Males saving their virginity until marriage?

>24 year old male
>Been in a few relationships but always turned down sex because I wanted to wait until marriage
>Caused a lot of problems with my relationships
>Viewed my virginity as a gift for the person I would someday marry
>Been really lonely for the past few months and feel like experiencing a relationship without holding back
>Feel bad about being essentially a grown man who has never had sex when all my peers and plenty of people younger than me have
>Have mixed feelings about losing it now that I've made it this far I feel like I should just keep going.

What do females think about a guy saving his virginity until marriage? Is it cringe as fuck and I'm just putting myself through needless suffering by trying to preserve mine or will someone someday actually be glad I saved it?

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People who want to save their virginity until marriage are, regardless of gender, dumb.

Cringe. A huge part of female attraction is how valuable their selected mate is, value that is measured in ways such as wealth, status and not least of all sexual partners which proves that other women find you desireable and compete for you. This is subconscious and present in all females so even "good church girls" who claim to want virgins will still find you less attractive. The only girls this will impress are ones who have a fetish for virgins, don't hold your breath.

>Tldr you're cucking yourself

Marriage itself is a scam bet on too many variables that could go wrong, so I have no sympathy for someone saving their inexperience of sex until they sign a contract. It's sad.

Why's that user?

Virginity only matters for females. You can, and should, fuck as many nasty whores before you settle down with a virgin. While it's certainly honorable to keep your virginity, it is also unnecessary.

>Viewed my virginity as a gift
Please have sex and forget about this stupid meme. Your virginity isn't precious, and just a testament to your inexperience.

Listen to You're not doing anyone any favors.

Because it has no advantage, only downsides. And cuts your dating pool to a tiny fraction of what it could be.

Every fucking time these stupid fucking threads plague this stupid fucking board for both genders and the same stupid fucking shit gets regurgitated.

Go find a girl that doesn't care either way. Because then she likes you FOR YOU. That's a girl worth keeping.

Don't listen to the cultists on here that want you to turn into a hedonist out of some psuedo-intellectual understanding of evolutionary psychology. Do what makes you happy.

My gf didn't care she was my first and wasn't bothered and was patient with me because she liked me for me. That's what you have to be like. If you think it's a problem, then she'll think it's a problem. Just be confident in yourself.

I am also saving myself for marriage. It would be dope if I was lucky enough to love a dude who was doing the same. Some people say it's dumb but I don't think so. I don't want any other strange person that close and personal with me unless I'm spending my life with him.

You do you dude. If your SOs are gonna be cunty about the situation then toss em

No hymen no diamond

You're going to ask to inspect a girl's pussy as a condition for marriage? Lel.

Dude, don't.
It's not the time to do that, while noble, unless you live in a religious comunity.
Else you will be alone.

Well studies do show that he less sexual partners you and your partner have the more likely your marriage is to be successful

It’s cringe as fuck and a major red flag for my checkbook but honestly you do you OP. I would never continue seeing someone who thought like this but I’m also someone who lost their religion. I mean it when I say I would never date an adult who viewed things this way.

Sex isn't that great OP. I think it's cute that you are saving your virginity.

No they haven't. A study using 30 year old data with undisclosed methodology claims that people with less sexual partners may have less divorce chances in the short term.

first rational post best post

Waiting for marriage is a great idea and guaranteed to make you happy.

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This has to be a joke

It's awesome for you if it makes you happy and it's important for you, but I'm never dating you.
I don't care and I like having sex.

What are the downsides?
Why is having a large dating pool good rather than bad

Because you want stds!??! What are you? Negative!??????

It isn't. High standards are a good thing when you are searching for someone you will spend the rest of your life with.
I want my dating pool small; practicing Catholic or begone, thot.
Anything that isn't probing for spouse material is wasting her time and mine.
Good church girls do exist, I know many. They are rare in society at large, but they exist. Anyone who tells you otherwise is assmad that they don't fit their muh dick narrative of "all women are dumb vapid whores looking for gibs".
>Please have sex and forget about this stupid meme. Your virginity isn't precious, and just a testament to your inexperience.
Any girl worth marrying doesn't care about your "experience" or lack thereof. A good marriage does not come from sex alone.

Lol these are the kinds of girls you are missing out on OP.

Remain pure

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Virginity is an abstract concept that doesn't mean shit. It only maters in a religious context, and even then, who the fuck cares what your imaginary friend thinks.
Do it up, you'll love yourself for it.

Religious nuts like you end up with other low quality religious nuts. Nothing of value will have been lost.

And hedonists like you end up with STDs, paternity suits, divorces, rape accusations, and alimony payments. Then you end up a blackpilled suicidal alcoholic because you realized Roosh V is a snake oil salesman who makes shekels by selling his shitty self-brand to betas who take his every word as gospel.

Because sleeping around with skanks is the mark of high quality

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>anyone who isn't an extremist catholic is a hedonist
You probably are not even an adult, so it's okay, we all thought this way too once.

Being intelligent and not devoting yourself to an invisible sky god is not really a low quality trait you know. Funny how you bitter virgins always live in such a black and white world. If someone is not saving herself for marriage, it means she is a promiscuous slut who has fucked at least 100 guys.

