In 1998, when I was 11 years old, my older sister - 18 years old at the time - had a child. I thought the baby was adorable, and enjoyed holding her whenever my sister visited us.
When the baby was about six months old, I was walking around the downstairs with the baby cradled in my arms when our pet dog went chasing our cat through the house. I tripped over them. My niece went sailing out of my arms, and she suffered a serious blow against the kitchen floor. The doctors at the hospital weren't able to help.
My sister has never forgiven me, nor I myself. To this day she never smiles at me and speaks to me no more than necessary.
Should I write her a letter? Should I arrange for us to meet in private? Or should I just accept this as my deserved punishment, and endure it?
your sister is a fucking retard for letting an 11 year old watch after a baby. she deserved losing it.
Chase Turner
Exactly so. Im not meaning to judge, but was she fincancially stable with a career at 18? I dont think so. And what even happened to the baby? Is it now a tard like me?
Evan Barnes
Wow even when I was little I had phobias like this about holding someone else's kid and still never do.
Nathan Rivera
The baby died, I'm sad to say. She was in college at the time. Her husband was 23 and had a good 50k per year job, so he was able to support them both and put her through college. Her husband was understanding of me from the start, and a few times early on he tried to get my sister to forgive me (not that I really think I deserve that), but he stopped because she would get enraged every time he did.
Evan Price
Her leaving the baby in the care of an 11-year-old is a bit her fault, but I don't expect her to ever see that way. You can try and reconcile but if you put any blame on her, you can expect it to be difficult.
Joshua Morales
I don't put any blame on her. Ever since this happened back in the February of 1999, it's never really occurred to me to blame anyone but myself.
Elijah Miller
If she hasn't forgiven you for 20 years, she won't in the next 5, 10, 50 years. It sounds like a waste of time trying to reconcile your relationship with her. At this point it may be better for you to work on forgiveness for yourself. I've never experienced something like you have so I can't really give any advice on how to forgive yourself but I hope it works out for you.
Owen Jones
What exactly do you want? You accidentally caused her great grief. I think you deserve more sympathy for the accident, than if you had dropped her on purpose. But your sister has no reason to look on the bright side of what happened. And honestly I think the fact that she talks to you at all is a sign of her sympathy. If you have already told her sorry than you don't have to say it again and open up old wounds. I feel bad for you, but understand that she may really hate you. I'm sure she knows your sorry, but you can't change the past. If you're a God fearing man you should find peace in that what happened was meant to happen for one or many reasons. I don't think you should try to convince her to forgive you. The best you can do is leave her alone. Maybe one day she will let go of her anger with you, but she has every right not to. Put yourself in her shoes.
Juan Young
I would have a private meeting with her and tell her your feelings, have a good cry about it, apologize and ask for her forgivness.
You killed her baby, thats the least you can do.
Andrew Walker
>My niece went sailing out of my arms, Out of context this sounds hilarious.
Eli Hill
Not OP, but as someone who's hated Jow Forums for a long time all I have to say is this: this place is disgusting, and it's thanks to people like you.
Joshua Wilson
She has the right to feel incredible grief but it was a dog chasing a cat tripping over a really young kid who was given a baby to hold by an adult.
You shouldn't feel guilt and you should be easy on yourself as the above situation is ridiculous.
Luke Peterson
If 11 year olds can't consent to sex, they can't be blamed for killing a kid either. Your sister is a whore who should just make another one to slither out of her slimy cnt
Robert Price
>It's her fault and I hate you guys. No virtue signalling and everyone knows how you feel, but this is 4channel after all and even the wise among us will go on and hit a steel wall with a flower hoping to break through.
Carson Evans
There is nothing to forgive, you are objectively not at fault
Anthony Wright
That's a heavy burden to carry, OP. I'm sorry. Has she had any more kids?
Jose Davis
Oh man, something similar happened in the movie "In This Corner of The World" if you want to look at what happened to you from an outside perspective. Hopefully you won't project too much.
Aaron Baker
Nothing will fix this. You have no idea what you've cost your sister and her husband. Their effort through pregnancy, their hopes and dreams for their baby. The beloved fruit of a relationship they built with trust and love for eachother. Your sister has given you all the sympathy she has to spare and you keep torment her by reminding her about it. Just leave her alone. >"Hurrr it's the sister's fault for trusting you." And she is at fault for being too stupid to realize she shouldn't be walking around with a baby. Especially around tripping hazards like pets. Idiots.
