How do you become apolitical? Thinking about politics 24/7 isn't healthy or fun. Help me Jow Forums

How do you become apolitical? Thinking about politics 24/7 isn't healthy or fun. Help me Jow Forums

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Focus on other parts of your life. Exercise, work, study, friends etc.

By accepting that things will only get worse before they get better

Remember that politics is entertaining but it's a mess.

It doesn't matter what you think about any of it because you cannot control it.

Let them go. Slowly, one day at a time. Everytime they come up, practice letting go of them.

Learn to control your focus, try to clear your mind more often into white. Do this even if you are not thinking of politics.

Obsessions are similar. This works.

It's so hard to not focus on it. Everyone talks about it. I just want to completely eliminate from my life

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For me it was finding my personal ground of morality and purpose, and then choosing to inflict it onto the world by being a role model. People who obsess with politics feel out-of-control, like things are happening to them. Once you realize that you have control, of your own world, and you can look at your own life and see if you're living up to the examples that you set for others, then you'll be free.

Basically you'll be free from then when you can attach some form of action to it. Don't just be political, but do something. Let it motivate you to start a family or get a promotion or something. Then your obsession is working for you and people look up to you and copy your ideals.

I don't want to push ideals on somebody. I don't want any ideals either. I just want to live life apolitically

Sell your TV, stop going on the internet, read a lot of other stuff.

>I just want to live life apolitically
Well you're obsessing over it, obviously you don't want that.

Get your head straight. Decide what you want and do it.

Don't be that fatass being like "I wwwuunnnnnaa lose weight!!" But he can't lay down the chocolate velvet cake.

Like get your get together.

you don't

>Like get your get together.
***Get your head together

Sheesh I need to take my own advice lol

For me, I stopped giving a shit about politics once I realized that I will never be well-informed enough to have a worthwhile opinion. I'm never going to take the time to actively research issues and come to independent conclusions because I'm a lazy fucker that is too easily influenced by the people around me - accordingly, my opinions are typically worth less than nothing on any given issue because I fail to meet my own standards of merit.

Shitposting politics have made me so apolitical I could argue for and against socialism.

by accepting that you don't effect anything

here this should help

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Once you take the redpill, you can't throw it up.
Sure our parents had the luxury of being apolitical, but they just pushed the problems onto us.

You can run from it. But there's a reason whatshisface said you should take an interest in it. Because it'll take an interest in you

Just study austrian school of economics, through logic you will see how messed up politics are, then you will notice your opinion/vote doesn't matter
Read Democracy: the god that failed and the good ol' Mises

Have sources you trust and just roll with that.

Carefully pick them out.

It saves you time in the long run.

Being political is a waste of time, it is over, we are going to have a globalist quasi communist system and there is nothing we can do about it.

By developing a spiritual relationship with the world. Let go of wordly concerns and accept the spiritual nature of existence. Part of that is learning to instead think of the world in terms of light and dark or good and evil. And work to be a good person to yourself and the people around you. That's what I think anyway.

Just tell yourself life is too short to argue over the same topics the rest of your life.

Just don't let the clown world get to you, user

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quit visiting news websites or watching the news.

unsub/unfollow political social media pages or people

It helped me a lot.

depends what you mean by apolitical
if you become even moderately well-off/wealthy you will completely stop giving a shit about almost all day-to-day political discourse
headlines just kind of seep into your brain but the only thing you'll be looking at are the stock index tickers

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