I legit just want to commit suicide. I can't even say that I'm sad, I'm just bored and frustrated

I legit just want to commit suicide. I can't even say that I'm sad, I'm just bored and frustrated.
When I think about the idea of working my low-paying job until I'm 50 in a country that's getting increasingly worse in terms of living standards, surrounded by people I hate, a family that wants to change me, never dating and getting married, and doing this until I shit and piss in a hospital bed and die, it just makes me incredibly apathetic and want to skip to the end you know.
Don't give me that shit about how I can totally do anything and get on a plane and go backpack Europe and lift weights and totally turn my life around and become rich and famous; I know myself better than anyone and the only thing I want to do is stop working and stay indoors all day.

Attached: sharia law is cool and good.png (535x618, 635K)

>When I think about the idea of working my low-paying job until I'm 50 in a country that's getting increasingly worse in terms of living standards, surrounded by people I hate, a family that wants to change me, never dating and getting married, and doing this until I shit and piss in a hospital bed and die, it just makes me incredibly apathetic and want to skip to the end you know.
Good, you have something to fear. Now what are you going to do ? Are you going to accept your fate, or are you going to fight it ? If the world fucks you over, then fuck the world right back

>the only thing I want to do is stop working and stay indoors all day
So make sure you're buried inside a mausoleum.

Fuck the world right back with what? Desperately struggling to become a stereotype of a Chad that I will never fulfill? A mass shooting against people who will be replaced in 3 weeks and forgotten about even sooner? There's nothing that a person of non-spectacular genetics and upbringing can do.

By doing what seems impossible. You seem stuck in a shitty job ? Do something about it, go back to studying if you can, get a good degree. You hate those around you ? Change social circles.

Life's about action user. Just make sure that your life is better today than it was tomorrow, and that tomorrow will be better than today.

Now what you need to be able to act is a motivation. What do you want from life ? It's good to have an shitty future to keep you afraid, but you need positive motivation. Try to imagine what your ideal life would be, then separate that into different aspects, and see what you can do about each of those.

Aside from the desire to stay indoors, I think I feel the exact same way. If we knew each other IRL we could have entered a pact.

I'm just so tired of it all. I'm smarter than the average person which makes me unable to relate to the general normalfag populace (especially when it comes to politics) but not smart or motivated enough to really make it out there myseslf.

Is there something in life that you are passionate about? If yes you should pursue it in the freetime you've got and as soon as you may be able to do it profitable you shoud quit your job and try to live of your passion.

Well there we differ. I don't think I'm particularly smart or anything like that, I just struggle to see a point to living. My fear is that if I don't kill myself I'll just live until I'm 80/90, only to realise that I should have done it decades ago.

Feeing the same way right now. Accepting that you’re nothing and will never be nothing, not be loved or able to love someone back, not mattering or even existing to the people you care about most or ever being able to be the person you wish you were... It’s a very tough pill to swallow. To live is to suffer. I wish I had an easy way out.

No, that's the thing. I'm just a consumer. I've tried different things but I have no real talent for them. Music and arts escape me, I'm GOOD at math but I hate doing it.

What about getting a partner. Is getting laid a desireable aim for you?

What about getting kids, seeing them grow up?

I want to have a family but I can't imagine myself, an autistic who's spent most of his life with no confidence due to being fat, (and also doesn't want to subject his kids to PissEarth) being able to get a girl, convince her to start a rural farmstead, and raise my kids that way.

Having lost 30kg in my life I can tell you that my life has changed in every aspect and now I am at the state where i despise fat people. Loosing weight is about the food intake in the first place not sport.

If you actually want a family and are struggling with motivation you should start with a healthier body. Because right know your ownly problem seems to be laziness and if this beeing a reason to kys, well... Better read other advices

First of all backpacking Europe is just so over-rated. Why don't you pool some money from your shit job and start a business of some sort, or work your way up at current job.

I wouldn't even be good at business if I could even think of an idea to start one, and I don't think I can work my way up at my job because I'm simply not friendly and social enough to get anywhere and I don't have enough boomer-tier work ethic to just sit around looking busy all day.

not to be a dick but all I'm hearing is fucking excuses. Looks like you're never going to be successful because it sounds like you don't even want it.