Blake Ramirez
Angel Mitchell
Yeah, everyone involved seems like they shouldn't be involved with kids. The baby should be happy it died before being brought up into mediocrity, and before it's genetic predisposition to mediocrity could come to light. You did it a favor op, although you're too dumb to see it
Caleb Gray
It is the sisters fault. How can you possible trust an 11 yo with anything?
Sebastian Johnson
By trusting them or being peer-pressured.
Charles Parker
That's horrible. I once, as a kid, tripped while carrying a baby but managed to cushion the blow before it hit the ground. I felt so much guilt just at that.
I can understand why your sister would have a hard time forgiving you but it really was a mistake. I'm sorry for your situation. A letter might be a good idea but don't expect instant forgiveness. In fact it might never come.
Noah Campbell
You don't deserve it. Endure it.
Colton Peterson
>Blames an 11 year old for dropping an infant during unfortunate circumstance. She's a dumb bitch that holds a grudge. Let her marinade in her own mental filth until she passes of old age, you are not to blame, OP!.
That entire comment is that of a brainlet. HE WAS 11 BACK THEN.. Your reasoning in itself is reason enough to have your head bounce off the floor you fucking retard.
forget this comment, didn't realize the kid died. fuck. live with it and don't talk to her.
Ryder Ramirez
This. The sister isn't the only one, though. Half the people in this thread feel the same. Logic and compassion isn't Jow Forums's strong point, is it?
Jeremiah Bennett
Honestly you're fucked. Women care about children more than anything in the world, to have did this is literally the worst thing you could have done. She won't be happy in this life, not with you, you ruined everything.
Jaxson Young
This, you were a child, you had ill trained pets not remidiated by adults, and likely a terrible household for raising children in.
Hudson Young
Guys. I could MAYBE understand this is OP was being irresponsible, but he wasn't. He was tripped over by a dog and a cat being crazy and running through the house. It could have happened to anyone. You people are fucking cold as ice.
Thomas Hill
based baby killer
Jacob Watson
Yeah. Normies and roast warriors always side with a roastie. No way around it. Just ignore them, op. You genuinely didn't so anything wrong. If she won't forgive you for her mistake, that's her problem.
Easton Brown
That doesn't change the facts. He caused this, even by accident, she's not going to forgive him. Not even his blood will undo this wrong, that's an unforgivable act.
Owen Jackson
Children do lots of bad shit. They're usually forgiven. If she can't, she's fucked up
Jackson Diaz
So OP should just do not alive so the sister has a dead baby and a dead baby brother? Stop spewing ass cancer.
Jaxson Diaz
Your blood will do, friend.
Owen Garcia
He's not family anymore, she probably doesn't even see him as human since that day.
You can't forgive something unforgivable.
Angel Kelly
You're right. Which is why I still want jews to die. Your sister actually sounds pretty based, op, now that I think about it.
Lincoln Campbell
Why are you bringing Jews into this. Are you racist or something?
Bentley Lewis
I'm just agreeing that you can't forgive something unforgivable, which is why I think jews need to die. I'm agreeing with you by relating what you've said to a position I also hold for the same reason
Justin Jackson
I see, you are racist then.
Jayden Turner
And you're prejudiced yourself What's the difference between you two?
Nicholas Martinez
Hey, everyone's entitled to hold unassailable prejudices based on past actions. I'm agreeing with you
Aaron Jones
>everyone's entitled to hold unassailable prejudices based on past actions This only applies to certain actions though. Being racist is not okay according to society.
John Wilson
But society thinks it's ok to never forgive a kid? Wtf am I reading
Jeremiah James
fpbp holy shit Jow Forums wins again
Asher Sullivan
>Being racist is not okay >Being prejudiced against a child is Annnnnd you're retarded, damn shame
Ayden Martin
Unless OP is a retard, an 11 year old is perfectly capable of caring for a baby, if correctly instructed. I cared for my 1yo sister when I was that age. I also cared for my newborn cousins but very occasionally.
OP, you can't expect your sister to forgive you, even if there doesn't seem to be much to be forgiven as it was an accident. She's most likely traumatized and you can't know what goes through her head when she sees you. Maybe you can confront her, but my advice would be to live it be. Doesn't mean you have to be an asshole to her though.