>And hedonists like you end up with STDs, paternity suits, divorces, rape accusations, and alimony payments.
Only if you're retard-tier garbage hedonist. Regular hedonism is treating habits like the cheese platter at a house party.

>it means she is a promiscuous slut who has fucked at least 100 guys.
Then why does every atheist/pagan broscience PUA claim exactly this?

>that's not REAL hedonism!

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>having sex with someone you love is like the cheese platter at a house party

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>Funny how you bitter virgins always live in such a black and white world
Kek, the ones who hate women the most are not incels, but self-styled casanovas who chase after genuinely shitty women.
>double standards
It takes two to hook up. Don't cry or get pissy when she cheats on you.

I won't, but men and women can be held to different standards.

Uh, no. Wrong. If you whoremonger around and then complain that women are whores, you are either a moron or a hypocrite.
>inb4 muh biological differences between men and women
None of which matter in the context of relationships.

>Your virginity isn't precious,
For you.
>Sex isn't that great OP.
Finding a $100 bill on the ground isn't that great if you have thousands of them.

You don't need an invisible sky god to tell you that promiscuity is a detrimental mental state rather than physical. The amount of dicks is irrelevant, rather the amount of emotional investment these women make with every new partner. These women treat sexual relationships as a tool for there emotional and sexual hedonism, which is all good for casual sex, but to choose this path and then think that they are ready for a commitment such as marriage is naive and show their entitlement. Overtime they mentally and emotionally adapt in how to act and use "sexual relationships" in a way that can be universally applied to any man they happen to be with at the time. The man is no longer important to the equation like other relationship, but rather if she can use the man to reach a desired outcome of their sexual relationship. So what they call "relationship experience" is depreciation of their emotional and social worth, whether this is healthy behavior, depends on the biological goals of a set population.

okay this is epic

save yourself for marriage. its the right thing to do. dont sleep with girls you dont really llove and certainly dont sleep with whores

But why are you saving yourself? Is it for religious reasons?

>another thread filled with shitflinging fedoras calling people "le dumb incels" despite having zero evidence whatsoever to back up their meaningless existence

Good on you OP, and Godspeed.
>Bivariate results suggested that delaying sexual involvement was associated with higher relationship quality across several dimensions. The multivariate results indicated that the speed of entry into sexual relationships was negatively associated with marital quality, but only among women."
>"I find that premarital sex or premarital cohabitation that is limited to a woman's husband is not associated with an elevated risk of marital disruption. However, women who have more than one intimate premarital relationship have an increased risk of marital dissolution."
>"Both structural equation and group comparison analyses demonstrated that sexual restraint was associated with better relationship outcomes, even when controlling for education, the number of sexual partners, religiosity, and relationship length."
>"The happiness-maximizing number of sexual partners in the previous year is calculated to be 1."
>"measures of subjective well-being indicate that women's happiness has declined both absolutely and relative to men. The paradox of women's declining relative well-being is found across various datasets, measures of subjective well-being, and is pervasive across demographic groups and industrialized countries. Relative declines in female happiness have eroded a gender gap in happiness in which women in the 1970s typically reported higher subjective well-being than did men."

>"Social and legal changes have given people more autonomy over individual and family decision making, including rights over marriage, children born out of wedlock, the use of birth control, abortion, and divorce (Stevenson and Wolfers, 2007). Once again, men may have been able to disproportionately benefit from these increased opportunities: Akerlof, Yellen, and Katz (1996) argue that sexual freedom offered by the birth control pill benefited men by increasing the pressure on women to have sex outside of marriage"

Difference between love and lust:
>"Several studies have now demonstrated that oxytocin plays a role in the development of the pair bond in the female prairie vole. Injections of an OT antagonist, a drug that blocks activation of the OT receptor, directly into the female prairie vole brain prior to cohabitation and mating inhibits the subsequent development of a partner preference"
>"These regions [of the brain with oxytocin and vasopressin receptors] are excellent candidates for facilitating pair bond formation because they are rich in dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with reward and addiction."
>" The results of these investigations suggest that romantic love and sexual desire are governed by functionally independent social-behavioral systems that evolved for different reasons and that involve different neurochemical substrates.
>" Controlling for demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, the death rate for people who were unmarried was significantly higher than it was for those who were married and living with their spouses. Although the effect was significant for all categories of unmarried, it was strongest for those who had never married. The never married effect was seen for both sexes, and was significantly stronger for men than for women."

> A huge part of female attraction is how valuable their selected mate is
That simply means you should be able to attract other women, not that you actually should end up doing so--certainly not to the degree of sleeping with them.

I was in a rush to lose my virginity when I was 18 and I ended up doing it with a girl who I wasn't super attracted to, or really liked that much. I really wished I had waited to do it with someone I was more attracted to and liked more, but I cant take back what I did. Just wait man, it doesn't sound like you have trouble getting dates. I feel like it's a lot easier to find a girl who'd be cool with that rather than a guy with a girl who was saving her viriginity.