Yeah you're right I never said I wanted to be fucking successful.
I just want to retire and lounge around until I die.

I don't even really care that I'm going to be nothing. I just wish I could choose not to participate. The idea that I need to justify my existence by making someone else rich for 30 years just because I'm not someone with the backstabbing shrewdness and work-addiction motivation of the people who run around fucking the whole world up for everybody when all I want is to be left alone and die in peace makes me want to fucking scream and start making Joker memes in real life.

Go ahead and try. Its your right to do so, just don't try and get attention by inviting people to watch or anything lame like that.

Are you encouraging OP and I to go on a murder spree? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>Chasing innate talent.
Talent doesn't really matter at this point. Even if today you discover your latent talent for the accordion, it's going to be too little too late; If you want to compete with everyone else in the accordion-playing sphere, they've already had years of work to compensate for a lack of talent.

Talent is an early-game thing. At this point it's all about building the skill yourself. What do you want to be good at?

Justify your existence? You mean continue your existence? Just be happy that you live in a time where you don't have to slave away on a farm as your only option to survive.

Nothing. I don't think you understand. I just want to be left alone and play videogames and die in peace.

Medieval peasants in the richest times had 2/3rds of the year off. In the poorest timea they had a quarter of the year off. The idea that we're so lucky to only have 8 hour workdays is an invention of the industrial era.

You think being a farmer is so great go do that and stop with this "woe is me" shit

Oh yeah because I suddenly have the money to buy arable land from Monsanto.

I feel the exact same way. I’m working at a shitty Greek restaurant with a retarded boss and manager who don’t care about anything and make up stories and lie. I would quit but I have no motivation or have any care about finding a new job. I’m there for money. I just want to stay in bed and watch YouTube videos and play my Wii U. You ain’t alone.

I'm in the same situation, OP. I hate it.

I wish we could just be left alone instead of being forced to participate in a system that hates us for not being as enthusiastic as they are for throwing away their lives.

Welp, can't argue with that.
I'm probably heading the same way desu.

do drugs lol izi

Already do, and I'm even bored of those.

land is pretty cheap, especially in rural areas. Save up for a fucking farm and stop being a retard with no aspirations

Truth be told, most people feel this to a varying degree, but just either move on from dwelling on it or try to forget it with plans and hobbies.

People who preach going out and doing lofty adventures don't actually believe that shit.

A lofty adventure isn't going to improve my life anyways. Only an inheritance big enough to live the rest of my life off of or congress legally reducing the workweek or workday will.

That's exactly what I want.

So I decided that in order to get that I could work a my ass off until I have enough money to leave it on some investment instrument, move to a third world country and live off the dividends.

This is risk minimise strategy. Work in high wage country like in the West. Then move to sea side or farm land in 3rd world developing country when you retire from work. 20 to 55 years old work very hard to retire in a third world country.

>gets heart attack at 54

OP has actually some good points, not to kill himself but to really go into a different lifestyle.

>the only thing I want to do is stop working and stay indoors all day.
You'd regret it, trust my experience.

No I wouldn't.
t. Someone with that experience

Can I have your phone when you kill yourself?

you're not

smoke some gas, hehehe

Boomer-tier advice, kill yourself

Dude I've been emo for the past 14 years and it really sucks. I'm not even suicidal, I just like hurting myself (but not in a sexual way because that's weird.
I mean, my life is great, but the pull from the abyss is greater than any desire I have to interact with the absolute STUPIDITY of this society's waking world.
I'd rather hermit myself if need be and start a cult in the woods or something.

Some people commit suicide by working menial jobs and leading purposeless lives until they are dead.

Some people commit suicide by sacrificing themselves for a family which gives them meaning.

Some people commit suicide with a gunshot wound to the head.

What is your life worth to you?

You will never get ahead in life if you don't take some risks, and make some changes. Some of which you might think you'll die if you do.

It's better to kill yourself in the pursuit of something you love rather than waste what you have.

Remember that you are a human being, not a cog in a machine. Only you get to decide how you spend your life.

That's probably the first time I've ever seen anime whitewashing and been cool with it. They did a great job recreating the meme. Good job, advertisers. Cringey, but a good job.

Fuck some hot escorts and get over yourself