Why so much sex?

Why are so much thread on Jow Forums about sex issues?
>Is that the only thing occupying human’s mind?
>Is our society so concealed about it that people need to go on Jow Forums to freely speak about it?

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I’d love to hear how your sex life is going.

>Why are so much thread on Jow Forums about sex issues?
Because sex is a lot more complicated than moat think. The physical aspect is just the tip of the iceberg, yet most people never actually go any deeper. Hence all the issues.

>Is that the only thing occupying human’s mind?
No the only thing but definitely one of those at the top of what humans care about. Can‘t blame us, it‘s our nature to strive to keep the species going.

>Is our society so concealed about it that people need to go on Jow Forums to freely speak about it?
Yes. It is still a huge taboo and loaded with guilt tripping and shame. It might have shifted to people having more issues with feeling like they‘re falling shirt compared to all the porn they‘ve watched over the years, but the taboo is still there. Nobody or at least only a tiny fraction wants to expose his insecurities around sex irl.

Females are taught that success in life is determined by how many cocks they have taken and then after all their value is gone they come here to shame the good men who don't want them

This. women's only value is determined by how effectively they utilize their holes. She can become everything up to ceo if she's smart enough.
The most recent wave of feminism acknowledges and encourages this behavior. More power to them, but it obviously generates some conflict, especially among the lesser males who can't participate in the sex market

>has not realized that a woman‘s name is forever tinted the moment she let‘s a dick touch her

It‘s a surprise that women haven‘t stopped letting men touch them altogether yet. But if you keep behaving the way you do, that‘ll be what‘ll happen. I can already hear you beg and cry.


>It‘s a surprise that women haven‘t stopped letting men touch them altogether yet

You are slow but catching on. Women need to stop being sluts or it will ruin their life before they turn 21. You realized this too late and went against the laws of nature so now you suffer

Your projection is astonishing.
The issue with men is that they think they somehow are so special that every woman on the planet is supposed to remain a chaste virgin UNTIL they lay eyes on them. After that they should magically turn into cock depraved sluts who want all their holes filled 24/7. obviously only from THEM or they are huge sluts.
Do you ever stop and think before you speak, user?

There is also a middle ground of common sense men who want loyal, not washwd up wives to accompany them.

It's called saving it for a stable relationship. Girls and guys virginity is a test of character judgement and grit.

The whole website has a larger male than female demographic. So yeah, it's obviously going to be sex oriented. Sex, suicide and jobs stuff. And the occasional shitpost of course.

Do you think that stable relationships don't end?

But you expect them to want to have sex with you, right? Never before they met you, but after you get into their life they must want dick all the time.

A good stable relationship won't, and if it does it should be after 25. And I can't speak for other user, but they're only supposed to want the D/V after a year or two of knowing the other.

>The issue with men is that they think they somehow are so special that every woman on the planet is supposed to remain a chaste virgin UNTIL they lay eyes on them. After that they should magically turn into cock depraved sluts who want all their holes filled 24/7. obviously only from THEM or they are huge sluts.

Yes thats it. That's why you will never marry because you have no value to the men YOU want because you no longer have any value to a MAN


Sex and physical intimacy problems are basically next after the emotional regulation issues in a relationship. And like 60% of this board is relationship issues and 30% autism.

I‘m already happily married, so joke‘s on you.

Nice LARP, dude

You wish, because otherwise you‘d have to reevaluate your world view and we both know that you‘re way too scared to do that. You rather wallow in your toxic ideas than beat some sense into your weak excuse of a brain.

Lmao glad your husband is a cuck.

Lmao glad you‘re infertile

Oof how'd you know