I hate women, they do not have to do anything, men who go to them, so they will never come to some guy...

I hate women, they do not have to do anything, men who go to them, so they will never come to some guy, men who do everything, who struggle and need to spend with them. Why are things like this? Why do men accept this? I'd rather die a bachelor, fuck a lot of women, and fuck with their psychological and their emotions just for revenge. Fuck you woman.

Attached: thumb_beta-uprising-panties-36556964.png (200x196, 17K)

Yeah, yeah yeah yeah sbhdhshdjshehehrhrh48

shut up nerd

Attached: images (2).jpg (284x177, 7K)

Preach! user Shout to the Heavens!

Fuck them, literally. Every time you fuck a cunt you reduce it's value by 39% then ghost in a cloud of kush


This is what you get for being ugly, dumb, and void of a personality. It's your father's faulty sperm's fault, not women.

So his mom's fault for being bad at her one job?

Dumbass it takes 2 to raise a kid so it’s split between mum and dad’s fault, and the resr to op for choosing to being a faggot. You dont get pity unless you were born addicted to heroin and in a crack house, and your parents beat you daily

The one job he's refering to is picking an optimal husband.

ur dummy lololol

its also the dads fault for not being optimal husband
Why tf we pointing fingers, just stand up and fix yourself

The sperm determines the child's gender among many other genes, so which genes affect their appearance and personality. This is biological as a way for a father to know it is his offspring in the past because they have to resemble the fathers traits. Genes then can turn on or off, which is determined by sperm.

The mother has to house the shithead and then bring it into this world.
It's always the fathers fault that's why there was such rampant misogyny, because boys like op always deflect their own shortcomings onto others.

but you guys only value us based on our looks and our age. how do you think we feel when we are suddenly divorced at 33 years old and have nothing left

males can be single till they're 45 and still have a chance. women aren't infeiror but our natural roles aren't even respected by feminisists let alone men

In china you are born a male or you arent born.

Remember, men are supposedly off the hook for picking shitty women and then developing cognitive bias where all women are shitty because the dudes went to their favourite reddit echo chamber and inundated themselves with other horror stories. Can you imagine being this helplessly stupid? Fuckin Unreal.

>but you guys only value us based on our looks and our age. how do you think we feel when we are suddenly divorced at 33 years old and have nothing left

This is all bullshit
There are guys out there like myself who understand women will age and some will look like shit past 30. We get that and that isnt an issue to some of us. I do not care how she looks. I care what her character is and what she brings to the table in a relationship. I would gladly become a slave to the system to raise children, work harder than ever before to provide for my children, wife and family

I have talked about this topic before with women and they always get mad when I say this but its true. Women are the problem in society
They caused these problems and they caused men to be weak. They caused their own suffering by going for the wrong guys all their life and than they complain
Truth is many women and men out there are thrash and they're worthless as parents.
I have actual life skills and I am 100% positive that I would be a great husband and father to my children
The problem is women want too much and they have nothing to offer in return. Men like myself want value, quality and loyalty
Not some used up thot with mental issues and who's only value will decrease as she continues to age

Women have it easy until they're 30 and then the real world hits them like a ton of bricks, and they are completely unprepared for it.

Isn't that sad ?

Top kek! Cheers user!

actually there's a huge fetish for cougars. men will always seek out women even at that age, and people who age badly dodnt take care of themselves. good health and good skin does wonders, with the right genetics, as well as avoiding cosmetic fillers.

that's far from true unless you are one of maybe 50 people living in dying rural villages. check yourself before you wreck yourself.

They muat have a high standard of beauty.
You must bring financial and physical security.

>I hate women, they do not have to do anything, men who go to them, so they will never come to some guy, men who do everything, who struggle and need to spend with them. Why are things like this? Why do men accept this? I'd rather die a bachelor, fuck a lot of women, and fuck with their psychological and their emotions just for revenge. Fuck you woman.

>I'm bitter and throwing my life in the shitter
Well ok good luck fren

Based as fuck

This is an uncomfortable truth for a lot of moms that birthed people like us. My mom (now) knows that my dad has mental problems. Maybe she didn't when she had me (16) but she did by the time my brother was born (22). I don't wallow in my mental illnesses, but if my mom gets on me for something very obviously genetically originated in my dad, I just tell her, "maybe you should have picked a better father." I've said this and similar things many times before and it shuts her up. I don't want to be mean, but if you're going to attack me for something you quite literally permitted, then no thanks