April 10th was my 26th birthday and that was my loneliest birthday...

April 10th was my 26th birthday and that was my loneliest birthday. No one said happy birthday except my parents and brothers. I hope I get hit by a truck.

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Okay. This board is for advice. What would you like advice on?

If you're going to commit suicide may I recommend the charcoal method.

Happy bday, my negro

Who cares? It’s just a day..

You want friends? Go make friends.
You’re not gonna get friends if you sit around moping about it.

What’s that?

Nig, it ain't that bad. My 30th was last month and nobody said shit to me except my exes. Rents are dead.

Idk how to, everyone in the office is boring and I often don’t want to talk to them.

Idk, maybe what I should be up to? Cus idk what I want in life.

Thanks guys.

And transported into a fantasy world with cat girls and magic powers

Fuck you user my 25th birthday I fucked up some hamburgers and got yelled at by my parents for clogging up our sink with grease and having strangers drink inside the house.

Reminds me of when I turned 23 this year and not a single person in my family remembered... And I have 6 other people in my house. I don’t have any real friends either so that was a humbling experience too. It’s amazing how much something so childish can hurt so badly.

at least you have your family buddy.

Yeah but I’m a young adult man and I don’t have friends. It’s not a life worth living. If I have tons of cool brofriends but not family, that would still be okay for me, I guess. Bro life is cool and lots of partying and fucking. Mine is shit and boring and awkward.

Really? You'd take some fags over your own mother and father? You sound like one of these dummies that want to backpack Europe because they've never left their state.

ignore this OP. hope you feel better, i understand how you feel, the only resolve is to find peace within or to go normie mode and get friends

Well I’m not one of those dummies cus I don’t go outside, except to work.

I’m 26, I’m not supposed to need mom and dad.

I don’t want friends but I keep feeling bad about myself. When I see other people, I wish I was them. I wish I wanted friends, I wish I like people so I can have a blasty life.

Well then use this as a wakeup call and get some friends. You have nobody to blame but yourself for not having friends and you are the only one who can fix this.

I’m not blaming anyone. I’m very aware that this is all up to me. I just wish people could realize how difficult this is, cus none of them had to face this kind of challenge in order to acquire their personalities. They didn’t acquire it, they just got it from better upbringing.


Still waiting for an enlightenment.

Happy birthday

How would anyone know it was your birthday?

You don't want friends, but you're upset no one wished you a happy birthday?
You sound indecisive, and possibly mental as well considering your responses. And of course it's difficult, but that doesn't mean people will automatically sympathize with you. The only way you're gonna see some of the results that you want is if you put in the effort to do so.

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Same. I haven't had anyone besides me for my birthdays ever since elementary school. I remember 16 and 18 being especially sad (because you're supposed to have friends then) and this last one (22) was a little different because I got to see my dad but still no friends.
It's pretty comfy

Fuck u OP, I had a full day of uni followed by work until late on my 26th. No one wished me anything.

I mean happy bday but wishing people would understand your situation won't help as nice a daydream as it is.

I don’t need sympathy. I don’t need solution cus I already have the solution. I just want to vent.

What do you mean by friends?
When I say I want friends, I mean I want people who agree with me and care about my feelings, meaning they always support me and never antagonize me.
If you just mean "people you talk to" I've had plenty of friends I guess. Ghosted them the moment they did something that upset me, never had any interest in them ever again.
Not OP by the way.

I had a birthday on April 9 and I turned 22. Same as you - no-one said congrats to me excep mom

THis is a bad pic, cus most people never had to brace themselves to jump, they were just born in there.

make something good out of yourself user

i'm in a hard place too

godspeed and happy birthday

don't forget to make something good out of yourself

for you too, fags, don't make my words go to waste

You too. Thanks, and stay strong