How can I get a boyfriend if I look like this

I’m also transgender, seriously help I’m gonna be alone forever

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Not trying to be insulting, but I hope you know being a transgender is a huge fucking flag signalling that youre mentally unstable.

Ask /lgbt/ , this board is not your personal blog.

This. The problem isn't lack of interest; it's lack of evidence. Not only are all transgender people somehow all mysteriously overly emotional and extremely vulnerable, they're also constantly beholden to other people validating them. Even now, you want us to rate you.

The fact is you got baited into guinea pig science by buying any of this. Any and all of it. From the belief to the therapy to the pills they make you chug. You're an experiment to see if this is profitable. If you can, get out now; just trap, be a transVESTITE, which tons of people have done happily well into older ages and for which there is already strong notation and acceptance.

You know you're not healthy but I promise you no 'gender' or other construct can or will bring you solace of any kind. You will be lucky if the least you do is trade thirty years at the end of your lifespan for two or three now.

Don't be the guinea pigs for them. If they cared, they wouldn't want you on drugs and they sure wouldn't butcher your organs like they do. It's all the money for them.

Men don't want to fuck other men unless they're gay.

That said, I would fuck you if you had a vagoo. But you don't, so I won't.

your face looks alright. Not great, but dateable. Personally I wouldn't mind dating a woman that looked like that. Problem is you're not a woman.

would bang

You would make an attractive guy. If you’re going to go Tran, and I see this a lot, at least learn how to do makeup well. You look like a mentally unstable female, no offense. Add that to he vulnerability of being trans and you’re going to get preyed on and dismissed.

Oh no, this retard, dude go back to soc, you are mentally ill, last time I was there I saw your nudes I almost lost hope in humanity because of people like you.

Please off yourself, L.

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This is golden. Thread could stop at this answer

Make up straight up Joker tier. Please learn how to apply.
Also skin care, taking good care of yourself. Women are held to a higher standard when it comes to that.

From personal experience you have to thread a very fine gap of finding open and accepting bi people, and you've gotta find them somehow, I just flirt with anyone I like the look of and be open about the trans thing

Aren’t you the guy who larps as scene girls?

Stfu, you have no right to speak, go back to soc, you are disgusting and creepy

>How can I get a boyfriend if I look like this
shouldnt be too hard you look kinda cute
>I’m also transgender
good luck, you'll need it

One of the few things that prevents me from offing myself is that at least I’m not you, idk what anchors you to this world lol

By sucking their penis.

L Lawliet needs an ego check.

First of all i will date you,

Secondly isnt this persons photo poster on soc non stop. I mean i saw at least half a dozen photos of this girl.

Who did this to you and why did they do it?

Yeah this is the new photo I took today, i realized I can post my face here too so you know need that attention

Not believing you unless you post a photo with a timestamp, if that and you are in europe i will go out with you unironically.

pretty sure i saw a pic of you with a penis

This ugly tranny again. I'm ready to make my first machine learning program to block this dude.

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by not looking like that

Literally said I was trans in the post

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> Using a shawl to cover shoulders


Its a mtf tranny dumby, even I understood that


I think what surprises me most about trannies is they think normal men will date them. Because there's nothing gay about it... right?

I’m wearing a hoodie you cuck

Alright, a promise is a promise. If you are in Europe i will drop contact and we can see where this goes?

I'm older than y'all and kind of a shut in are there many of these creatures out in public? Do y'all get nauseated when you see one like DNA douche chills?

1. I am not a mentally ill trans faggot
2. You are dead weight to our society
3. Posting your nudes on the internet confirms that you are fuckt and that you can't control your testosterone, which means you would probably rape people if you could
No, I am fine, I just hate fucking faggots like this, they are on the same level as pedophiles, they are the reason we still have feminism

There is nothing more I hate then a slave

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OP .. how are you not replying to this..

follow-up question. do you think the Earth is flat?

You wouldn't be bad looking is you had a smaller nose and fuller lips. That being said, I can tell you have some sort of mental illness like BPD or psychosis or something, so even if you were attractive, you'd still be undateable.
Fucking whore.

It's not about the looks, my friend. It's all about what your heart has to offer.
If you improve yourself as a person, it is very much possible to get the boyfriend you desire at some point in time. Let no one hinder your progress, you are in control of your own decision, mindset and lifestyle. People will admire you if you take the steps necessary to do so, and can even enjoy your company eventually.

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just take care of your skin. your complexion is terrible. youve fucked your life up and honestly at this point all you can do is try being a girl as a guy since you cant go back to being a guy. youd be a onions boy. at least you can score cocks.

11/10 post

Good to know people are starting to realize whats really behind all those hormone treatment surgeries getting pushed on vulnerable people.

>has a penis
>why won’t straight guys fuck me? :(

I think you should try to find a trans man and see if it works, or possibly a bi guy but idk, good luck

Still looks like a dude .. could easily be himself

>Not only are all transgender people somehow all mysteriously overly emotional and extremely vulnerable
It doesn't matter what their mental state is you retard, "she" either has a fucking dick or a literal open wound

LoL OP .. solid burn .. lawliet is infact that narcissistic schizophrenic egotistical, self-loathing (shitlord/scenegirl)larper ..

