Whats the meaning of life?

Whats the meaning of life?
Why dont I have any goals?
Whats wrong with my procrastination?
Why am I sad?

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Life is what you make of it Billy!

You sound like you're suffering from clinical depression, honestly. You should address th depression.


You‘re a weak fucking pussy, that‘s what‘s wrong with your life. Take it or leave it but you won‘t ever get an equally true and honest response again because humans are spineless idiots who‘s rather coddle you than wake you up.

My father use to hit me, saying it will make me into a man. Then he hit my mom, and the same day I decided to do something about him, he threw me in the deep end of the pool to teach me to swim (I almost drown). I plotted to kill him, but my mom caught my plans readying my 22 rifle, and got the cops involved. Aside from a little therapy, and understanding, we no longer saw or heard from him again.

Well thank you for your honesty, but whats to do about it?

Might be, yea. Whats the best way to go about in such a case?

Kill who ever gives you a hard time, and uses the excuse that they are teaching you the realities of life.

I'm kidding btw

Well, since i am giving myself a hard time and everyone else is lovely,I should kill myself?

Boofuckinghoo. You want a poorboi cookie now? Do you think you‘re the only one with a rough upbringing? Do you think you deserve to be a whiny faggot for the rest of your life because you had idiots parents? Think again, because right now your excuse spewing ass is a disgrace to humanity.

>but whats to do about it?
Stop whining. You procrastinate? Fucking stop and get your shit done. Nobody will come along and „motivate you“ to do what you‘re supposed to do. You‘re in charge and you‘re responsible. Act accordingly.

No, I just know you're full of shit and trying to act tough. Probably going through hard times and your ego is so far up your ass you can't admit you have a problem that can be solved, but in order to do that you have to stop being a pussy and admit you are weak to something and trying to cover it up with bravado. Good luck dealing with your anger issues.

I want to improve not whine, get pitty or attetion. Alass i dont know how to improve or motivate myself.
And at the moment i dont even see a reason to. Maybe i am missing an aspect of life or existance that makes me believe that all life is doomed to perish. Everything i do i ab useless and the results are just chemical reactions in my brain working like a drop of water on a hot rock.

I never said i‘m free of fault. But at least i‘m actively doing something about it and not cover myself in sticky self pity and slurp sorry-for-myself-sirup.
You having had rough experiences shouldn‘t act as a free ticket to be a whiny faggot. It should instead inspire you to do better than your bitch ass dad and mom.

They are, but only you give your life meaning. Just because things can be explained, and turn out not to be magical, doesn't mean they don't mean anything. It's all in how you perceive it, usually a nihilist viewpoint is an excuse to stay in pain. If you kill yourself, you won't exist anymore and feel nothing... To me living for a moment of happiness is better than nothing.

Where did I say I'm not doing anything about it. I'm just implying that the way you sound is abusive and making the problem worse, for yourself and him. I had to get over my legitimate anger in order to find myself and fulfillment in life. Giving yourself a cold hard time to motivate yourself causes implosion.

I‘ve already left the compassion and empathy for myself stage. It helped to some extend but there‘s only so much you can achieve with that. At some point you‘ll realize that the time‘s over for being nice and lovely and that now‘s the era of kicking your own ass.

>Whats the meaning of life?
Whats the meaning of this question? What's the meaning of 'meaning'?

Seems you're at a point I was at, and it gets you nowhere fast (trust me on this). You have to realize you dont have to "kick yourself in the ass" to do anything, just realize your body is under your control and convince yourself that your lizard brain (desiring to procrastinate, rest, fuck, overeat, etc.) is retarded and your higher brain has to manipulate it to do what you need it to do, not the other way around. Threatening yourself, or being judgemental and hard on yourself, is scaring the shit out of your instincual brain and will cause blind spots in your progress. You're at a point where someone has to tell you what you're doing wrong because you're so focused on achieving something, you could be doing a better job. It's a part of maturity.

Well, how does one give something meaning. Do you just go about and say"a that was the reason why i did that" and if so whats the reason for the reason? Only way to make a cut is srop thinking, acceptance or god. All of which have failed me

Maybe, stop trying to use logic to figure out human purpose. It could be anything, if you lived forever, what would you like to do? Even if it's just wasting time, what do you like? Perfect it, and keep your mind busy challenging yourself.

> be depressed
> try my best to think happy thoughts and be productive for a couple weeks or months
> see that I make no progress and that nobody cares about my failings
> depressed again

Just how do people brainwash themselves into doing something and expecting different results than before?

I tried medication but when that shit didn't work, had real shite sideffects and I found out that doctors can guess about the correct medication for years sometimes leading to additional problems requiring even more medication I decided to disregard that completely.

Sound good. i also just now found out About poitive nihilism, i'll tra
y that out aswell. thanks for the advice n honest opinions Boys n Girls :)

The only meaning life has is what we make of it. Even saying life being meaningless is your decision to see it that way. Life is whatever you choose it to be

This. Life only has whatever meaning we as humans create for ourselves. Look into humanism, existentialism, stoicism, and just live your life doing whatever makes you happy (but try to act ethically).