I live in Las Vegas and have a huge foot fetish...

I live in Las Vegas and have a huge foot fetish. I am thinking of walking around on the Strip and looking for women with the type of feet I like and propositioning them $100 if I can take one long lick of each bare sole from the bottom of the heel to the tip of the second toe. I'm thinking of bringing $500 in cash with me and seeing if I can get some takers. Should I do it? I really like the thought of doing cold approaches like this, but also have anxiety and embarrassment towards it.

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That's a good way to get arrested for lewd conduct

Do not do that is sexual harassment you will get fucked i recommend/soc/ or tinder or a hooker or literally anything else you cannot do this at random some underage girls look older than what they are so jail time can be added also you could lose your job if you get filmed asking this with phones nowadays everyone can just post things to YouTube and ruin people forever.

P.S. i also got the foot fetish user nice pic

I have an alternative suggestion for what a degenerate such as yourself should do

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Look he is just trying to redistribute wealth.

Then he should spend it either in therapy or some silk rope

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Look i think a foot fetish is okay but i dont think going around asking to lick feet is okay. Btw my foot fetish isnt licking like his it is looking and clean smooth feet i would rub one out on feet but that isnt going on my face or near my mouth. There are levels to this fetish okay and of course we who have it have shame and hold back on asking girls we are with about doing some feet stuff we know its creepy. But eating ass is worse in my opinion yet everyone seems to approve of that.

>we live in a time where eating ass is more socially acceptable than liking feet

Didn't see that one coming.

Yes thank you user

And yet you footfags seem to keep coming onto these boards to promote and brag about this fucking thing, almost as bad as the fucking furries

honestly user fuck what these other ppl are saying I say do it but it's really alllll in how you approach. Like ppl are freakier than you think. but if you ask in a very creepy way you'll turn them off. you have to prime them first.

Look the furries are different a foot fetish makes sense biologically the brains of people with foot fetishes have misidentified feet as a sexual body part it is actually i have the fetish i know it is wrong wanted to know why did research and got my answers as to why i am the way i am. It is actually a very common fetish. Also furries want to fuck animals we are simply attracted to a human body part i like tits and ass but i also like feet. Yes i agree there are alot of feet stuff on boards that are not about porn and it is off topic and disruptive to threads.

Have you ever actually licked feet before? It's not as enjoyable as you might think.

You live in a place with whores at every corner, just find a whore you like.

If you went out in the streets and asked random people to eat their ass, it'd be the same. Leave people alone.

>It is actually a very common fetish.

Actually it is the most common fetish. The reason behind that is it is barely even a fetish at all. It's not even weird to like shoes or stockings or socks but if its bare feet then suddenly its degeneracy.

One of the main problems is that basic foot fetish gets grouped into the more extreme fetishes. You have the guys who want to lick sweaty dirty feet like OP and the ones who get off to women stepping in raw meat or eggs or some shit. For some reason it all gets clumped in together. Meanwhile its fine to like ass and that doesn't automatically mean you like scat.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with liking feet and it is no worse than liking legs which doesn't even qualify as a fetish to most people.

stop trying to justify it. admiring nice feet is ok, licking them is not. touching them is already on the edge of weird. i don't like all legs either. No to most of them.

>touching them is already on the edge of weird.
How so? It's just another part of the body. You saying you wouldn't give a foot rub to a loved one with sore feet because its "weird"?

Already said before it's like the fucking furfags all over again justifying their degenerate shit as "just a kink" despite being told that it's fucking degenerate

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Whatever you say, booty eater. Just remeber to wipe the shit off your mouth when you are done

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And so here we have another brainlet that assumes others kinks, guess what? I haven't felt the need to broadcast my own fetishes which is what you footfags have in common with furfags

OP here. I am actually very perverse when it comes to feet. I fantasize about eating toenail clippings, skin shavings, and crushed food. I have eaten crushed food actually. I also enjoy women stepping on things like burgers, bugs, crabs, and shit barefoot. I can barely control myself when I see a beautiful pair of feet. It is torture not being able to have the woman indulge my fantasies.

Seek help, professional help.
Or suck on a car exhaust, either one.

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No, my desired method of death is to be trampled to death barefoot.

This is exactly what I mean. Foot fetish is such an umbrella term that there is no distinction between "hey she has really pretty feet" and "STEP ON BUGS AND LET ME LICK THEM OFF YOUR FEEEEEET"

I’m into long sexy legs and a nice plump ass. Feet are okay I guess, but I don’t see the utility in foot fucking. It’s hot to look at but it doesn’t feel too great.

Instead of looking to scare a poor stripper, how about getting with a woman who doesn’t mind you worshiping her feet.

Yeah, like going from fingering to fisting.. there’s a huge drop off in degeneracy.

The only reason foot fetish is weird is because mostly (if not only) men have it. Women don't have foot fetish.
Women tend to have hands/arms fetish and seem to be fascinated with nice forearms a lot, and nobody finds that weird. The double standard is at play again, but this is just how the world goes round.

just get an escort you live in a place where it's legal

Damn, I'd put my foot in your ass for $1k.

>I have eaten crushed food actually

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That's because mens feet are gross. They are hairy, smell worse, covered in callouses and weird bumpy things, sweaty 24/7 and veiny as fuck. Here is an old picture of my sunburned foot for reference.

Lesbians have foot fetishes. Even straight women can appreciate another woman's foot. But have you ever heard of a gay man who had a foot fetish?

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Please don't encourage this disgusting user