Honestly everyone knows at this point

based as fuck

too much eye liner.

you have no idea how creepy op is, believe me, you don't want to know. I hate this fucker so much, if i found him irl, i would unironically call cops. How is even free to roam the streets he needs to be locked down in a mental institution with this retard

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That’s how we all feel about you

You’re quite cute but you know that Jow Forums is full of triggered people. You should stick to lgbt community people who are more understanding and don’t get scared as easily

that's a lie, i am the smartest person here and a lot of people love me

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You wish faggot

you're up there though

I do like you

Literally Hitler is at least 3x smarter then you

>Literally Hitler is at least 3x smarter then you
sick burn

We all know I give the best advice, plus I have real-life problems to deal with
please tell me where you live i am so sick and tired of your normie shit, i will come and break you in half

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>edgy anime trip
>gives physical threats online
>still feels superior
jesus christ, the autism

Seek mental help, there’s going to be a couple interested men but more often than not they’re degenerates. Just be a bulldyke

3x0 = 0


I don't feel I know, you are all losers here and I am trying to help you guys, you should feel grateful
hahaha ok that is funny, but i do have IQ of 159 but is not like it matters to me

Mi libro, luna de plutón, ya está disponible, está siendo un éxito, ya es un éxito, en toda la órbita hispanoparlante, todos los países de habla hispana, por favor léelo, únete a la aventura, se que te va a encantar, muchas gracias.

lemme guess it's the jews?

awfully convenient how you can fit everything you don't like into that one narrative!

>lemme guess it's the jews?
I'm just going to leave this right here...

>awfully convenient how you can fit everything you don't like into that one narrative!
You mean like how people dismiss sources by calling the person posting them some variant of "le dumb incel"?

>photo obviously taken in a high school

the local autistic is here

Why tf should I be in a mental instituion for pointing out an obvious fact? Do you have me confused for someone else?

Lol just mention jews and LitHit invades with his red eye orb.

I'd live stream you being tortured on Jow Forums for the laughs. And leave you to die slowly. Be careful who you sperg at.

no, that's you
first of all, you little shit, stop same fagging is annoying, second of all if you are going to respond to me at least respond with something logical I am so sick and tired of wasting my time by reading your garbage that you make.

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wow edgy
If you think you are going to make me scared you will have to try better, you really have no idea who I am, if I was you I would choose my last words wisely

Have defining characteristics that make you an appealing mate aside from physical form, enrich the lives of others

>the local autistic
>just one
>on Jow Forums(nel)

you are a man

His parents need to get a death sentence for letting this happen to their kid

Christ, you're just a living stereotype huh?

literally I hope you kill yourself, you're more of a faggot than OP is

>literally I hope you kill yourself, you're more of a faggot than OP is
I do want to die, but first i will take your life then mine

Case in point

You look fine, although obviously a tranny. Just work on your figure and learn makeup

Also for the love of fuck don’t cut your dick off. Plenty of guys are willing to date a tranny but NO dude wants to fuck some disgusting mutilated wound

you know this is the internet right? threats of violence aren't scary on Jow Forums, they're just sad. even if you're some massive buff dude who could kick my ass, it wouldn't matter, we're never going to meet in person. this is really pathetic.

wait this is true.
but he like you are non user autists which is like double the autism

you're being trolled autist

>I’m also transgender
It's already over for you

Not op but I'm also a tranny, and as the only other tranny here I'll take it upon myself to be the voice of all trannies in saying I doubt anyone really gives a shit about any of that. Ever since I was a kid I couldn't connect with my reflection and ever since I started HRT I've been able to. I feel like my life is livable for the first time ever, so like what else do you want me to say? That I'm not delusional and give you a long list of proof, I mean you can't even prove I'm really delusional with any real certainty. From what I've seen it's all solely logic based conclusions with no real evidence, all leading to how gender dysphoria is a corporate scam. Of course I can't prove that i'm not delusional either. We just have to wait for the science on the subject to find evidence for one or the other. Until then I don't really mind being a Guinea pig if it means I can live my life to the fullest.

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Hey ted

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id suck your dick no homo add me on d*scord @good_catfish#4091

>I’m also transgender

Repent user, not time left.

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I wish people would explain these situations to me so i can understand the technicalities. I was born in the seventies.

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>I just hate fucking faggots like this
but what about you?

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i know i am just fucking with you, i was joking
Dude remove that right now you little shit, nah i am joking that was never me, i was just fucking with you guys


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I would fuck you probably. Maybe even date, but how tall are you and take a picture of your hips and legs.

Yeah really you creep hahhahaha, i am 17 in that pic

That based name.

OP please read this post

You’re cute but if you’re focusing on physical appearance, you’re gonna fuck yourself over. Also make sure you mention being trans soon or else you’re gonna end up getting hurt.

I am a bi male and I think looks wise you are pretty cute, if that helps

So, wait, you're a biological male and you can't figure out why other biological males don't want to have sex with you? Is this a serious question?

>living life to the fullest
>need constant validation, to be pumped full of drugs and to possibly attend experimental surgery
>STILL can't go out and 'live it up' or live life 'to the fullest'

Very Nice
You guys have been bought off so hard you're lying to yourselves

*can't figure out own gender*
Wants someone who knows their own gender to help them

Op you look ok, just make sure your makeup game is all right. As for the Jow Forums faggots here no one called the dick inspectors.

Based as FUCK.
OP, please read this and take it to heart.

If you have a penis there are a lot more guys into transgendered women with a penis than without.

Seconding this. No guy wants to bang a gaping wound. Some guys will be down to tap dat ass tho