Fucking fuck face dog

My neighbour's goddamn dog barks all night and doesnt let me sleep, they arent home so dont do anything about it. Havent had a good night of sleep in like 2 weeks because of him, any way i can shut him up ?

Attached: fucking dog.jpg (1600x1067, 171K)

They’re doing it to punish you for getting two DUIs

whats he barking at?
also, hurting the dog in any way is already off the table as your list of options

That's the thing, he starts barking at around 10pm and barks alone, no other dog is barking with him, there is nothing bothering him , he just barks as loud as possible i have no idea why

maybe ask the owners about it. unless they are complete assholes or you have done something to them, im sure they will make an attempt to get him to stop.

also, is it more of a "hey im a fuckin dog and i can scream loud" or "you, over there, fuck off" or "help me i dont like this" kind of bark?

Just report them to the animal shelter or humane society.

Is the dog left outside alone all night? Does the dog have shelter, food, and consistent water available?

The owner's often go out on trips since they are retired and have a lot of money, my relationship with them is really good so i wouldnt want to get them in trouble by reporting a noise complaint or something, and the dog just barks constantly , he isnt fighting anything specific, although i know its not the case, it feels like he just barks to keep me from sleeping since he never gets a single response from other dogs

Hurting the dog is fine, animals don't have souls and worst case scenario if you get caught you have to pay a small fee.

Start with talking to your neighbor about it when they are home though before you scare/kill the dog though.

dont do this

>it feels like he just barks to keep me from sleeping since he never gets a single response from other dogs

This is definitely not the case. My guess is the dog needs/wants something that the dog is not getting. The dog might be lonely or have separation anxiety and is trying to call the owners back. The dog might need food, shelter, or water, and be barking to try to get someone to bring it.

If the dog is cared for in every other way, then it's probably separation anxiety. You could always inform the owners that the dog is freaking out while alone and that boarding the dog might be better than leaving the dog at home. If they actually care for the dog, this will likely work.

However, if they neglect the dog (it's defined legally as neglect if the dog doesn't have food, water, or shelter), a report to animal protective services might be more effective.

Try it, bitch

Attached: images(39).jpg (236x157, 12K)

yo wheres the upvote button

I don't know if it would work, but throwing water balloons would be cathartic

Bucket of ice
$30 anti bark collar
BB gun from top window of your house right to the kisser
Last one will get that sunuvabitch gone for good

You could always try to train the dog to be quiet. I was able to do this with my loud dog. It's obviously harder with someone else's dog, but if you're consistent you might be able to do it.

Basically, you give the dog a command to be quiet. You can use "quiet" or "hush" or whatever command word you prefer. When the dog barks, use the command. Repeat the command. As soon as the dog stops barking, for even a second or two, act REALLY HAPPY praise the dog and give attention and/or treats. If the dog starts barking again, give a quick, sharp 'NO' and then repeat the command. If the dog goes quiet again, praise again. Keep this up as often as possible and eventually the dog will learn the command.

Always praise the dog when they do what you want, and they will learn. It's easier to teach a dog to do something (listen to a command) than it is to get them to not do something (just be quiet in general).

Yeah don’t listen to this faggot

Just let the owners know. Avoid being offensive but keep it real about how you’re stryggling to sleep because of the dog.

Doggo probably believes that if he barks all night his people will be able to find their way back home to him

After all, he does it every time, and it always works

Leave a note in their mailbox telling them to shut their fucking dog up.
Start a record of when its barking and for how long.
Report to council.

If you talk to your neighbors and they do nothing to keep the dog from barking, reevaluate how 'good' the relationship is. Then research the local noise ordinance and contact the code enforcer.

make sure the bullets are metallic

This is the only way. Half the times it works, and half the times you have a giant fight but just call the cops animal control whoever

This is a regular spam thread. Don't reply. The dog doesn't exist outside of OPs head