where I could have ended up if I had made different choices. Wondering about what else life offers doesn't mean you desire another life. It's something literally every normal person does.

Wondering is fine, but asking others about it signals something more

ditch her and the kids and find out
or find out and be ditched later

whatever you prefer

This. Get a paternity test. Wife sounds like a whore. Hopefully you didn't grow too attached yet

>I'm a cuck because you are a meanie
Thanks for the honesty but I still refuse damaged goods

You can't refuse what isn't offered in the first place mate.

thankfully all i get are 10/10 virgins. phew


Not really, faith and a relationship are all there are. Every player hits a midlife crisis when they realize there aren't really any people who'd trust them alone in a room with their wife, and there aren't really any people who'd go the extra mile for them, and it's because most people grow out of that phase.

Of course you are, but at the same time you're experiencing something millions of others wish they had. Grass is always greener until you stand on it

If she brings you genuine satisfaction with your life, it doesn't really matter. Sex with someone you truly love will never get boring/bad.

This user's last 3 line's are very good advice

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