Jackson Myers
Maybe not. Menopause changes a lot of things in some women.
Lincoln Wright
What the fuck are you on about
Carson Johnson
I don't believe it's your fault at all. Even though you were 11 and within reasonable age to hold a child, the circumstance of the dog and cat (not being properly trained) makes your age within reason, irrelevant. Could have happened to grandma had she been the one holding the baby at that time.
The circumstance is unfortunate, and it's "wrong" for your sister to blame you. However retarded it may seem, people blame the nearest thing they can to the cause of the issue. Her child is gone, and you were the last one holding it. I doubt she is holding you personally responsible, and judging your character on what happened. But it's probably too painful for her to look you in the eyes because of the situation. I'm sure she blames herself plenty for not having been taking care of the child herself at that moment. That's a typical parent move. When something goes wrong, the first thing they always think is "I should have been there"
It's extremely unfortunate. One of the worst things that can happen, but user you have to learn to move on from it. It's okay to regret the situation, but ultimately you need to move on from your sister and the past.
Dylan Adams
Mortality rates of babies historicaly has been like 1 in 5, shit happens. Much better that an accident results in the death of an infant than an adult, they are easily replaceable. Did your sister have any other kids? If not because of "muh tragic loss", she's got her priorities mixed up. It's not your fault either, you were just a kid.
Xavier Diaz
I'm so sorry that's a horrendous situation to be in. I understand her pain but you were a child that tripped - it's an accident. Please try to forgive yourself even if she can't. Maybe see a professional too for the support, mine really helped me when I was in an awful spot
OP. Don't contact that sister. Also, try to forgive yourself. What you did was an accident. The outcome of that accident may have been fucked up, but still; you didn't have any say in it. You were.11 for crying out loud. What fucking mother abandons her child when it's still so fragile? You shouldn't get kids if you're not ready.
Jason Stewart
Word of advise OP, in the future, avoid having your sister hold your baby at all costs. She will pull some shit, and drop your baby to make you feel the pain and suffering she went through. I also think you should cut her out of your life entirely. It will benefit both you and your sister in the long run.
>A 11 year old was tripped and dropped a baby. >A 21 year old was tripped and dropped a baby. >A 31 year old was tripped and dropped a baby. >A 41 year old was tripped and dropped a baby. >A 51 year old was tripped and dropped a baby. >A 61 year old was tripped and dropped a baby. >A 71 year old was tripped and dropped a baby. >A 81 year old was tripped and dropped a baby. >A 81 year old was tripped and dropped a baby. >A 91 year old was tripped and dropped a baby. >A 101 year old was tripped and dropped a baby. >A 111 year old was tripped and dropped a baby. Age has nothing to do with it could have happened to any age. For any age it would have been an accident. I will gladly accept your apology.
William Clark
If the baby died in all these cases: did any of these X-year olds kill the baby? Would they be regarded as (baby-)killers?
Nathan Mitchell
>You people are fucking cold as ice. Yes we are cold as ice because when dawn rises and dusk sets, we don't have a stake in the game. Now his sister, she is hot as fire, believe you me.
Josiah Jenkins
Honestly it is a complex question in need of a complex answer, and answering it will give me neither money or fame.
Josiah Mitchell
this is the best post in thread
Jason Morales
OP, read this.
Josiah Cox
>complaining about racism on Jow Forums Bait or newfag
Jaxon Lopez
Whoops didn't mean to tag you fren
Mason Sullivan
I cant offer advise user but i came back to thread after yesterday and didnt know the kid died. Im sorry
Brandon Nguyen
I can't take this seriously. It's a bit more nuanced than the old >sat on my sister's baby, what do? >fat_wojak.jpg but it's got the same punchline.
Angel Lewis
This post made me realize a few things.
1. OP isn't at fault. He can continue living his life. 2. OP's sister is never going to forgive him. It is simply impossible. Every time she sees him she is going to be reminded of the day her baby died. 3. Ergo, OP's best option is to move forward with life and get a new sister.
Xavier Jenkins
I said that he didn't deserve it...
Matthew Cook
f*ck dogs, why do people keep them pets? Dogs are meant to do tasks, not to be annoying little shits barking for 20 hours straight.